1. O Qais, you are the worst of your tribe
Anciently and presently the most ignoble
١. يا قَيسُ أَنتُم شِرارُ قَومِكُمُ
قِدماً وَأَنتُم أَغَثُّهُم نَسَبا
2. You have sworn allegiance to debauchery, treachery, stinginess
Miserliness, cowardice, and lies altogether
٢. حالَفتُمُ الفُحشَ وَالخِيانَةَ وَال
بُخلَ جَميعاً وَاللُؤمَ وَالكَذِبا
3. O Qais, indeed, noble lineages are attained
By those who raid at dusk the thorny thickets
٣. يا قَيسُ إِنَّ الأَسلابَ أَحرَزَها
مَن كانَ يُغشي الذَوائِبَ القُضُبا
4. While you, not on your deathbed, stay at home
And jest of our warring as if mere play
٤. وَأَنتَ في الدارِ غَيرُ مُحتَضِرٍ
حَرباً وَتَدعو قِتالَنا لَعِبا
5. Had you been among them when war grew fierce
You would have been among the defeated, blamed
٥. لَو كُنتَ فيهِم وَالحَربُ لاقِحَةٌ
لَكُنتَ فيهِم مُغَلَّباً ذَنَبا
6. We ransacked whatever was in your abodes
The day we overran them with spears
٦. نَحنُ اِستَبَحنا ما في دِيارِكُمُ
يَومَ صَبَحناكُمُ بِها حُصَبا
7. We are the protectors of sanctuaries throughout
The days of yore, and long ago we led you like lambs
٧. نَحنُ حُماةُ الأَطامِ في سالِفِ ال
دَهرِ وَقِدماً سُقناكُمُ حَنَبا