1. Alas! Is there no defense against unbearable injustice?
No hearing of a claim against the most hostile opponent?
١. أَلا هَل لِظُلمٍ لا يُطاق دِفاعُ
وَدَعوى عَلى الخَصم الأَلدّ سَماعُ
2. No way remains in the bow of insight and judgment.
The dispute of the generous servant has dragged on too long.
٢. فَلَم يَبقَ في قَوس التَبصُّرِ مَنزَعٌ
وَقَد طالَ مِن عَبدِ الكَريمِ نِزاعُ
3. The arrows of fate have struck him and the resolute guardians of death have aimed at him.
His life is torn to shreds, every shred torn apart,
٣. رَمَتهُ سِهامُ الحادِثاتِ وَأَقصَدَت
حماةُ المَنايا صارِمٌ وَيَراعُ
4. And a hand and an arm snatch parts of it away.
When he did not fulfill at the proper time a promise
٤. تَمَزَّق مِنهُ العُمر كُلّ مَمَزَّقٍ
وَيَنتاشه مِنها يَدٌ وَذِراعُ
5. Of an office which cannot be defended,
I never hoped from him for any office, but rather
٥. إِذا هُوَ لَم يُنجِز عَلى القُرب مَوعِداً
بِمَنصِبِ دَرسٍ لَيسَ عَنهُ دِفاعُ
6. I hoped for the dew of good fortune, whose nature is benevolence.
A youth whose palm is created for three things:
٦. وَلَم أَرجُ مِنهُ مَنصِباً قَطّ إِنَّما
رَجَوتُ نَدى سَعدٍ نَداه طِباعُ
7. Generosity, sternness, and valor.
My lord, my lineage has become widely known at your door,
٧. فَتى كَفّه مَخلوقةٌ لِثَلاثَةٍ
سَماحٌ وَعَضبٌ صارِمٌ وَيَراعُ
8. And my poetry praising your eminence is shared.
Many odes have issued from me to you,
٨. أَمَولاي قَد شاعَت لِبابِكَ نِسبَتي
وَمَقسومُ مَدحي في عُلاك مُشاعُ
9. And messages whose honor is unblemished and pure.
You made a promise to me whose fulfillment has been delayed,
٩. وَقَد صَدَرَت مِنّي إِلَيكَ قَصائِدٌ
وَرُقعَة وَجه لَم تُهَن وَرِقاعُ
10. So fulfill it at a rapid pace.
Fulfill it by your authoritative command, for
١٠. وَلي مِنكَ وَعدٌ قَد تَراخى نِجازه
فَمُنّ بِميعادٍ خُطاه سِراعُ
11. Your commands are obeyed by those with beating hearts.
١١. فَأَنجِزهُ بِالأَمرِ المُطاعِ فَهَذِهِ
أَوامِرُكُم في الخافِقَينِ تُطاعُ