
For the sons of the crown, an important pillar of glory

لبني التاج ركن مجد خطير

1. For the sons of the crown, an important pillar of glory
Has risen high, an illustrious guide

١. لِبَني التاج رُكنُ مَجدٍ خَطير
قَد رَسا في العُلا رُسُو ثَبيرِ

2. All of them are like a full moon in the sky's loftiness
Dazzling the eye with brilliant light

٢. كُلُّهُم في السُموِّ بَدرُ سَماءٍ
يَبهرُ العينَ بِالضياءِ المُنيرِ

3. Especially the most splendid orator who has surpassed
The prose of speech with the poetry of Al-Jurayri

٣. سيَّما الأَروَعُ الخَطيبُ الَّذي فا
قَ بِنَثرِ الكَلام نَظمَ جَريرِ

4. Whoever has ascended the lofty pulpit arrogantly
Without his supremacy, the focus of attention

٤. مَن رَقا مِنبَرَ العُلا مُشمَخِرّا
دونَ عَليائِهِ مَناط البُدورِ

5. Thus his platforms have become so sublime
Beyond any equal as they rose above any peer

٥. فَمَقاماتُهُ لِذا قَد تَعالَت
عَن شَبيهٍ كَما اِعتَلَت عَن نَظيرِ

6. And verses like a pleasant garden
A beautiful sight pleased the eye from both

٦. هاكَ مِنّي وَشيَينِ وَشيُ حَريرٍ
وَقَريضٍ مِثلَ الرِياضِ النَضيرِ

7. What sight pleases the eye of the beholder
Except that the verses in their meaning are nicer to me

٧. راقَ في العَينِ مِنهُما حُسن مَرأى
أَي مَرأىً يَروقُ طَرفَ البَصيرِ

8. Than the weaving of silk
So judge between them as you wish, O King

٨. غَيرَ أَنّ القَريض أَحسَن عِندي
في مَعانيه مِن نَسيج الحَريرِ

9. As the judgment of the prince over his subject
And the wealthy lad stands before him

٩. فَاِحتَكِم فيها كَما شِئتَ مَلكاً
كَاِحتِكام الأَميرِ في المَأمورِ

10. In the stance of falling short, the poor man's excuse
You have not ceased time between my two delights

١٠. وَالفَتى ذُو الغِنى يَقوم لَدَيهِ
في مَقام التَقصيرِ عُذر الفَقيرِ

11. Continuous joy and pleasant bliss
No orator has ascended the throne's pulpit

١١. لا بَرحتَ الزَمان بَينَ نَعيمي
فَرحٍ دائمٍ وَطيبِ سُرورِ

12. The bird of good fortune in the shadows of grandeur

١٢. ما رَقى مِنبرَ الأَراكِ خَطيباً
طائِرُ السَعدِ في ظِلالِ الحُبُورِ