
A refuge drew water from Elya's springs

سقى معهدا من إيلياء هتون

1. A refuge drew water from Elya's springs
So my sorrows amidst those meadows prolong

١. سَقى مَعهَداً مِن إِيلياءَ هَتُونُ
فَلِي بَينَ هاتيكَ الرُبوعِ شُجونُ

2. The breeze still fluttering around its expanse
For the heart therein remains captive

٢. وَلا زالَ خَفّاقُ النَسيمِ بربعِهِ
يطيفُ فَإِن القَلبَ فيهِ رهينُ

3. Abodes of loved ones, when their mention passes
Their memory from afar pours sorrow

٣. مَنازِلُ أَحبابٍ إِذا عَنَّ ذِكرهُم
سَقَتهم عَلى بُعدِ الدِيارِ شُؤُونُ

4. They stayed while we departed, and my heart
Remains with them, can affection be herded?

٤. أَقاموا وَسِرنا وَالفُؤادُ لَدَيهِمُ
مُقيمٌ وَهَل يَرعى الوِدادَ خَدينُ

5. O dwellers of the sacred house, do you see
Fate being stingy while time with you prolongs?

٥. أَيا ساكِني البَيتِ المُقَدّس هَل تَرى
يَجودُ بِكُم دَهرٌ عَلَيَّ ضَنِينُ

6. May God water those abodes and its people
With clouds of nostalgia that are plentiful

٦. سَقى اللَهُ هاتيكَ الدِيارَ وَأَهلَها
سحابُ دُنوِّ العَهدِ وَهوَ هَتُونُ

7. And bless a pillar wherein lies guidance
To him belong grace, faithfulness his friend

٧. وَخَصّ جَناباً فيهِ رُكنُ هِدايَةٍ
لَهُ الفَضلُ خِدنٌ وَالوَفاءُ قَرينُ

8. The lantern of meaning, leader of all
To him all perplexities seem trivial

٨. سِراجُ المَعاني عمدةُ القَومِ وَالَّذي
لَدَيهِ جَميعُ المُشكلات تَهونُ

9. Upon you is God's peace for as long as a lover pants
His sighs and yearning multiply twofold

٩. عَلَيكُم سَلامُ اللَهِ ما حَنَّ عاشِقٌ
تَضاعَفُ مِنهُ أَنّةٌ وَحَنينُ

10. By God, I never parted from you lightly
But that which is destined shall come to be

١٠. فَوَاللَهِ ما فارَقتكم قالِياً لَكُم
وَلَكِنَّ ما يَقضى فَسَوفَ يَكونُ