
What path of truth have you taken, what path

نهج حق سلكتم أي نهج

1. What path of truth have you taken, what path
And what is your argument, what argument

١. نَهجِ حَقّ سَلَكتُم أَيّ نَهج
وَحَجَجتُم مَكانَكُم أَيّ حَجِّ

2. And you have removed from yourselves people's suspicions
That have made them confused and perplexed

٢. وَنَفيتُم عَنكُم ظُنون أُناسٍ
صَيَّرتُهُم ما بَينَ هَرجٍ وَمَرجِ

3. When you judged with the truth a third of the money
That would not have helped the son of Al-Nashanji

٣. إِذ قَضَيتُم بِالحَقِّ في ثُلثِ مالٍ
لَم يَكُن مُغنياً عَن اِبنِ النَشانجي

4. From an executor who followed his father
When he hid the third of Al-Nashanji in a small room

٤. مِن وَصِيّ قَدِ اِقتَدى بِأَبيهِ
حينَ أَخفى ثلث النَشانجي بدُرجِ

5. Deeming the money everlasting life
Or salvation from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection

٥. حَسِبَ المال مُخلِداً لِحياة
أَو مِنَ النارِ في القيامَةِ يُنجي

6. A father had struggled over it, and a son pursued it
And now it is between steepness and softness

٦. كَدّ فيهِ أَبٌ وَتابَعَهُ اِبنٌ
وَغَدا الآنَ بَينَ عُرج وَفُلجِ

7. It almost, were it not for your care, would have been thrown
Between the cheeks of a coarse and soft mouth

٧. كادَ لَولا عِنايَةٌ مِنكَ يُلقى
بَينَ شِدقي فمٍ دَريسٍ وَفَرجِ

8. So take it out, that you may take it out, and there will come
To you the gratitude of that from every crevice

٨. فَاِخرجوهُ لِتُخرِجوهُ وَيَأتي
لَكُم شُكر ذَاكَ مِن كُلِّ فَجِّ

9. Then give a portion of it to the judge of the military
Then specify for the poor man a portion from it

٩. ثُم خُصُّوا قاضي العَساكر مِنهُ
ثُمَّ عُمّوا الفَقير مِنهُ بِخَرجِ

10. You have not ceased to be in a state and a high rank
From both of which grace is hoped for at all times

١٠. لا بَرحتُم في دَولَةٍ وَسموٍّ
مِنهُما الفَضل كُلَّ حينٍ يُرَجِّي