
My master, O sea of splendor

مولاي يا بحر الندى

1. My master, O sea of splendor
O you of generous hands

١. مَولايَ يا بَحرَ النَدى
يا ذا الأَيادي الوافِيَه

2. O best of learned men
Whose views suffice for me

٢. يا خَيرَ حَبرٍ عالِمٍ
آراؤُهُ لِيَ كافِيَه

3. And piercing ray of overflowing grace
That solved the lofty matter

٣. وَشهاب فَضلٍ ثاقِبٍ
حَلَّ المَجَرَّة سامِيَه

4. And he whose lights transgressed
As guides for the misguided

٤. وَمَنِ اِغتَدَت أَنوارُهُ
لِذوي الضَلالة هادِيَه

5. A piece of me was taken away
Like a garden at full bloom

٥. وَافتكَ مِنّي قطعَةٌ
كَالرَوضِ عُلَّ بِسَارِيَه

6. So his lights opened up
Like creations made to praise you

٦. فَتَفَتّحَت أَنوارُهُ
كَخلائِقٍ لَكَ زاكِيَه

7. And it turned from your slave towards
Your gate, flowing

٧. وَافَت مِنَ المَملوكِ تَنحُو
نَحو بابِكَ جارِيَه

8. Seeking your approval, and it suffices
To have your acceptance and well-being

٨. تَبغى رِضاكَ وَحَسبُها
مِنكَ الرِضا وَالعافِيَه

9. And it hopes for success in attaining
What it came desiring

٩. وَتَرومُ نُجحَ القَصدِ في
أَمرٍ أَتَتهُ راجِيَه

10. And sees it as something simple
O you of abundant gifts

١٠. وَتَراهُ شَيئاً هَيِّناً
يا ذا العَطايا الفاشِيَه

11. That our master, who attained
The lofty sciences

١١. هُوَ أَنَّ سَيِّدنا الَّذي
حازَ العُلومَ السامِيَه

12. The progeny of the prominent branch
Of the most excellent roots

١٢. النجلُ مِن فَرعِ العَلا
ءِ مِنَ الأُصُولِ الزاكِيَه

13. From a lofty Arabian palm
Came to the book market after

١٣. مِن دَوحَةٍ عَربِيّةٍ
لِسُمُوِّها مُتسامِيَه

14. The second prayer
And bought out of kindness

١٤. وافى لِسوقِ الكتبِ مِن
بَعدَ الصَلاةِ الثانِيَه

15. A commentary on the exposition
Of the objectives, an annotation

١٥. وَاِبتاعَ مِن لُطفٍ عَلى
شَرحِ المَواقِفِ حاشِيَه

16. It is the desire of the slave
From the days of youth and want

١٦. هِيَ بُغيةُ المَملوكِ مِن
عَصرِ الصِبا وَمَرادِيَه

17. Perhaps my master will treat it
Gently with his annotation

١٧. فَعَسى أعامِلُ سَيّدي
مِنهُ بِرِقَّة حاشِيَه

18. Take it to yourself and compose it
In an hour or second

١٨. خُذها إِلَيكَ وَنَظمُها
في ساعَةٍ أَو ثانِيَه

19. While you both remain in blessing
And lasting joy

١٩. لا زِلتُما في نِعمَةٍ
وَمَسَرّةٍ مُتَمادِيَه

20. No starry-eyed one laments
The gardens in full bloom

٢٠. ما ناحَ قُمريٌّ عَلى
فَنَن الرِياضِ الزاهِيَه

21. And the stranger heads home
After the distant lands

٢١. وَصَبا الغَريب إِلى الحِمى
بَعدَ الدِيارِ النائِيَه