1. The ascendants of Sa'd for good fortune are ascendants
And meteors of glory from their horizons are risings
١. مَطالِعُ سَعدٍ لِلسُعود مَطالِعُ
وَشهب العُلا مِن أُفقِهِنَّ طَوالِعُ
2. And stars of success in the orbits of kingship
Appeared from the mansions of fortune, and fortune is rising
٢. وَأَنجُمُ إِقبالٍ بِأَفلاكِ دَولَةٍ
بَدَت مِن بُروج السَعد وَالسَعدُ طالِعُ
3. And moons of honor in stations of loftiness
For them, with conjunctions of fortune, there are gatherings
٣. وَأَقمارُ عزٍّ في مَنازلِ رفعةٍ
لَها بِاِقتِرانات السُعود تَجامُعُ
4. It has a nobility above the fixed stars, steadfast
And its shining light falls upon the simple constellation
٤. لَها شَرَفٌ فَوقَ الثَوابِتِ ثابِتٌ
وَنور عُلاه في البَسيطة واقِعُ
5. The elevation of glory under its orbit is seen
A ray with the breadth of the worlds, luminous
٥. يُرى لارتِفاع المَجدِ تَحتَ مَدارِها
شُعاعٌ بِأَقطار العَوالِم لامِعُ
6. At the supreme generation, the standard of the scholar
At his thresholds, pride is submissive
٦. لَدى سُدَّة الأَجيال سُدَّةُ عالم
إِمامٍ لَدى أَعتابِهِ الفَخرُ خاضِعُ
7. The king of propriety, his order is firm in resolve
And none can match him in the lofty goals
٧. مَليك النّهى ماضٍ عَلى الحَزم أَمرُهُ
وَلَيسَ لَهُ نَحوَ المَعالي مُضارِعُ
8. The lion of the loyalists of time bowed to his glory
And suffice you a glory no desirer can match
٨. وَلَيث مَوالي العَصر دانَت لِمَجدِهِ
وَحَسبُكَ مَجدٌ لا يُدانيه طامِعُ
9. An imam of piety that ambitions do not elate
And a towering mountain that tremors do not shake
٩. إِمام تُقىً لا تَزدَهيهِ المَطامِعُ
وَطَودُ حِجىً لَم تَستَمِلهُ الزَعازِعُ
10. He has a clear lineage in the essence of greatness
Pride sprouted from it while he is mature and youthful
١٠. لَهُ النَسَب الوَضّاحُ في جَوهَر العُلا
نَما الفَخر مِنهُ وَهوَ كَهلٌ وَيافِعُ
11. And a nature whose charm the meadow’s foliage
Appears more vivid than it, though it is the most blossoming
١١. وَخُلق يرى ما الرَوضُ غِبّ سَمائِهِ
بِأَنضرَ مِنهُ وَهوَ أَزهَرُ يانِعُ
12. It is a resolve that the forefront of his intellect
Is as if through it what is unseen he surveys
١٢. هُمام تظنيهِ طَليعَةُ رَأيِهِ
كَأَنَّ بِها ما في الغُيوب يُطالِعُ
13. He gained knowledge of the ancients, establishing
For it the interpretations brought by the laws
١٣. أَفادَ عُلومَ الأَوَّلينَ مُقَرِّراً
لَها طِبقَ ما جاءَت بِهِنَّ الشَرائِعُ
14. A sage whose intricacies of thought one day
Were subtle, surpassing the spheres' orbits in them the ascendants
١٤. حَكيمٌ إِذا يَوماً دَقائِقُ فِكرِهِ
رَقت دَرجَ الأفلاكِ فيها المَطالِعُ
15. And from the sources of his knowledge poured upon them
With the wisdom of a brilliant inspiration, radiant
١٥. وَفاضَت عَلَيها مِن مَبادي عُلومِهِ
بِحكمَةِ إِشراق سَناهُنَّ ساطِعُ
16. It poured upon the seven planets the secret by which
The natures accept the genesis from them
