1. When she promised with beauty on a day of twisted sands,
Her covenants left me only with delay.
١. وَفَت إِذ لَوَت بِالوَعدِ يَوم لِوى الرَمل
وَمِن عَهدِها لي المَواعيد بِالمَطلِ
2. Her tents shone from the full moons and circled
Above the bending [horizon] from the brightest stars.
٢. مَها مِن بُروج البَدرِ لاحَت وَدارُها
عَلى المُنحَنى مِن ذي الأَراكة فَالأَثلِ
3. The pain of her eyelashes from the glances of a beauty -
The charm of her glances filled with languor.
٣. عِذابُ الثَنايا مِن كَواعبِ غادَةٍ
حِسانُ التَثَنّي قَد ثَمِلنَ مِن الدَلِّ
4. Her glances are like stars
That took aim in the sky of beauty beyond any peer.
٤. كَواعِبُ إِلّا أَنَّهنَّ كَواكِبٌ
سَمَت في سَماء الحُسنِ عَن سِمَةِ المِثلِ
5. She donned the fine writing of poetry as cloaks -
Youth quenched them in vintage poured on parchment.
٥. كَسَت حِبرَ الوَشيِ البَديعِ مَعاطِفاً
سَقاها الشَبابُ الرُوق سَجلاً عَلى سَجلِ
6. The stallions were adorned with what was in her cheeks -
The adornment of steeds with strung pearls.
٦. وَقَلَّدَت الأَجيادُ ما في ثُغورِها
تَقَلُّدَ أَجيادِ الرُبا لُؤلُؤَ الطَلِّ
7. She spent the night watching over the wounded of love -
The sanctuary of the heart, not the refuge of pasture and sand.
٧. وَباتَت عَلى الجَرعاء مِن أَيمَنِ الحِمى
حِمى القَلبِ تَرعى لا حِمى البانِ وَالرَملِ
8. Indeed, in her abode gathered a foursome
Of dark clouds, ever rains pouring.
٨. أَلا رَبعَت في دارِها أَربَعِيَّةً
سماكيَّة الأَنواءِ دائِمَة الهَطلِ
9. With laughter that elicits smiles in the gardens at watering places
From cheeks that entice the meadows’ bushes.
٩. مِنَ الضَحِكِ اللاتي يُضاحِكُ وَدقُها
ثُغورَ الأَقاحي في الرِياض بِمُنهَلِّ
10. She sways the slender twigs toward the gazelle,
As the young oryx glance at her from sleepy eyes.
١٠. فَتَعطِفُ لِيتَ الرَندِ نَحوَ عُرارِهِ
وَيَرنو لَها الحَوذان عَن أَعيُنٍ شُهلِ
11. She renews from those features covenants
I promised regarding the beauty of her face and form.
١١. تُجدِّدُ مِن تِلكَ الرُسومِ مَعاهِداً
عَهدتُ بِها حُسّانَةَ الجيدِ وَالشَكلِ
12. She captivates and the teeth of her eyelids when she is amorous
Turn the cups of comfort with a languorous gaze.
١٢. وَأَحوَرَ وَسنانَ الجُفون إِذا رَنا
أَدارَ كُؤوس الراحِ بِالحَدَقِ النُجلِ
13. My friend, stay with me in the dwellings so we may
Inquire of their singer about the youthful foal.
١٣. خَليلي أَقِم بي في الديارِ لَعَلَّنا
نُسائِلُ مَغناها عَنِ الرَشَأ الطفلِ
14. Stay so she may return the word, or perhaps
I will leave with her some of the madness that is within me.
١٤. أَقم عَلّها أَن تُرجع القَولَ أَو عَسى
أُخلِّفُ فيها بَعضَ ما بي مِنَ الخبلِ
15. If she pauses for your sake an hour,
Then pause by those landmarks for my sake.
١٥. فَإِن تَقِفَن مِن أَجلِ نَفسِكَ ساعَةً
فَقِفها عَلى تِلكَ المَعالِمِ مِن أَجلي
16. For many a beauty from the tents, their new moons
Shone for us in the darkness of flowering nights.
١٦. فرُبَّ فَتاةٍ مِن مَهاةٍ بُدورُها
تَجَلَّت بِداجي لَيلِ فَرعٍ لَها جَثلِ
17. They revealed to us from the brink of a paralyzed love
That returns at dawn in a clear caravan.
