1. O you who attained nobility above all creatures
And ascended to a station beyond the two luminaries
١. يا مَن عَلا شَرَفاً عَلى كيوانِ
وَرَقى مَحَلّاً دونَهُ القَمَرانِ
2. And judged the people with truth as your guide
Along a path you laid out for civilization
٢. وَقَضى بِحَقٍّ في الرَعيّةِ سالِكاً
بِهِمُ طَريقاً سَنّها العُمرانِ
3. The trait of nobility, as I knew, is when
A servant shows them forgiveness in taking from them
٣. شِيَمُ الكِرام كما عَلِمتُ إِذا جَنى
عَبدٌ لَهُم الأَخذُ بِالغُفرانِ
4. All is trivial except the gloating of my envious enemies
When so-and-so encounters so-and-so
٤. كُلٌّ يَهون سِوى شَماتَةِ حُسَّدي
لَمّا فُلانٌ يَلتَقي بِفُلانِ
5. They blackened out of envy the whiteness of my page
With the decorations of words and false accusations
٥. هُم سَوَّدُوا حَسَداً بَياضَ صَحيفَتي
بِزَخارِفِ الأَقوالِ وَالبُهتانِ
6. Why did the enemies not suffice reminding me
Of the words of the eloquent, assembly of al-Jurjani
٦. هَلّا كَفَيتَنِيَ العِدا مُتَذَكِّراً
قَولَ الأَديب عَصابة الجَرجاني
7. You demolished my structure and rebuilt me
With your hands into the best built structure
٧. وَنقَضت مِنّي بِنيَتي وَبنَيتَنِي
بِيَدَيكَ أَحسن بنيَة البُنيانِ
8. So upon you is to straighten me if I lean
For you were the one who built me in the first place
٨. فَعَلَيكَ تَقويمي إِذا ما مالَ بي
أَوَدٌ لِأَنَّكَ أَنتَ كُنتَ الباني