١٦. أَفاضَت عَلى السَيّارَة السَبع سِرّ ما
بِهِ تَقبلُ التَكوينَ عَنها الطَبائِعُ
17. So it ennobled Saturn with the loftiness of its rank
And gave abundant grace while it is returning
١٧. فَشرّف كيواناً بِرِفعَةِ شَأنِهِ
وَأَجزَل فَيضَ المُشتَري وَهوَ راجِعُ
18. And gave Mars the flame of its fire
With which it acts generously in its horizon, and ripens
١٨. وَأَعطى سَنا المرّيخِ شُعلَةَ نارِهِ
يَجودُ بِها في أفقه وَيمانِعُ
19. And distinguished Mercury with the kinds of clouds
There it is skillful in writing, excelling
١٩. وَخَصّ بِأَنواع السَحاب عُطارِداً
فَها هُوَ في حُسنِ الكِتابَةِ بارِعُ
20. And bestowed upon the orb of the moon allotted light
So its phases ready themselves, its natures
٢٠. وَأَكسَبَ جِرم البَدرِ نُوراً مُقَدّراً
مَنازِلَهُ كَي تَستَعدّ طَبائِعُ
21. And cast upon the Sun the light, endearing
To Venus the melodies in it reciprocating
٢١. وَأَلقى عَلى الشَمس الضِياء مُحبِّباً
إِلى الزُهرَة الأَلحانَ فيها تُراجِعُ
22. So say to the lad whose body is still struck
By the arrows of resolution from its bow, vying
٢٢. فَقُل لِفَتىً ما زالَ ترشِق جِسمَه
سِهامُ النَوى عَن قَوسِها وَتدافِعُ
23. My brother, observe in the horizons the shape of its aspect
You see it faded away from it while the body is rising
٢٣. أَخي السَير في الآفاق هَيأة شَكلِهُ
تَراها اِضمَحَلَّت مِنهُ وَالجِسمُ ظالِعُ
24. It has an aspiration on high, but its lot
Is the lowliness of dust, from beneath it competing
٢٤. لَهُ هِمّةٌ في الأَوجِ لَكنَّ حَظّهُ
حَضيضُ الثَرى مِن دُونِهِ مُتَرافِعُ
25. You see time the bandit has acquainted his eyelid
With the length of slumber while the tears are torrents
٢٥. تَرى الزَمَن القَطاع أَلّفَ جَفنَهُ
بِطُولِ سُهادٍ وَالدُموع هَوامِعُ
26. To what will the watchman call in seeking the lofty
Aims to attain the heights for it, hastening
٢٦. إِلى كَم تَنُصّ العِيس في طَلَب السُرى
لِنَيلِ العُلا تَسعى لَهُ وَتسارِعُ
27. You spend the night in one land and morn in another
The comrade of the lofty goals, your life wasted
٢٧. وَتُصبِحُ في أَرض وَتمسي بِغَيرِها
حَليفَ السُرى كَدّاً وَعُمرُكَ ضائِعُ
28. You suffer the vicissitudes of fate turning from you and its leaning
To every ignorant one steeped in ignorance
٢٨. تُعاني اِنقِلابَ الدَهرِ عَنكَ وَمَيلَهُ
لِكُلِّ جَهولٍ في الجَهالَةِ راتِعُ
29. It feathers for him the eagle of wishes flying
While your eagle is in the nest of humiliation fallen
٢٩. يُريشُ لَهُ نسرَ الأَمانِيِّ طائِراً
وَنَسرُكَ في وكر المَذَلَّةِ واقِعُ
30. You forsake a home in Damascus, beloved
Watered by life, and the pouring showers, torrents
٣٠. وَتَهجُرُ داراً بِالشَآمِ حَبيبَةً
سَقاها الحَيا وَالهاطِلاتُ الهَوامِعُ
31. Take shelter in the plain of its shade from the throne of its glory
And incline to the corners of its dome, so it is vast
٣١. أَلج بِبَسيط الظِلِّ مِن عَرشِ مَجدِهِ
وَمِل لِزَوايا سَطحِهِ فَهوَ واسِعُ
32. Therein the south celestial pole is observed resting
