1. A sin against fate with no intercessor,
A prophecy without a defender against its misfortunes,
١. ذَنبٌ إِلى الدَهرِ ما لَهُ شافع
وَنَبوَةٌ ما لِخَطبِها دافِع
2. A virtue too difficult to attain accompanied by
A wise heart and eloquent tongue,
٢. فَضلٌ بَعيدُ المَنال يَصحبُه
قَلبٌ ذَكيٌّ وَمَنطِقٌ رائِع
3. And a trait whose custom is loyalty when
An era has betrayed it in submission,
٣. وَشيمةٌ شَأنُها الوَفاءُ إِذا
خانَ زَمانٌ أُهَيلَهُ خانِع
4. So it spends its evenings in distress
And a life of lowliness with extensive ruin.
٤. فَعادَها تُمسي في بُلَهنِيَةٍ
وَخَفضِ عَيشٍ فِناؤُهُ واسِع
5. And I abandoned the lessons of knowledge and turned away
For they hinder sustenance and cut it off,
٥. وَاِهجُر دُروس العُلوم هَجرَ قِلىً
فَهيَ عَنِ الرِزقِ مانِعٌ قاطِع
6. And I befriended the ignorant brother so you may gain favor
And the rising star will bring you joy.
٦. وَاِجفُ أَخا الفَضلِ كَي تَنالَ مُنى
وَاِصحَب أَخا الجَهلِ يَسعَدِ الطالِع
7. So whoever in this age has etiquette,
Will eat though his life passes in loss.
٧. فَمَن يَكُن في الزَمان ذا أَدبٍ
يَأكُل ما عاشَ في مِعىً ضائِع
8. And as for poetry, how I have pursued it,
Yet its ears of a people did not find a listener.
٨. وَالشعر فَاِطرقه كَم طرقتُ بِهِ
آذانَ قَومٍ فَلَم تَجِد سامِع
9. Every automobile that sped became an example
That the cultivated and skillful speaker talked about.
٩. مِن كُلِّ سَيّارَةٍ غَدَت مَثلا
حَدّثَ عَنها المُهَذَّبُ البارِع
10. No fault can be attributed to it but
The fickleness of fortune when its time turned away.
١٠. لا عَيبَ تُرمى بِهِ سَلِمتَ سِوى
جَفوة حَظٍّ وُقِيتَه هاجِع
11. Fate, ever ungrateful, deferred it
To a time when the virtuous no longer stirred.
١١. أَخَّرَها دَهرُها العَقُورُ إِلى
دَهرٍ بِذي الفَضل لَم يَكُن ساجِع
12. In it the suns of knowledge have set
And the stars of merit no longer rose for it.
١٢. بِهِ شُموسُ العُلوم قَد أَفلَت
وَأَنجُمُ الفَضلِ ما لَها طالِع
13. Through it a wretched few prevailed,
And a throng of people, humble, followed suit.
١٣. سادت بِهِ ثُلَّةٌ وَأَردفها
شاءٌ مِنَ الناسِ هامِلٌ راتِع
14. And for one obsessed with high status, I gave advice
While religion is the advice brought by the Messenger.
١٤. وَمُغرَمٍ بِالعُلا نَصَحتُ لَهُ
وَالدينُ نُصحٌ أَتى بِهِ الشارِع
15. Leave off pursuing it, for the decoy ensnares
None but the foolish with its misleading hopes.
١٥. دَع عَنكَ تطلابَه فَغيرُ فَتى
يَغترُّ مِنهُ بِآلهِ الخادِع
16. And remove from the soul some of the burden
It carries from the days, adjusting it to its capacity.
١٦. وَضَع عَنِ النَفس بَعضَ ما حَمَلت
مِن عِبءِ دَهر لِقَدرِها واضِع
17. In it, the lame scaled the heavens.
Do you not see that its eagles have swooped down?
١٧. العَرَجُ فيهِ إِلى السَماءِ عَرَجَت
أَما تَرى نَسرُها غَدا وَاقِع
18. By nightfall, its schools are prey
To the talons of the kites, unprotected and undefended.
١٨. تُمسي بِأَيدي النَوكى مَدارِسُهُ
نُهبى وَلا مانعٌ وَلا دافِع
19. It has no students but ruins,
And no sciences, just a submissive teacher.
١٩. لا دارِسٌ عِندَها سَوى طَلل
وَلا عُلومٌ بَل مُعَلِّمٌ خاشِع
20. This during a night whose glancing star
Shines in it like a street,
٢٠. هَذا وَلَيلُ لَحظ ساهِره
يَلوحُ فيهِ المَجرُّ كَالشارِع
21. While the stars wander confused,
Walking the horizon like one rising.
