
The clouds gathered around that abode,

ربع الغمام بربع ذاك المنزل

1. The clouds gathered around that abode,
Drenching it with the rain of high heavens.

١. رَبعَ الغَمامُ بِرَبعِ ذاكَ المَنزلِ
وَسَخا بِهِ نوءُ السِماك الأَعزَلِ

2. Youthfulness has returned to adorn it,
Its freshness enhanced by a forthcoming smile.

٢. وَغَدَت عَلَيهِ مِنَ الزَمان نَضارَةٌ
شُفِعَت نَضارَتُها بِشَرخ مُقبِلِ

3. Spring has clothed its features in fluttering robes,
Green, donned by the winds of the north.

٣. وَكَسا مَعالِمَهُ الرَبيعُ مَطارِفاً
خُضراً تُسدّيها رِياحُ الشَمألِ

4. The winds blew through its branches
Like joints flowing in supple limbs.

٤. وَمَشَت بِعُقوتِهِ الرِياحُ كَما مَشَت
صِرفُ الحُميّا في مَجاري المِفصَلِ

5. Thus blooming youths would sometimes gather,
Rising like full moons that never set.

٥. فَلَرُبَّما اِرتَبَعَت رباهُ فتيةٌ
مِثلُ البُدورِ طَوالِعاً لَم تَأفُلِ

6. Their brisk, supple gaits newly found in youth
Until they reached the highest rank and glory,

٦. طارَحتُها قِدماً حَديثَ صَبابَةٍ
وَهوَ سُلافٌ كَالسُلافِ السَلسَلِ

7. While I remained abased in the lowest valley,
Yearning mournfully like a spurned lover.

٧. حَتّى اِرتَقَت شَرفَ السِيادة وَالعُلا
وَبقيتُ مُلقىً في الحَضيضِ الأَسفَلِ

8. By God, that band of friends I regretted
One day in the prime of my early youth,

٨. وَلهانَ في تِلكَ المَعاهِدِ مُنشِداً
في إِثرِها حُزناً مَقالَ مُفَضِّلِ

9. When exuberant, verdant youth was upon me
Submerged in the passions of songstresses.

٩. لِلّهِ دُرُّ عِصابة نادَمتُهُم
يَوماً بِجِلَّق في الزَمان الأَوّلِ

10. I stood at those abodes questioning
The days of youth, but woe to him who does not ask.

١٠. حَيثُ الشَبابُ الغَضُّ مُقتَبِلٌ وَلي
بِهَوى الغَواني غَمرةٌ ما تَنجَلي

11. I recalled the days of my prime and wept for them,
Remembering a beloved the day he departed.

١١. وَلَقَد وَقَفتُ عَلى المَعاهِدِ سائِلاً
عَهدَ الشَبابِ وَخابَ مَن لَم يَسألِ

12. I went about reciting the vestiges of his dwelling,
My eyes drunk with pouring tears.

١٢. وَذَكَرتُ أَيّامَ الصِبا فَبَكَيتُها
ذِكرى حَبيبٍ يَومَ بانَ وَمَنزِلِ

13. Greetings O abode of my youth and that house,
Quenched by the dripping clouds' showers.

١٣. وَغَدوتُ أُنشِدُ في مَعالِمِ رَسمِهِ
وَالعَينُ سَكرى بِالدموعِ الهُمَّلِ

14. The morning breeze wandered about your precincts,
Making the grounds of your house a place for meditation.

١٤. حُيّيتَ يا ربع الصِبا مِن مَنزلٍ
وَسُقيتَ رَيعانَ الغَمامِ المُسبلِ

15. O dwelling fateful events and days have descended upon,
Subdued by the blows of a relentless time.

١٥. وَرَسا النَسيمُ بِساحَتيكَ فَأَصبَحَت
عَرَصاتُ داركَ نزهَة المُتَأمّلِ

16. If your abode changes from a lovely damsel
To an old woman or a fickle youth,

١٦. يا مَنزِلاً نَزَلَتهُ أَحداثُ النَوى
وَخُطوبُ دَهرٍ لِلصِعاب مُذلَّلِ

17. I witnessed the beautiful ones gathered in you
Like shining full moons, plump and round.

١٧. إِن يُمسِ رَبعُكَ مُبدلاً مِن ديمةٍ
بِالريمِ أَو مِن طِفلَةٍ بِالمُطفلِ