١٧. وَأَجلَت لَنا عَن أُقحُوان مُفلّجٍ
يَرودُ بَعلِّ المسك في واضح رَتلِ
18. Of the antelopes, a white-thighed doe
Said, “I am slain by love without reserve.”
١٨. مِنَ الغيدِ بَيضاءُ التَرائِبِ طفلَة
وَقالَت قَتيلي في الغَرامِ بِلا ذَحلِ
19. “My union is in sacrificing myself, if you desire it,
Else, parting is nearer to me than union.”
١٩. وِصالي بِبَذلِ النَفسِ إِن كُنتَ طامِعاً
وَإِلّا الثُّريّا مِنكَ أَقرَبُ مِن وَصلي
20. So I said to her, while my eyes overflowed in gratitude,
And in my heart was a burning fire, its coolness boiling:
٢٠. فَقُلتُ لَها وَالعَينُ شكرى بِمائِها
وَفي القَلبِ نارٌ حَرّا بَردُها يَغلي
21. “I ransom you, O my soul, with my kingdom, but
Sa’d of the wilderness gained it before me.”
٢١. فَدَيتُكِ يا نَفسي بِملكي وَإِنَّما
تَمَلَّكَها سَعدُ البَريّة مِن قَبلي
22. The Imam of guidance, ocean of dew, vanquisher of enemies,
Ally of dew ceaselessly bestowing.
٢٢. إِمامُ الهُدى بَحرُ النَدى قامِعُ العِدا
حَليفُ النَدى لا يَفترُ الدَهرَ عَن بَذلِ
23. He is the pure scholar whose right hand
Apportions what bounty lies in both worlds.
٢٣. هُوَ العالِمُ الطُهرُ الَّذي بِيَمينهِ
تَقَسَّم ما في العالمين مِن الفَضلِ
24. He is the revealer of the secret of creation, whom
I quenched my thirst from the symbol of truth that he manifests.
٢٤. هُوَ المُجتَلي سِرّ الخَليقَة وَالَّذي
رَوِيَّتُه رَمزَ الحَقيقَةِ تَستَجلي
25. He is the displayer of the light whereby
The realities of genus and categories appeared.
٢٥. هُوَ المُظهِرُ النورَ الَّذي ظَهَرت بِهِ
حَقائِقُ ما يَلقى مِنَ الجنسِ وَالفَصلِ
26. He is the source of rulings and the wisdom
That shows us the clear path of truth.
٢٦. هُوَ المُصدر الأَحكامَ وَالحِكمَةَ الَّتي
تُرينا طَريقَ الحَقِّ وَاضِحَة السُبلِ
27. He is the overflowing of light, the banner that,
By mentioning his name, rain is summoned in place.
٢٧. هُوَ الفائِض الأَنوار وَالعَلَمُ الَّذي
بِذكرِ اسمهِ يُستَنزل الغَيثُ في مَحلِ
28. He whispers to the shadow of God the secrets
As they are in the Mother of the Book in origin.
٢٨. مُلَقِّن ظِلِّ اللَهِ أَسرارَ غَيبِهِ
كَما هِيَ في أُمّ الكِتابِ مِن الأَصلِ
29. The desired, the desire of truth, his kingdom remains unceasing,
Seen by the conjunction of fortune collected whole.
٢٩. مُرادٌ مريدُ الحَقِّ لا زالَ مُلكُهُ
يُرى بِقِران السَعدِ مُجتَمعَ الشَملِ
30. Thus the felicity of Sa’d al-Din in an age like his
Is a martyr of God’s oneness and justice.
٣٠. فَوجدانُ سَعدِ الدينِ في مِثلِ عَصرِهِ
شَهيدٌ بِوحدانيّةِ اللَهِ وَالعَدلِ
31. Blessed is he who granted him a rightly guided view
Upon which the sword flashes like a cutting blade.
٣١. تَبارَكَ مَن أَولاهُ رَأياً مُسَدَّداً
يَلوحُ عَلَيهِ كَالفِرند مِنَ النَصلِ
32. Without you, O felicitous Sa’d, the knots of this kingdom would not
Have been undone, with slaughtered necks bleeding.