٢١. تَظَلُّ فيهِ النُجومُ حائِرَةً
تَمشي عَلى الأُفق مَشية الظالِع
22. I refused to feed sleep this night,
Youthful vigor has cracked through me magnificently.
٢٢. أَبيتُ لا أَطعَمُ الرقادَ بِهِ
عَلى شَباب مِن شرخِيَ الرائِع
23. My pact with it and passion intercede for it
While the crack helps love's intercession.
٢٣. عَهدي بِهِ وَالغَرام يَشفَعُه
وَالشَرخ عَونٌ إِلى الهَوى شافِع
24. It is the Husna of a brilliant quarter with features
From the charming Husna of its neckline.
٢٤. حُسّانُ ربعٍ زاهي المَعالِمِ مِن
حُسّانَةِ الجِيدِ لَحظُها خادِع
25. The era has cast it down and I have not
Been fated in it a final meeting.
٢٥. طارحتها سَورَةُ الزَمانِ وَما
مُنيتُ فيهِ مِن حَظِّيَ الوادِع
26. So it laughed and bent reproachfully
While reproach to the noble is a rebuke that suppresses.
٢٦. فَقَهقَهَت وَاِنثَنَت مُعاتبةً
وَالعَتبُ لِلحُرِّ رادِعٌ قامِع
27. I was amazed it complained though I saw it
In the garden of Ibn Bustan, a flourishing branch.
٢٧. عَجِبتُ تَشكو وَقَد رَأَيتُك في
رَوضِ اِبنِ بُستانٍ غُصنُه اليانِع
28. O Judge of Judges of Syria, our Master
Whose bounty I still aspire to.
٢٨. قاضي قُضاة الشآم سَيّدنا
مَن لَم أَزَل في نَوالِهِ طامِع
29. The best of men the lonely star aimed for
With its purest hopes in abundant ambition.
٢٩. خَيرُ اِمرئٍ يَمَّمتهُ وَاخِدَةً
نُجبُ الأَماني مِن مهمهٍ شاسِع
30. To him his father's knowledge flowed
And he received it beneficially.
٣٠. إِلَيهِ أَفضَت عُلوم وَالِدِه
طابَ ثَراهُ فَحازَها نافِع
31. With a resolve always led
By determination that drives the piercing spearhead,
٣١. بِهِمّةٍ لا يَزالُ قائِدُها
عَزمٌ يَقدُّ المُهَنّد القاطِع
32. And speech - if its eloquence were understood,
Suhban would seem to himself just babbling nonsense.
٣٢. وَمَنطقٍ لَو وَعى فَصاحَتَهُ
سحبانُ أَضحى لِنَفسهِ باخِع
33. My Master, his open-handed munificence gathers,
And the door of his assembly is refuge for the desperate.
٣٣. مَولىً أَياديهِ جُودها هامِع
وَبابُ ناديهِ مَلجأ الفازِع
34. To his family I came complaining
Laying my story openly before them.
٣٤. إِلى ذُراهُ أَتَيتُ مُشتَكياً
بَينَ يَدَيهِ لِقِصَّتي رافِع
35. A debt against fate that the most malicious adversary
Burdened the youth with.
٣٥. دَيناً عَلى الدَهرِ قَد أَلطَّ بِهِ
أَلدُّ خَصمٍ عَلى الفَتى رائِع
36. None but the observant sage sees
Its distribution from the all-encompassing bounty,
٣٦. من ذاكَ ما الناظِرُ البَصيرُ يَرى
تَوزيعهُ مِن عُلوفة الجامِع
37. And a need in my soul not yet fulfilled
For which my silence before you is no intercessor.
٣٧. وَحاجَةٌ ما في النَفسِ ما قُضيَت
عَنها سُكوتي لَدَيكُم شافِع
38. Fulfilling a promise you graciously made
To a slave of humble status at your door.
٣٨. إِنجاز وَعدٍ أَوجبتُمُ كَرَماً
لِعَبدِ رِقٍّ بِبابكم خاضِع
39. His consent is in what his Master deems fit.
The best slave is content with his allotted share.
٣٩. رِضاه فيما يَراه سَيِّدُهُ
فَخَيرُ عَبدٍ بِقِسمَةٍ قانِع
40. And I submit, and my tears flowed over arts
While moisture and weeping saturate the pillow.
٤٠. وَاِسلَم وَدُم ما رَقَت عَلى فَنَنٍ
وُرقٌ وَما افتنّ في ربىً ساجِع