
I did not forget him when he appeared approaching,

لم أنسه لما تبدى مقبلا

1. I did not forget him when he appeared approaching,
Delightful, his stature puts the branches to shame.

١. لَم أَنسَهُ لَمّا تَبَدّى مُقبِلاً
نَشوان يُخجِلُ قَدُّه الأَغصانا

2. Harsh he seemed to us with gentle qualities,
Dazzling people with their beauty, supple and lithe.

٢. قاسٍ أَرانا مِنهُ لُطفَ شَمائِلٍ
بَهرَ الأَنامِ بِحُسنِهنّ وَلانا