1. Greetings to the trustworthy soul,
Whose breaths are fragrant with the scent of roses.
١. إِلى حَضرَةِ الرُوحِ الأَمينِ تَحيَّةٌ
مُعَطَّرَةُ الأَنفاسِ طَيّبةُ الوردِ
2. Yearning and passion are doubled for it.
Love for it remains unchanged since that time.
٢. تَضاعف مِنها الشَوقُ وَالوَجدُ سالمٌ
وَما اِعتَلَّ فيها الودُّ مِن ذَلِكَ العَهدِ
3. Its drops perfume the lands of Damascus and Rome,
Putting to shame the scent of musk, amber, and sandalwood.
٣. يُعَطّر قطرَ الشّامِ وَالرومِ قَطرها
وَيَخجَلُ عَرفَ المسكِ وَالبانِ وَالرَندِ
4. It carries from on high in Damascus a message
That spreads through the land of Rome like fragrant roses.
٤. وَتَحمِلُ مِن عليا دِمَشقَ رِسالَةً
تَضُوع بِأَرض الرُوم كَالعَنبر الوردِ
5. It discloses my state openly to that exalted one,
So he may truly know what passion I endure.
٥. وَتَشرَحُ مِن حالي لِعالي جَنابِهِ
لِيَعلَم حَقّاً ما أُلاقي مِنَ الوَجدِ
6. It tells him that in intimacy and resolve,
I stand steadfast in every state as a servant.
٦. وَتُخبِرُهُ أَنّي عَلى القُربِ وَالنَوى
عَلى كُلِّ حالٍ وَاقِفٌ مَوقِفَ العَبدِ
7. When the multitude of my longings is counted,
I see some surpass all limits and counts.
٧. وَكَثرَة أَشواقٍ إِذا رُمت حَصرَها
أَرى بَعضَها يَربُو عَلى الحَدِّ وَالعَدِّ
8. By God and the glory that none can change,
Boasting among the people of all eras over nearness and distance,
٨. فَوَاللَهِ وَالمَجدِ الَّذي لا يُغيرُه
تفاخُرُ أَهلِ العَصرِ في القُربِ وَالبُعدِ
9. Just to smell the earth of that land and its fragrance
Is dearer to the longing one than the garden of eternity.
٩. لِشَمِّ ثَرى تِلكَ الدِيارِ وَطيبِها
أَحبُّ إِلى المُشتاقِ مِن جَنَّةِ الخُلدِ
10. God has watered it and given it life, promising
It will revolve in the orbit of good fortune and auspiciousness.
١٠. سَقاها وَحَيّاها الإِلَهُ معاهِداً
تَدورُ بِأَفلاك السَعادَةِ وَالسَعدِ
11. Destinies continue to obey his desire.
The clouds of nearness in allegiance convey allegiance.
١١. وَلا زالَتِ الأَقدارُ طَوعَ مراده
سَحابَ دُنُوِّ العَهدِ مُوصلة العَهدِ