18. The tender branches were clothed all around
In the mantle of draping youth.

١٨. فَلَقَد شَهِدتُ بِكَ الحِسانَ كَواعِباً
بيضاً طَوالع كَالبُدور الكُمَّلِ

19. Beauties watered by comeliness
Who became like flowers in a meadow tended by showers.

١٩. مِن كُلِّ غَيداء التَثَنّي ألبِسَت
أَعطافها بُرد الشَباب المُسدلِ

20. She said, having seen my pallid complexion,
"I urge the riders on to the heights with my wandering.

٢٠. رُودٌ سَقاها الحُسنُ ماءَ شَبيبةٍ
فَغَدَت كَزَهرِ الرَوضِ غاداه الوَلي

21. I halt my steed at the hilltops, grief-stricken,
Weeping over vestiges in an abandoned encampment.

٢١. قالَت وَقَد بَصُرت بَوَجهي شاحِباً
أزجي الركاب إِلى العُلا بِتَنقّلِ

22. I aspire to attain glory by striving
To compose poetry whether haphazardly or deliberately.

٢٢. أَقفُ المُطِيَّ عَلى الطلولِ رَواسِماً
أَبكي رُسوماً في مَحلّ مُحولِ

23. By God, you will not ascend to a lofty position
Until you frequent the circle of that grand assembly."

٢٣. أَتَرومُ إِدراكَ المَعالي جاهِداً
نِضوَ القَريضِ بِمَعلَمٍ وَبِمَجهَلِ

24. It is the esteemed, eminent presence of my Master,
The Judge of the Armies, supreme in nobility.

٢٤. تَاللَهِ لَن تَرقى مَحلاً سامِياً
حَتّى تُلِمَّ بِصَدر ذاكَ المحفلِ

25. His view assists the guided and his gifts
Aid the aspiring and sustain the hopeful.

٢٥. هِيَ حَضرةُ المَولى المُعَظَّمِ قَدرُهُ
قاضي العَساكر مَن سَما شَرَفاً عَلي

26. The days were clad in the splendor of his essence
Exultant like a bouncing, joyous colt.

٢٦. مَن رَأيُهُ لِلمُهتَدي وَنَوالُهُ
لِلمُجتَدي وَعَطاؤهُ لِلمُرمِلِ

27. The radiance of his smile filled him with awe,
As if it were a veil over his light.

٢٧. كُسِيَت بِهِ الأَيّام لِيلة تِمِّهِ
مُتَهَلّلاً كَالعارض المُتَهَلِّلِ

28. The ample robe drags the train of piety
And religion with the most perfect lion.

٢٨. طلقُ المُحيّا قَد علتهُ مَهابَةٌ
فَكَأَنَّهُ مِن نُورِها في جَحفَلِ

29. Neither worldly ambitions nor
Longing for its superficial beauty distract him.

٢٩. عَفُّ الإِزارِ يَجُرُّ أَذيالَ التُقى
وَالدين بِالرَأيِ الأَسَدِّ الأَكمَلِ

30. With his munificence, generosity pitched its tents
When it found rest in his boundless liberality.

٣٠. لا تَزدَهيهِ مَطامِع الدُنيا وَلا
يَرنو لِزُخرُفِ حُسنِها المُتَعَجِّلِ

31. I set my hopes on him as if
I had set my mount in the lasting home.

٣١. بِنَداه أَمسى الجود مُلقٍ رَحلَهُ
لَما اِغِتَدى فيهِ مَحَطَّ الأَرحُلِ

32. O you whose pen's branches
Are firmer than the branches of engraving styluses.

٣٢. بَوَّأتُ أَطماعي بِهِ فَكَأَنَّما
بَوَّأتُ رَحلي في المَرادِ المبقِلِ

33. When the five senses pour forth from a sea
Of thoughts containing the pearls of speech.

٣٣. يا مَن لَهُ قَلم شباةُ قناتِهِ
أَمضى وَقُوعاً مِن شباة المنصُلِ

34. The knights of eloquence submit to him
And in his presence lower the banners of their oration.

٣٤. إِن يُمطِهِ الخمسُ الجَداول مُفرغاً
مِن بَحرِ فِكرٍ فيهِ دُرُّ المِقوَلِ

35. Until Abdel Hamid's words are seen to be excellent
By the excellence of the fluidity of his expression.

