
The moon in the sky told last night

بدر السماء أقر بالأمس

1. The moon in the sky told last night
That its light is from the sun

١. بَدرُ السَماءِ أَقَرَّ بِالأَمسِ
أَنَّ الضِياءَ لَهُ مِنَ الشَمسِ

2. And so did the moons of earth, they confessed
Their lights are but embers of the sun

٢. وَكَذا بدورُ الأَرضِ أَن سَنا
أَنوارُها قَبستهُ مِن شَمسِ

3. The mentor of the eminent lineage
Is attributed to Khaled, chief of Aus

٣. مَولى سَليل عُلاً أَرومَتِهِ
تُعزى لِخالِد سَيِّدِ الأَوسِ

4. Son of Al-Walid, the valiant matured
And grew ripe fruits from that root

٤. نَجلُ الوَليدِ الشَهمِ زِيدَ سناً
وَزكي جَنى مِن ذَلِكَ الغَرسِ

5. A companion of the Prophet and zealous in guidance
Until he stood firmly upon its foundation

٥. صَحِبَ النَبيَّ وَفي الهُدى أَوَد
حَتّى اِستَقامَ بِهِ عَلى أُسِّ

6. For that he chose his companionship
And made him intimate to the circles of affection

٦. مِن أَجلِ ذاكَ اِختارَ صُحبَتَهُ
وَاِختَصَّهُ لِمَجالِسِ الأُنسِ

7. The shadow of God, desired for his reverence
By the kings of Rome and Persia

٧. ظِلُّ الإِلَهِ مُرادُ مِن خَشِيَت
مِنهُ مُلوكُ الرُومِ وَالفُرسِ

8. Continues the Lord of the Throne to endow him
With light, the Criterion, and the sun

٨. لا زالَ رَبُّ العَرشِ يَكلَؤُهُ
بِالنُورِ وَالفُرقان وَالشَمسِ

9. And so too the shadow of God - his father
Of sound disposition and soul

٩. وَكَذاكَ ظِلُّ اللَهِ وَالِدهُ
أَعني سَلِيمَ الطَبعِ وَالنَفسِ

10. God poured upon his soil, alive,
And quenched him with Kauthar of the Abode of Peace

١٠. صَبَّ الإِلَهُ عَلى ثَراهُ حَياً
وَسَقاه كَوثَرَ جَنّة القُدسِ

11. And completed His blessings upon you with what
The Lord of the Throne and Footstool gave you

١١. وَأَتَمّ نِعمَتُهُ عَلَيكَ بِما
أَعطاكَه ذُو العَرش وَالكُرسي

12. O you whose traits of praise are so subtle
They transcended thoughts and guesses

١٢. يا مَن دَقيقُ صِفات مِدحَتِه
جَلَّت عَنِ الأَفكارِ وَالحَدسِ

13. Your door has been circled by a pilgrim for whom it is his Kaaba
A pauper of your grace, hopeful for yesterday

١٣. قَد حَجَّ بابَكَ وَهوَ كَعبَتُهُ
دَرويش فَضلِك راجياً أَمسِ

14. The regions of the lands have turned him
To the expanse of refuge, not in retreat

١٤. لَفظَتهُ أَقطارُ البِلاد إِلى
رَحب المباءَةِ لَيسَ بِالنكسِ

15. You remain in eternal blessings
Rising and setting just as you have this evening

١٥. لا زِلتَ في نِعَمٍ مُخَلَّدَةٍ
تَغدُو وَتُصبِح مِثلَ ما تُمسي

16. By Muhammad, best of creation, who
Spoke right, and his progeny, the brilliant

١٦. بِمُحَمَّدٍ خَيرِ البَريَّةِ مَن
نَطَقَ الصَواب وَآلِهِ الحُمسِ

17. Neither did the stranger yearn for homeland nor
Did the dove sing sweetly with melody

١٧. ما حَنَّ لِلوَطَن الغَريبُ وَما
غَنّى حَمامٌ طَيّبَ الجَرسِ