٣٢. وَلَولاكَ يا سَعدَ البَرايا لَما غَدا
مَعاقِدُ هَذا المُلك مُستَصحدُ الفَتلِ
33. And this attendant is in your right, beneath him
Taking the place of the white land and the withered grasses.
٣٣. وَهَذا يَراعٌ في يَمينك دُونَهُ
يَقومُ مَقامَ البيض وَالأَسَلِ الذبلِ
34. The kingdom is but a beauty by you made,
Else what is the merit of antelopes without beauty?
٣٤. وَما المُلكُ إِلّا غادَةٌ بِكَ شَكلُها
وَإِلّا فَما فَضلُ الغَواني بِلا شَكلِ
35. O Sa’d whose mention traveled
Like the morning breeze between the two orbits of day and night!
٣٥. أَلا أَيُّها السَعدُ الِّذي سارَ ذِكرُهُ
مَسير الصبا في الخافقينِ بِما يُولي
36. One whom the spheres obey his desires
And one whom the spheres almost record what he dictates!
٣٦. وَمَن دارَتِ الأَفلاك طَوعَ مُرادِهِ
وَمَن كادَتِ الأَفلاكُ تَكتُبُ ما يُملي
37. To your door the eulogies came as if
Cast by the eyes of beasts, concentrating their gaze.
٣٧. لِبابِكَ جاءَت بِالمَديح كَأَنَّما
رَمتها عيونُ الوَحشِ حَدَق قُبلِ
38. Poetry cannot be consoled by your description, but
It has risen in the celestial sphere, eulogizing you on high.
٣٨. إِلى الشِعر لا تُعزى بِوَصفِكَ بَل غَدَت
على فلك الشِعرى بِمَدحِكَ تَستَعلي
39. The poets’ strengths rise up and the meter of their verse
Vies as dignified she-camels vie the looks of overlords.
٣٩. تَحامى فحولُ الشِعرِ وزن عروضِها
كَما تَتحامي مُهجَةٌ نَظرَةَ الصِلِّ
40. It has lineage in Tai [tribe] but it grew
Between the gardens of Damascus in torrents of generosity.
٤٠. لَها نِسبَة في طَيِّئٍ غَيرَ أَنَّها
نَشَت بَينَ رَوضِ الشام في ذارِف الطَلِّ
41. Delicate, pure of nature - if she is soft,
The limit of her bite makes swords slick.
٤١. رَقيقَة صَفو الطَبعِ إِن هِيَ لُويِنَت
وَإِن خوشِنَت فَالحَدّ مِن نابِها يُفلي
42. And how many like her I have among the Romans, but
God forbid you are like drops in a foreign land.
٤٢. وَكَم مِثلها بِالرومِ لي خِلتُ أَنَّها
وَحاشاكَ مِثلَ القَطرِ في البَلَد المَحلِ
43. Knowledge, wisdom and argument summoned her to you
And she hopes for nothing but your abundant bestowal.
٤٣. دَعاها إِلَيكَ العِلمُ وَالحلمُ وَالحِجى
وَما تَرتَجي مِن صَوب نائِلك الجَزلِ
44. She came to glean from the plenty of your ease,
And obtain blessing in your presence without delay.
٤٤. أَتَت تَمتَري مِن جودِ راحَتِكَ الغنى
وَتستَنزلُ النعمى لَدَيكَ بِلا مَهلِ
45. Nothing remained of her patience but an antelope
Suspended between promises and procrastination.
٤٥. وَلَم يُبقِ مِنها صَبرُها غَيرَ مُهجَةٍ
مُعَلَّقة بَينَ المَواعيدِ وَالمَطلِ
46. So why do you not grant her special intercession?
For your command is like fate, prevailing over all.
٤٦. فَمالَكَ لا تَختَصُّها بِشَفاعَةٍ
وَأَمرُكَ كَالمِقدار يَنفذُ في الكُلِّ
47. By God, she is no less than the slain of love,
A Muslim in surrender to your nobility.
٤٧. فَوَاللَّهِ لَيسَت دونَ ما حاكَ وَشيهُ
صَريعُ الغَواني مُسلم مِن حلى الفَضلِ
48. You are the nobility whose nobility is bounty, and one who
Doubts is like one who doubts God and His messengers.
٤٨. وَأَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ مِن فَضلِكَ الفَضلُ وَالَّذي
يَشُكُّ كَمَن قَد شَكّ في اللَّهِ وَالرُسلِ