٣٥. خَضَعَت لَهُ فُرسانُ كُلِّ بِلاغَةٍ
وَسَطاً بِناديها لِخِطبةِ فَيصَلِ

36. And the son of the pillar, pillar of diffuse eloquence
In which lies the pearl of orderly prose.

٣٦. حَتّى يُرى عَبدُ الحَميدِ حَميدَ ما
أَنشاه مِن إِنشاء حُسن تَرسّلِ

37. You possess the plateau of knowledge which brings forth
The aspirations and the unblemished firmament.

٣٧. وَاِبنُ العَميدِ عَميدَ نَشر بَلاغةٍ
في طَيِّها دُرُّ النِظامِ المُرسَلِ

38. Had Aristotle endeavored to fathom its depths
He could not, nor the Chief Abu Ali.

٣٨. لَكَ هَضبةُ العِلمِ الَّتي فرعت عُلا
هَامَ النَعائم وَالسماك الأَعزَلِ

39. My Master, O you whose palm's generosity
Surpasses the rain clouds' pouring generosity.

٣٩. لَو رامَ رِسطاليسُ يُدركُ شأوَها
لَم يَستَطع وَكَذا الرَئيسُ أَبو علي

40. The seasons do not keep your abode desolate
It is the most impregnable fortress against the world's afflictions.

٤٠. مَولاي يا مَن جُود راحَةِ كَفِّهِ
يَربُو عَلى جودِ السَحاب الأَهطَلِ

41. May he be disgraced whom a position of authority was conferred
Graciously as it was said to the first.

٤١. لا تُغبِبُ الأَنواءُ ربعك إِنَّه
مِن حادِثِ الأَيّامِ أَحصنُ مَعقَلِ

42. No position exists but your worth is above it
Thus by your exalted glory what comes after is debased.

٤٢. وَليَهنِ مَنصِبُ دَولَةٍ قُلِّدتَهُ
عَفواً كَما مِن قَبلُ قيلَ لأَوّلِ

43. To you has come a natural poetic gift which
Climbs by describing your praise to the greatest heights.

٤٣. ما مَنصبٌ إِلّا وَقَدرُكَ فَوقَهُ
فَبِمَجدِكَ السامي يُهَنّا ما يَلي

44. Though of Syrian origin, she is
Of the noblest Arab descent, no matter who is asked.

٤٤. وَإِلَيكَ وافَت غادةٌ أَمسَت عَلى
فَلَكِ القَريضِ بِوَصفِ مَدحِكَ تَعتَلي

45. If she had proposed to a woer with her odes,
The assembly of Ukaz would shake with barrenness.

٤٥. شامِيّةُ المَنشا غَدَت لَكِنَّها
طائيّةُ الأَنسابِ مَهما تُسألِ

46. She approached your lofty abode hoping
That a glance of good fortune might shine upon her.

٤٦. لَو أَنَّها عَرَضَت لِقُسٍّ خاطِباً
بِعكاظهِ لعرَته هِزّةُ أَفكلِ

47. To return satiated, drawing from your overflowing
Spring the sweetest watering-place.

٤٧. قَصَدَت إِلى عُليا ذُراكَ لَعَلَّ أَن
يَرنُو لَها لَحظُ السَعادَةِ مِن عَلِ

48. You remain protected in state, rising
With the splendor of its lasting magnificent glory.

٤٨. فَتَعودُ صادِرَةً وَقَد أَنهَلتها
مِن وَردِكَ الفَيّاضِ أَعذبَ مَنهَلِ

49. And your abode is a destination for delegations
Where hopes of every aspirant alight.

٤٩. لا زِلتَ مَحروسَ الجَنابِ بِدَولةٍ
تَسمو بِسُؤدد مَجدِها المُتَأَثِّلِ

50. No praise in your loftiness was pleasing
Nor did doves' leaves stir on the bending branches.

٥٠. وَعراصُ رَبعِكَ لِلوُفودِ مَحَطَّةٌ
تَأوي لَها آمالُ كُلِّ مُؤمّلِ

51. The breeze of your subtle kindness blew announcing
The fulfillment of my hopes without resistance.

٥١. ما راقَ مَدحٌ في عُلاكَ وَما شَدَت
وُرقُ الحَمائم في الغُصونِ المُيَّلِ

٥٢. وَسَرى نَسيمُ اللُطفِ مِنكَ مُبَشِّراً
بِبلوغِ آمالي بِغَيرِ تَعلُّلِ