
A knight immersed in the turmoil of death,

وفارس في غمار الموت منغمس

1. A knight immersed in the turmoil of death,
When he complained of adversity in truth,

١. وفارسٍ في غمارِ الموت منغمسٍ
إذا تَألَّى على مكروهة صَدقا

2. I covered him while he was bold and steadfast,
Anger struck evenly on the head and split them,

٢. غَشِّيتُه وهو جأواءَ باسلةٍ
عَضبا أصاب سواءَ الرأس فانفلقا

3. With a blow that was not a stab from me,
Neither did I hasten it in cowardice or separation.

٣. بضربة لم تكن مني مُخالَسةً
ولا تعجَّلتُها جُبنا ولا فَرقا

4. If my lesson remains obscured I will restrain it,
For I have often bowed my head and neck.

٤. فإن تكن عبرتي ظلت أكفكفها
فربَّ قرن أمَلتُ الرَّأس والعنقا