
The young perish and the old pass away

أشاب الصغير وأفنى الكبير

1. The young perish and the old pass away
The nights roll on and the evenings go by

١. أشابَ الصّغيرَ وأفْنى الكبيـ
ـرَ كَرُّ اللّيالي ومَرٌّ العَشِيِّ

2. When a night grows old, its day comes after
A youthful day follows thereafter

٢. إذا لَيْلَةُ هرّمَتْ يَومَها
أتى بَعْدَ ذلِكَ يومٌ فَتِي

3. We come and go for our needs
But the needs of one alive are endless

٣. نَروحُ وَنَغْدو لحاجاتِنا
وحاجَةُ مَنْ عاشَ لا تَنْقَضيْ

4. A man's needs die with him
Yet one need stays as long as he lives

٤. تموتُ مَعَ المَرْءِ حاجاتُه
وتَبْقى له حاجةٌ ما بَقيْ

5. If you say to one you see someday
"Have you not seen how Luqman advised his son?"

٥. إذا قُلتَ يوماً لمنْ قد تَرى
ألم ترَ لُقمانَ أوصى أبنه

6. I advised Umar, and how excellent was my advice:
"My son, men's secret talk has shown its evil,

٦. وأوصَيتُ عمراً ونِعمَ الوَصي
بُنَي بدا خِبُّ نَجوى الرجالِ

7. So match their talk with guarded speech,
And let your secret be with no other man,

٧. فَكُن عِنْدَ سِركَ خِبَّ النَّجي
وسِرُّكَ ما كان عِنْد امْرئٍ

8. For the secret of three is no secret.
All gloom equals the night you dread.

٨. وسِرُّ الثلاثةِ غيرُ الخفِي
فَكُلًّ سوادٍ وأن هِبتَهُ

9. Seek rhyming verse if you speak it out,
For much speech lacks cadence.

٩. من اللّيل يُخشى كما تَختشي
أرِدْ محكمَ الشعر إنْ قُلتَه

10. Show me the mysteries, and I'll show you riches,
As silence is nearer than some speech.

١٠. فإن الكلامَ كثيرُ الروي
أرُوني السَّريَّ أرَوْكَ الغَني

11. Let the soul shun following desire,
For the youth gets not all he craves."

١١. كما الصَّمتُ أدنْى لِبَعْضِ اللسانِ
فَبَعْضُ التكلُّم أدْنى لِعِي

١٢. دَعِ النّفْسَ اتّباعِ الهّوى
فَما للفتى كُلُّ ما يَشتهي