
Rejoice, our luck has risen

أبشروا حظنا نهض

1. Rejoice, our luck has risen
After it had passed away

١. أَبشِروا حَظُّنا نَهَض
بَعدَ ما كانَ قَد رَمَض

2. And we have a shining future
After long estrangement and loss

٢. وَسَنا بارِق المُنى
بَعدَ طُولِ الجَفا وَمَض

3. And an eye of our fate has looked upon us
After long gloom

٣. وَرَنا طَرفُ دَهرِنا
نَحوَنا بَعدَ طولِ غَض

4. And its suns have removed
The darkness of ignorance, so it vanished

٤. وَأَزالَت شُموسُهُ
ظُلمَةَ الجَهلِ فَاِنغَمَض

5. And truth has come after
Falsehood, defeated, perished

٥. وَأَتى الحَقُّ بَعدَما
زَهَقَ الباطِلُ المُهَض

6. And the dull spirited one
Of an element with no menstruation

٦. وَالبَليد الطِباع مِن
عُنصرٍ ما بِهِ حَيَض

7. Treated the people with estrangement
And refused the ways of loyalty

٧. عامَلَ القَومَ بِالجَفا
وَلطُرقِ الوَفا رَفَض

8. Ignorant of grammar, he
Who settled the people, had violated

٨. جَهل النَحوَ وَالَّذي
قَرَّرَ القَوم قَد نَقَض

9. So for this and its like
And for a matter which is the aim

٩. فَلِهَذا وَشبهه
وِلِأَمرٍ هُوَ الغَرَض

10. They raised him dragging him
Instead of accusative, so he descended

١٠. رَفَعوهُ بِجَرّه
بَدل النَصبِ فَاِنخَفض

11. They substituted us in his place
A substitution, what a substitution!

١١. عوّضُونا مَكانَهُ
عوضاً يا لَهُ عوَض

12. The best judge of the soldiers of religion
With truth he has risen

١٢. خَيرَ قاضي عَساكر ال
دينِ بِالحَقِّ قَد نَهَض

13. The most just of people if he judges
The most generous if he is presented

١٣. أَعدلُ الخَلقِ إِن قَضى
أَكرَمُ الناسِ إِن عَرَض

14. The most knowledgeable of people in what
God has legislated and made obligatory

١٤. أَعلَمُ القَومِ بِالَّذي
شَرَعَ الحَقَّ وَاِفتَرَض

15. And by it he has risen like
The accident has risen by the essence

١٥. وَبِهِ قامَ مِثلَما
قامَ بِالجَوهَرِ العَرَض

16. So for this a caller has said
In a discourse for him, urging

١٦. فَلِذا قالَ هاتِفٌ
في خِطابٍ لَهُ وَحَض

17. You are the one who has surmounted
What has come and risen

١٧. أَنتَ ذاكَ الَّذي عَلا
ما بِهِ جاءَ وَاِنتَهَض

18. Arise and take him chronicling
Renew the religion, O substitute!

١٨. قُم وَخُذهُ مُؤَرِّخاً
جَدِّد الدينَ يا عَوَض