
From Al-Haram Al-Qudsi to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa

إلى المسجد الأقصى من الحرم القدسي

1. From Al-Haram Al-Qudsi to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa
We journeyed, and victory from the precinct of Al-Quds drew near

١. إِلى المَسجِدِ الأَقصى مِنَ الحَرَمِ القُدسي
سَرَينا فَوافى الفَتحُ مِن حَضرَة القُدسِ

2. We came to protect the consecrated, while night lay asleep
Having pulled her garments over her, lest she should awake from her slumber

٢. وَجئنا حمى التَقديس وَاللَيلُ راقِدٌ
وَقَد جُنَّ حَتّى لا يَفيقُ مِنَ المَسِّ

3. Vanguards of gleaming brilliance, the likes of which
Keep watch over the gloomy shadows in the dark of night

٣. طَلائِعُ أَنضاءٍ عَلى مِثلِها لَها
عَلى الأَين إِرقالُ الظَليمِ عَلى الحَرسِ

4. Now challenging the ostriches of the firmament, now and then
Racing the ostriches of the earth in fearful apprehension

٤. تُباري نَعامَ الجَوِّ طَوراً وَتارَةً
تُجاري نَعامَ الدَوِّ في المهمهِ الوَعسِ

5. Until the banners of the Holy Place became visible to the eye
And the sanctuary of the Sacred House was seen, free of pollution

٥. إِلى أَن بَدَت لِلعَين أَعلامُ ذي طُوى
وَبانَ حِمى البَيتِ المُقَدَّسِ عَن رِجسِ

6. We descended from the Sacred Valley to the shore
Upon a plot of land blessed by the Divine

٦. نَزَلنا مِنَ الوَادي المُقَدَّس شاطِئاً
عَلى بُقعَةٍ فيهِ مُبارَكَة الرَمسِ

7. There shone for us from the side of Al-Tur, radiantly
The light of a fire which had dispelled the darkness of confusion

٧. فَلاحَ لَنا مِن جانب الطُورِ لامِعاً
سَنا ضَوءِ نارٍ قَد جَلَت ظُلمَةَ اللَبسِ

8. That was no fire, but the brilliance of the All-Holy
Revealed to a heart emptied of speculation

٨. وَما تِلكَ نارٌ بَل سَنا رَبةِ السَنا
تَجَلّى لِقَلبٍ قَد تَخَلّى عَن الحَدسِ

9. Its light illuminated Mount Sinai once
And gave solace beforetime to Moses without senses

٩. أَضاءَ سَناها طُورَ سيناءَ مَرَّةً
وَآنَسَها مِن قَبلُ موسى بِلا حِسِّ

10. We heard with the inner heart a call from it, from One
Exalted above description or likeness to any created thing

١٠. سَمِعنا بِطُورِ القَلبِ مِنها نِداءَ مَن
تَنَزَّه عَن فَصلٍ يُدانيهِ أَو جنسِ

11. And the Herald of Nearness called from the Court of Good Pleasure
"Rejoice! For the Opening is upon the fruits of the branches."

١١. وَنادى مُنادي القُرب مِن حَضرَةَ الرِضا
أَلا فَاِنعموا فَالفَتحُ فَوقَ جَنى الغَرسِ

12. So joy to us, from the attendants on the right side of the sanctuary!
And joy to us, from the attendants in the precinct of Al-Quds!

١٢. فَطُوبى لَنا مِن حاضِري أَيمَنِ الحِمى
وَطُوبى لَنا مِن حاضِري حَضرَةَ القُدسِ