
The morning caller called to the empty wilderness,

داعي الصبوح دعا إلى الصهباء

1. The morning caller called to the empty wilderness,
And time slipped by in the hall of sorrow.

١. داعي الصَبُوح دَعا إِلى الصَهباءِ
وَالوَقتُ راقَ بِقاعة الوَعساءِ

2. Dew wandered between roses and gardens,
Illuminating them for the onlooker.

٢. ما بَينَ وَرديّ وَجنةٍ جالَ النَدى
فيهِ وَآخر يجتليهِ الرائي

3. A goblet with a pleasing temper soothed,
Stirring yearning in the core.

٣. وَمدامَةٍ راض المِزاج مِزاجُها
فَغَدَت تُثيرُ الشَوقَ في الأَحشاءِ

4. From the palm of a tender, smooth-skinned hand
That gestures to you with a Houri's glance.

٤. مِن كَفِّ ساقٍ أَهيَفٍ حُلوِ اللَمى
يَرنُو إِلَيكَ بِمُقلَةٍ حَوراءِ

5. Like the full moon on its brightest night,
As though the Lord of the wilderness molded it from water.

٥. كَالبَدرِ لَيلَةَ تِمّه فَكَأَنّما
رَبُّ البَريّةِ صاغَهُ مِن ماءِ

6. So answer your brother, do not hesitate,
And enjoy the sweetness of life before it passes.

٦. فَأَجب أَخاكَ وَلا تَكُن مُتَوانِياً
وَاِغنَم لَذيذَ العَيشِ قَبلَ تَناءِ