
She came swaying like a bough, while the bough was withered,

أتت تنثني كالغصن والغصن يابس

1. She came swaying like a bough, while the bough was withered,
And glanced with a tender, amorous glance, though lulled in sleep.

١. أَتَت تَنثَني كَالغُصنِ وَالغُصنُ يابِسُ
وَتَرنو بِطَرفٍ أَوطفٍ وَهوَ ناعِسُ

2. A sand-hill spotted with lines of trees, graceful in motion,
Mocking the firm rock when she makes comparison.

٢. رَداحٌ بخوط البانِ تُزري رَشاقَةً
وَتَهزَأُ بِالخَطّيِّ حينَ تُقايسُ

3. Of the short-statured fair, with languishing, wounded passion,
Delicate, soft as the tear-drop, gentle and friendly.

٣. مِنَ القاصِراتِ الطَرفِ مَهضومة الحَشا
لَطيفةُ طَيِّ الكَشحِ هَيفاءُ آنِسُ

4. Her teeth surpassed the full moon on the night it is brightest,
And lodged in a dimple, as the new moon lies.

٤. يَفوقُ سَناها البَدرَ لَيلة تِمِّهِ
وَيَأوي لِداني أُفقِهِ وَهوَ ناكِسُ

5. When she glanced towards the mild one, he was inflamed with yearning,
And consumed by suspicions, apprehensions and doubts.

٥. إِذا ما رَنَت نَحوَ الحَليمِ اِستَفَزَّهُ
هَوىً وَاِستَمالَتهُ ظُنونٌ هَواجِسُ

6. She came to my abode, swaying while night was at its darkest,
As a loved one had come, to give comfort and cheer.

٦. أَتَت مَنزلي تَختالُ وَاللَيلُ دامِسٌ
كَما زارَني وَهناً حَبيبٌ مُؤانِسُ

7. Not as flowers garlanded the meadow, moist with night's drippings,
As her necklaces garlanded her, like brides at their wedding.

٧. فَما الرَوضُ بِالأَزهارِ كلّلَه النَدى
كَما كُلّلت تيجانَهنَّ عَرائِسُ

8. The thread of life made it laugh, till its light was reflected,
While lonely it had been, with thoughts to distract and confuse.

٨. بَكاهُ الحَيا حَتّى تَضاحَكَ نَورُهُ
وَحَلّت عَزالَيها عَلَيهِ البَواجِسُ

9. The hands of the winds clothed it in something like paintings,
Embroidered by a skilled horseman wielding his sword.

٩. كَسَتهُ يَدُ الأَنواءِ وَشياً كَأَنَّما
حَبته بِأَنواع التَصاوير فارِسُ

10. Till when day dawned, the foreign land was adorned as a garden,
Whose keeper no visitor has greeted or met.

١٠. فَأَصبَحَ غِبَّ القَطر يُزهى لِجَنَّةٍ
جَنيُّ جَناها لَم يُصافِحهُ لامِسُ

11. The flowers on his sleeves shine out with his brightness,
As flowers with the sword of the galaxy guarding its bloom.

١١. بِهِ الزَهرُ بِالأَكمامِ يَسطَعُ نَورُهُ
كَزُهرٍ لَها سَيفُ المَجَرَّةِ حارِسُ

12. The gentle breeze sports with it, and the tender boughs sway
Of the guardian tree, gentle themselves, offering hospitality.

١٢. يَطيفُ بِهِ واشي النَسيمِ فَتَنثَني
غُصونُ رُباه الهيفُ وَهيَ مَوائِسُ

13. The singer of the orchard arose, warbling gaily,
On him a shirt the rising sun had woven and wrought.

١٣. وَقامَ خَطيبُ الدَوحِ فيها مُغَرِّداً
عَلَيهِ قَميصٌ حاكَهُ الطلُّ وارِسُ

14. The leaves respond to him with the tunes of the lute,
Cheering him on as friends, singing harmoniously.

١٤. تُجاوبه ورقٌ بِأَلحانِ مَعبَدٍ
وَتَشدُو عَلى الأَغصانِ وَهيَ أَوانِسُ

15. It reminds me of days of horsing around, so I swayed
With a heart full to bursting with cares and misgivings.

١٥. تُذَكِّرني عَهدَ التَصابي فَأَنثَني
وَفي القَلبِ مِن فَرطِ الغمومِ وَساوِسُ

16. With beauty better than this when first she appeared,
Greeting me as gazelles greet their fair companions.

١٦. بِأَحسَن مِنها بِهجَةً حينَ أَقبَلَت
وَحيّت كَما حَيّت ظِباءٌ كَوانِسٌ

17. Who was it clad the youth in his coat of many virtues,
Rousing him on towards lofty and noble ideas?

١٧. وَكَيفَ وَمَن وَشّى مَعاطِفَها فَتىً
نَمتهُ إلى نَحوِ المَعالي مَغارِسُ

18. He climbed the loftiest heights of civility and breeding,
Who could equal him? Who could claim to be his peer?

١٨. رُقى مِن ذرى الآدابِ أَرفَع هَضبَة
فَمَن ذا يُضاهيهِ وَمَن ذا يُجانِسُ

19. O son of great houses, exalt then with pride in their glory,
For they have no part in any glory but yours.

١٩. فَيا اِبنَ الأُلى شادوا الفَخارَ بِعِزِّهم
وَلَيسَ لَهُم في غَيرِ مَجدٍ تَنافُسُ

20. I sent a string of verse like threaded nights, relating
The pearls of my tears when the sessions came to an end.

٢٠. بَعَثتُ بِنَظمٍ كَالليالي مُنظّماً
حَكى دُرَّ دَمعي حينَ بانَ المجالِسُ

21. You taxed me to reply, and wished me well in so doing,
A question desired, but where could equivalence be found?

٢١. وَكَلَّفتَني عَنهُ الجَوابَ وَحَبَّذا
سُؤالٌ وَلَكِن أَينَ مِنّي تَجانُسُ

22. I will confirm for you some scattered gems that tell
Of brides of flowers whose bloom the cranes have despoiled.

٢٢. أَثبتكَ بِالرضراضِ مِن دُررٍ حَكَت
عَرائس زَهر قَد جَلَتها الحَنادِسُ

23. If in this can be found anything pleasing to behold,
Then I take my share of light from your noble qualities.

٢٣. فَإِن يَكُ مِنهُ ما يَروقُ لِناظِرٍ
فإِنّي لَهُ مِن نُورِ وَصفِكَ قابِسُ

24. Beyond this, my message walks in shyness, glancing
Sideways in modesty, while eyes dart longingly.

٢٤. وَدُونكها تَمشي الهوينى وَتَنثَني
حَياءً وَطَرفُ العَينِ فيها يُخالِسُ

25. At your door she hopes for acceptance and favor,
That she may find intimacy and friendship with you.

٢٥. إِلى بابِكم تَرجُو القَبولَ تَفَضُّلاً
عَساها بِقُربٍ مِنكَ تَحظى وَتَأنَسُ

26. You still endow a companion with the finest manners,
As long as schools have taught any art or knowledge.

٢٦. فَلا زِلتَ بِالآدابِ تُتحِف صاحِباً
مَدى الدَهرِ ما طَنَّت بِعلمٍ مَدارِسُ

27. No starling sings melodiously in the gardens, and no lover
Sighs, departing in sorrow, hopeless and full of despair.

٢٧. وَما ناحَ قُمرِيُّ الرِياض مُغَرِّداً
وَحَنّ مُشَوقٌ نازِحُ الدارِ آيِسُ