1. He recalled the pact and the abode,
And pastures of the most affluent game,
١. ذَكَرَ المَعاهِدَ وَالدِمَن
وَمَراتِعَ الظَبيِ الأَغَن
2. And its decorated, fragrant forests -
After a long absence from the homeland.
٢. وَشَجاه مَسجور الفُؤا
د بعيدَ عَهدٍ بِالوَطَن
3. In Rome, the wailing of a dove,
And a fair gazelle cries out in artistry,
٣. بِالرُومِ نوحُ حَمامَةٍ
وَرقاءَ تَهتِفُ في فَنَن
4. A foreigner whose melody arabicizes
The secret of passionate love.
٤. عَجماء يُعرِبُ لَحنُها
سِرَّ الغَرام المُكتَمَن
5. It demonstrates on the terraces of the shrine
Types of all kinds of yearning.
٥. تُبدي عَلى فنَن الأَرا
كِ فُنونَ أَنواع الشَجَن
6. The sanctuary did not intend that its melody
Would be anything but a melody.
٦. ما رامَ مَعبَدُ أَن يُضا
هي لَحنَها إِلّا لَحَن
7. It dictated from papers what
You learned from the paths of sadness,
٧. أَملَت مِنَ الأَوراقِ ما
دَرَستَهُ مِن طُرُقِ الحَزَن
8. And it related the conversations of love
With its authentic and good lineage,
٨. وَرَوت أَحاديثَ الهَوى
بِصَحيحِ مُسنَدِها الحَسَن
About a weeping person and an exhausted body,
٩. عَن عَبرَةٍ مهرَاقَةٍ
تَهمي وَجسم مُمتَهَن
10. About agony, about sighing,
About a watery eye and a wounded...
١٠. عَن لَوعَةٍ عَن زَفرَةٍ
عَن مُقلَةٍ قَرحى وَعَن
11. It sheds tears - if only it knew for whom!
Thought of the homeland watered it -
١١. تُذري الدُموع وَلَيتَها
في شَجوِها تَدري بِمَن
12. The rain watered the protected homeland,
Where the abode is spacious
١٢. طارَحتُها ذكر الحِمى
سَقى الحِمى غَيثٌ هَتَن
13. In Damascus, the paradise of its settler,
So its coolness and its courtyard
١٣. حَيثُ الدِيارُ فَسيحَةٌ
بِدِمَشقَ جَنّةُ مَن قَطَن
14. Where established rituals are performed,
And the purity of its water like Kawthar
١٤. فَبَرادُها فَبَريدُها
فَفِناءُ جامِعِها الحَسَن
15. From Salsabil - how generous!
And that harbor for the well-rested,
١٥. فَرواقهُ حَيثُ الفُرو
ض تُقام فيهِ مَعَ السُنَن
16. And those exceptional shelters,
And a channel to an open space
١٦. فَصَفاء كَوثَر مائِها
مِن سَلسَبيلٍ ما أَجَن
17. In a meadow full of bounty.
My longing for my time through which
١٧. فَمَقيل هاتيكَ الرُبى
فَظِلال هاتيكَ الفَنَن
18. The valleys were watered from an era,
Where youth has lodged
١٨. فَمَسيل باناسٍ إِلى
بِطحاءَ في رَوض أَغَن
19. And singers residence,
The lively elite of highborn -
١٩. شَوقي إِلى زَمَني بِها
سُقِيَ الغُوادي مِن زَمَن
20. As lush as the abundant game,
It poured with its charm
٢٠. حَيثُ الشَبيبَةُ مَنزِلٌ
وَالغانِياتُ لَهُ سَكَن
21. The water of youth - time's crack.
I cannot forget the day of farewell
٢١. مِن كُلِّ مُخطَفةِ الحَشا
رودٌ كَما الرَشأ الأَغَن
22. And her words at the verge of departure,
As tears scatter pearls
٢٢. هَيفاءَ صَبَّ بِعِطفِها
ماءَ الصِبا شَرخُ الزَمَن
23. That water the protected land,
"Oh, my ordeal that has destroyed
٢٣. لَم أَنسَها يَومَ الوَداع
وَقَولَها عِندَ الظَعَن
24. A lover afflicted with you,"
"Why not return - my heart belongs to you."
٢٤. وَالدَمعُ ينثرُ لُؤلُؤاً
مِن نَرجِسٍ يَسقي الدِمَن
25. I answered her, "No - by Him
Whose secret to me is like the seen!