And on one of its sides the north celestial pole rising
٣٢. فَفيها يُرى القُطبُ الجُنوبِيّ مُنزَوٍ
وَفي جانِبٍ مِنها الشَماليُّ طالِعُ
33. You see no deviation from the axis of its door
To reach the hopes - so deviation in it intersects
٣٣. وَلا تَرَ مَيلاً عَن مُعَدَّلِ بابِهِ
تَصل لِلمُنى فَالمَيلُ فيهِ تَقاطعُ
34. For the center of hopes is none but its side
And sufficient proof of that for you is conclusive
٣٤. فَما مَركَز الآمالِ إِلا جَنابُهُ
وَيَكفيكَ بُرهانٌ عَلى ذَلِكَ قاطِعُ
35. The stay of the masters of perfection at its doorstep
Upon legs of veneration while they are submitting
٣٥. إِقامَةُ أَرباب الكَمال بِبابِهِ
عَلى قَدم الإِجلال وَهيَ خَواضِعُ
36. As if upon their foreheads, the birds are in awe
And no saying except what the fingers point
٣٦. كَأَنَّ عَلى هاماتِها الطَيرُ هَيبَةً
وَلا قَول إِلّا ما تُشيرُ الأَصابِعُ
37. So O master whom fame has journeyed
Wherever the lands are expansive, the journey of the breeze
٣٧. فيا أَيُّها المَولى الَّذي سارَ ذِكرُهُ
مَسيرَ الصَبا حَيثُ البِلادُ شَواسِعُ
38. And whom all opinions have collectively agreed
He is unparalleled in collecting diverse merits
٣٨. وَمَن أَجمَعَت آراء كُلٍّ بِأَنَّهُ
وَحيدٌ لِأَشتاتِ الفَضائل جامِعُ
39. And the breast of this era and the excellent one whom
With his views the stars are guided, the ascendants
٣٩. وَصَدرُ هذا العَصر وَالفاضِل الَّذي
بِآرائِهِ تُهدى النُجوم الطَوالِعُ
40. And whose abode of the destitute is a pillar and a corner
In the events of time, a warding pillar
٤٠. وَمن باب مَأوى العُفاةِ وَرُكنُهُ
لَدى حادِثاتِ الدَهرِ ركنٌ مُدافِعُ
41. To its lofty threshold I raised a darkness
Upon me brought by its alternating fate
٤١. لِسَدَّتِهِ العُليا رَفعتُ ظُلامَةً
عَليّ جَناها صَرفُهُ المُتَتابِعُ
42. It permits the hopes for the ignorant just as
It permits the passings without what I hope
٤٢. يُبيحُ المُنى أَهل الجَهالة مِثل ما
يُبيحُ المَنايا دونَ ما أَنا طامِعُ
43. And I know my sin with him while he is ignorant
That my praise, your door to him is interceding
٤٣. وَأَعلَمُ ذَنبي عِندَهُ وَهوَ جاهِلٌ
بِأَنَّ مَديحي بابكم لِيَ شافِعُ
44. Perhaps a look from my master to me, for I
Am a receptacle for what you grant, and you are the Maker
٤٤. عَسى نَظرة مَولاي نحوي فَإِنَّني
مَحَلٌّ لِما تُسدي وَأَنّك صانِعُ
45. So this servant, time has made him active
For my lowness, and none but your deed raises me
٤٥. فَعبدُكَ هَذا الدَهرُ أَصبَحَ عامِلاً
لِخَفضي وَما لي غَيرَ فِعلِكَ رافِعُ
46. You remained by the grace with which the two Shrines remain
Your side hoped for and your grace is abundant
٤٦. بَقيتَ بَقاءَ الفَرقَدَينِ بِنِعمَةٍ
جَنابُكَ مَأمولٌ وَفَضلُكَ واسِعُ
47. The stranger did not despair throughout time, nor did
On the pulpit of branches the pages of yearning tighten
٤٧. مَدى الدَهر ما حَنَّ الغَريبُ وَما شَدَت
عَلى مِنبر الأَغصان وُرقٌ سَواجِعُ