1. Ask the caravans at your thresholds about a lover thrown down in anguish,
And about tears shed throughout time that have never dried up.
١. سَلُوا الرَكبَ عَن صَبٍّ بِأَعتابِكم مُلقَى
وَعَن مَدمَعٍ فيكُم مَدى الدَهر لا يَرقا
2. Do not ask anything but the mounts, for they
Will inform you about my state and what I have endured.
٢. وَلا تَسأَلوا غَيرَ المَطايا فَإِنَّها
تُخَبِّرُكم عَن شَرحِ حالي وَما أَلقى
3. Oh, ask about a love-sick one, how he is faring,
Smooth-cheeked with yearning, complaining of frailty and passion,
٣. أَلا فَاسأَلوا عَن مُغرَمٍ كَيفَ حالُهُ
حليقُ ضَنىً يَشكو الصَبابة وَالعِشقا
4. He longs for you whenever the breeze blows lightly,
Pining, and flows whenever the leaves rustle.
٤. يَحِنُّ إِلَيكُم كُلَّما هَبَّتِ الصَبا
سُحَيراً وَيَصبُو كُلَّما صَدَحت وُرقا
5. And he is thrilled by memories of a beloved and dwellings
And a life spent relaxed and carefree with you.
٥. وَيُطرِبُ مِن ذكرى حَبيبٍ وَمَنزِلٍ
وَعَيشٍ تَقضّى مَعكُم يانِعاً طَلقا
6. He would be elated by you if he tried to express some of
What he feels of passions, he could not articulate it.
٦. مُغَنّىً بِكُم لَو رامَ إِظهار بَعض ما
يُجِنُّ مِنَ الأَشواقِ لَم يَستَطِع نُطقا
7. Whenever he races with the wind in the arena of sorrow
Due to extreme emaciation that befell him, he gains the lead.
٧. إِذا ما جَرى وَالريحَ في حَلبَةِ الضَنى
لِفَرط نُحولٍ مَسَّهُ أَحرَزَ السَبقا
8. He melts with love until when you are recalled,
His tears flow down his cheek, shaming the leaves.
٨. يَذوبُ جَوىً حَتّى إِذا عَنَّ ذِكرُكُم
جَرى دَمعُهُ في خَدِّهِ يُخجِلُ الوُرقا
9. O you who descend the slopes of Muhassab from Mina,
And you who visit the Sacred House, gently!
٩. أَيا نازِلي سَفح المُحَصَّب مِن مِنىً
وَيا زائِري البيت الحَرام أَلا رِفقا
10. Within me there is a sickness for you in my heart I anguish over,
And verses of passions that will remain with me forever.
١٠. فَبي مِنكُم داءٌ بِقَلبي أجنُّهُ
وَسورةُ أَشجانٍ مَعي أَبَداً تَبقى
11. O our loved ones! If the days have dispersed us
And the turns of fate have shown our separation to be true,
١١. أَأحبابُنا إِن شَتَّتَتنا يَدُ النَوى
وَأَبدَت صُروفُ الدَهر فُرقَتنا حَقّا
12. Then I am still loyal to the covenant between us and your rights,
And I have never for a day sought freedom from your loyalty.
١٢. فَإِنّي عَلى ما تَعهدونَ وَحَقِّكُم
وَلَم أَبغِ يَوماً مِن وَلائِكُم عِتقا
13. May God water the environs of the Hejaz and its people,
And convey my greetings to Suwayqah and al-Falq.
١٣. سَقى اللَهُ أَكنافَ الحِجاز وَأَهلَهُ
وَحَيّا الحَيا عَنّي سُويقةَ وَالفَلقا
14. He especially favored the generous of every country -
For their love, I have truly become a slave.
١٤. وَخَصَّ كِرام الناس في كُلِّ بَلدةٍ
لَقد صرتُ في حُكم الغَرام لَهُم رِقّا
15. O God of creation! I call on You beseeching
By the best of creation, the most eloquent.
١٥. إِلهَ الوَرى إِنّي دَعوتُكَ ضارِعاً
بِخَيرِ الوَرى المُختارِ أفصَحُهُم نُطقا
16. Gather us together soon, for separation
Has harmed us and we have endured what we face.
١٦. تُجَمِّعُنا عَمّا قَريبٍ فَإِنَّنا
أَضَرَّ بِنا طولُ البعادِ وَما نَلقى
17. Peace from God be upon you so long as a lover remains distracted
And the essence of fear comes toward you like lightning.
١٧. عَلَيكُم سَلامُ اللَهِ ما هامَ عاشِقٌ
وَشام مُعنّى الخَوف مِن نَحوِكُم بَرقا