٢٥. يا مِحنَتي أَودى البِعا
دُ بِعاشِقٍ بِكَ مُمتَحَن
26. "Or He has left me to the shadows of one
Whose shade is a pillar for him."
٢٦. هَلّا رَجَعتَ فَإِنَّ لي
قَلباً بِحُبّك مُرتَهَن
27. The redundant lights of their secret divine -
Revealed to the people of insight,
٢٧. فَأَجَبتُها لا وَالَّذي
سِرّي لَدَيهِ كَالعَلَن
28. The burnisher of existence and the demonstrator
Of names through abundant overflow like who?
٢٨. أَو تَركَني لِظِلالِ مَن
ظِلُّ الإِلَهِ لَهُ رُكُن
29. No, time's material dot
And nakedness beyond time,
٢٩. الفائِض الأَنوار عَن
سِرٍّ إِلَهيّ عَلَن
30. I mean the most lucky and merciful
Of favors and graces,
٣٠. وَالمُستَفيظة مِن مبا
دئ عِلمِهِ أَهلُ الفِطَن
31. The secret of the successor and successor
And appearance and whatever veiled,
٣١. مَجلى الوُجود وَمُظهرُ ال
أَسماءِ عَن فَيضٍ كَمَن
32. So flee to his courts -
You are secured from the divergent tribulations.
٣٢. بَل نُقطَةُ الذات المُحي
طةِ وَالعَريَّة عَن زَمَن
33. And adhere to the soil of his doorsteps -
They are safety from ordeals.
٣٣. أَعني بِهِ سَعدَ المَكا
رم وَالمَراحم وَالمِنَن
34. And know Him truly before
The parts of the body decompose.
٣٤. سرّ الخَليفة وَالخَلي
قة وَالظُهور وَما بَطَن
35. For He is the Imam and there is no
Ambiguity in the address of the insightful.
٣٥. فَاِلجأ إِلى أَبوابِهِ
تَأَمن مِنَ الدَهرِ الفِتَن
36. And He is the One who has sacrificed Himself to
The secret of the Caliphate - trusted to deliver.
٣٦. وَاِلثِم ثَرى أَعتابِهِ
فَهيَ الأَمانُ مِنَ المِحَن
37. Or do you not consider the secure spirit
How it resided in His secret?
٣٧. وَاِعرفهُ حَقّاً قَبلَ أَن
تَنحلَّ أَجزاءُ البَدَن
38. It drives through him in justice
The Sunna of the Prophet to the Sunna of the Prophet.
٣٨. فَهوَ الإِمام وَلا كِنا
ية في الخِطاب لِمَن فَطَن
39. And I have extended to His door
My hope though sustenance has narrowed,
٣٩. وَهوَ الَّذي أَضحى عَلى
سِرِّ الخِلافَة مُؤتَمَن
40. And I thought well, recalling
"I am with My servant wherever he expects Me."
٤٠. أَوَ ما تَرى الروحَ الأَمي
نَ بِسِرِّهِ كَيفَ اِستَكَن
41. For He is the One who gives the wishes
From His comfort - and not from...
٤١. يَجري بِهِ في العَدلِ مِن
سُنَن النَبِيّ عَلى سَنَن
42. God has extended his shelters
In both worlds with the extent of time,
٤٢. وَلَقَد عَطَفتُ لِبابِهِ
أَملي وَقَد ضاقَ العَطَن
43. And his sons are moons of houses
Wherever He lodges their dwelling.
٤٣. وَظَنَنتُ خَيراً ذاكِراً
أَنا عِندَ عَبدي حَيثُ ظَن
44. The beauty of happiness and sovereignty
And the era's prime.
٤٤. فَهوَ الَّذي يَهبُ المُنى
مِن راحَتيهِ وَلَيسَ مِن
45. Time has averted from them
Its catastrophes and shifts.
٤٥. مَدَّ الإِلَهُ ظِلالَهُ
في العالَمينَ مَدى الزَمَن
46. By Muhammad, by his Household -
People of eloquence and tongue!
٤٦. وَبَنيهِ أَقمارُ المَنا
زِلِ حَيثُ يَحويهم سَكَن
٤٧. الجامِعي طَرَفَ السَعا
دَةِ وَالسِيادَةِ في قَرَن
٤٨. صَرف الزَمان خُطوبَه
وَصُرُوفَهُ عَنهُم وَعَن
٤٩. بِمُحَمَّدٍ وَبِآلِهِ
أَهلِ الفَصاحة وَاللسَن