
My master, sun of faith, you whose nature

أمولاي شمس الدين يا من غدت له

1. My master, sun of faith, you whose nature
Became like a garden's flowers, free of thorns,

١. أَمَولاي شَمسَ الدينِ يا مَن غَدَت لَهُ
سَجايا كَزَهرِ الرَوضِ غِبَّ سِجامِ

2. Whose thoughts, when they flow in the night of mysteries,
Become illuminated like the full moon at its height,

٢. وَفكرٌ إِذا يَسري بِلَيلِ غَوامِضٍ
غَدَت تَنجَلي كَالبَدرِ عِندَ تَمامِ

3. Whose resolution leads the noble ones, and determination
That contests might, though it withers and fades,

٣. وَعَزمٌ يَقدُّ المَشرفيَّ وَهِمَّةٌ
تُزاحِمُ رُكني يَذبُل وَشَمامِ

4. Your lover hopes for subtle notes from you
About the famed exegesis by Jami,

٤. مُحِبُّك يَرجو مِن حَواشٍ رَقيقةٍ
لَدَيكَ عَلى الشَرحِ الشَهيرِ بِجامي

5. So he can solve with them its complex lines,
Laying bare their nakedness, every seam.

٥. يَحِلُّ بِها مِن مُشكِلاتِ سُطُورِهِ
عُراها لَيَعرى فيهِ كُلُّ عُرامِ

6. For the servant Abdel Ghafour, the eloquent one, grant me success first,
For without your solution no bond will hold.

٦. لِعَبدِ الغَفورِ الحَبر أَولاً فَعِصمَتي
إِذا لَم تَكُن في حِلِّها بِعِصامِ

7. He whose blood was consecrated to nobility and knowledge
Never attained platforms of high minbars, though a preacher's dove.

٧. وَدُم مَقصَداً لِلفَضلِ وَالعِلمِ ما رَقى
مَنابر قُضبانٍ خَطيب حمامِ