1. By my life, the mill of war ground on after
It had sent up sparks east and west.
١. لَعَمري لَقَد حَكَّت رَحى الحَربِ بَعدَما
أَطارَت لُؤَيّاً قَبلُ شَرقاً وَمَغرِبا
2. It left the rest of the priestly house and their glory
Humiliated, after they had been victorious.
٢. بَقِيَّةَ آلِ الكاهِنَينِ وَعِزَّها
فَعادَ ذَليلاً بَعدَما كانَ أَغلَبا
3. Salam and the son of Sufyan fell in battle
And the son of Akhtab was bound a captive to death.
٣. فَطاحَ سَلامٌ وَاِبنُ سَعيَةَ عَنوَةً
وَقيدَ ذَليلاً لِلمَنايا اِبنُ أَخطَبا
4. He who had sought glory, now sought humiliation,
The opposite of what he had obtained when he sought glory.
٤. وَأَجلَبَ يَبغي العِزَّ وَالذُلَّ يَبتَغي
خِلافُ يَدَيهِ ما جَنى حينَ أَجلَبا
5. Like one who abandons the flat ground and walks uphill,
Though he had been the strongest and most stubborn among men.
٥. كَتارِكِ سَهلِ الأَرضِ وَالحَزنُ هَمُّهُ
وَقَد كانَ ذا في الناسِ أَكدى وَأَصعَبا
6. And Shammas and 'Izzal had prayed in it
And had not been absent from it when others were absent.
٦. وَشَأسٌ وَعَزّالٌ وَقَد صَلِيا بِها
وَما غُيِّبا عَن ذاكَ فيمَن تَغَيَّبا
7. And 'Auf ibn Salma and the son of 'Awf, both of them
And Ka'b, the leader of the people - the war destroyed them.
٧. وَعَوفُ بنُ سَلمى وَاِبنُ عَوفٍ كِلاهُما
وَكَعبٌ رَئيسُ القَومِ حانَ وَخُيِّبا
8. So curse its ruins and similarly curse it!
If a conquest follows or if Allah follows it!
٨. فَبُعداً وَسُحقاً لِلنَضيرِ وَمِثلُها
إِنُ اُعقِبَ فَتحٌ أَو إِنِ اللَهُ أَعقَبا