
I have no water for her, nor grass

لا ماء عندي لها ولا عشبا

1. I have no water for her, nor grass
Unless you forgive every white-flagged sinner

١. لا ماء عندي لَها ولا عُشُبَا
انْ لم تَدعْ كل مَارِنٍ ذَنَبَا

2. The way of the skilled and our way forever
Is to have our ties severed behind her

٢. دَأبُ المَهارى ودأبُنا أَبداً
أَو يَتَقَطَّعْنَ خلفها عُصَبَا

3. Indeed, an enemy has trespassed against you and tempted
Your acceptance of disgrace, so flee

٣. اِنَّ عَدِيّاً عَدوا عليكَ وسا
موكَ قَبولَ الهَوانِ فالهَربَا

4. They fooled you, so take vengeance on them for me
The cheek of his oppression recognizes severity

٤. غَرُّوكَ فاستَبدِ لي بهم بَدَلاً
يَعرِفُ عِرنينُ وجهِهِ الغصَبَا

5. A plan of injustice has been blocked at its beginning
When anything but impetuousness attains it

٥. خُطَّةُ ضيمٍ قد سُدَّ مطلعُها
اذا أتاها غيرُ الجموحِ كبَا

6. O you who were mixed with those who cannot restrain
Their tyranny when they pull

٦. يا نَفرةً خالطتكَ لا يَملِكُ ال
جاذبُ طُغيانَها اذا جَذَبَا

7. I am amazed that you disobeyed their command
How did you obey the bridle and the foam?

٧. عجبتُ لما عَصيتِ أَمرهُمُ
كيفَ أَطَعْتِ الزمامِ والقَتَبَا

8. What young man do you carry who does not know the people
Nor do you know what he sought?

٨. أَيَّ فتىً تحملينَ لا يعلمُ النْ
اسُ ولا تعلمينَ ما طلبَا

9. Harsh concerning the occurrence of misfortunes, so he has no mercy
Except for one who feared or was tempted

٩. قاسٍ على نبوةِ الخُطوبِ فما
يَرحَمُ الا من خَافَ أو رَغِبَا

10. Of the most clear-sighted of people for gain, if only
He were to seek the means of sustenance

١٠. مِنْ أَبصرِ الناسِ بالمطامعِ لو
كانَ الى الرزقِ يَبتغي سَببَا

11. Is it not but great appearances
That perish and leave behind lineage and merit?

١١. هل هي الا العروضُ زَاهية
تَفنى وتُبقي الأعراضَ والحَسبَا

12. What is it to me if I left a place of dwelling
Where doves cooed or was delighted?

١٢. ما لي اذا ما تركتُ منزلةً
غردَ فيها الحَمَامُ أَو طَربَا

13. And for his burning passion and his agony
I have never blamed him and said he blamed

١٣. وما على شَجوهِ وحُرقتهِ
عاتبتُ يوماً فقلتُ قد عَتَبَا

14. I ask God's forgiveness. I do not blame a young man
Who tortured his heart in love and poured

١٤. أَستغفرُ اللهَ لا أَلومُ فَتَىً
عَذَّبَ في الحبِ قلبَه وَصَبَا

15. If its bitterness was sweet to him
Then only the most bitter is relished

١٥. انْ عَذُبَتْ عندَهُ مَرارتُهُ
فانما يُستَلَذُّ ما عَذُبَا

16. I wish he who still denies me
Would ask after me - is it easy or difficult?

١٦. ليتَ الذي لا يزالُ يُنكِرُني
يَسأَلُ عني من لانَ أَو صَعُبَا

17. Without any weakness or shortcoming
I give and do not take what is obligatory

١٧. من غيرِ ضَعفٍ وغيرِ مَنْقصَة
أُعطي ولا آخذُ الذي وَجَبَا

18. My praise is only for an absent one
Elevations rise between him and I

١٨. وما ثَنائي الاَّ لمحتجبٍ
يرفع بَيني وبينَه الحُجبَا

19. So time, without my provoking it
Claims that I filled it with anger

١٩. فالدهرُ من غيرِ أَنْ أُغاضبه
يَزْعُمُ أَني مَلأتُهُ غَضَبَا

20. None undertakes the effort of superiority, my father
Saʿd, except the debased and outcast

٢٠. لا يَتعاطى سَعى العَلاءِ أَبي
سعدٍ نجيبٌ الاَّ كَبا وَنَبَا

21. O ease in the pledge, which
Is freely gained when hardship gains fatigue

٢١. يا راحةً في الرهانِ يُحرِزُهَا
عفواً اذا الربوُ أَحرزَ التَّعبَا

22. In it, the envious gulp their sighs
As scabies enjoys scratching

٢٢. يَلُذُّ فيها الحسودُ زفرتَه
كما يلذ المُمَاعِكُ الجَرَبَا

23. The abundance of gifts - were it not for their novelties in
Generosity - we would not recognize wonder

٢٣. جَزلُ العَطَايا لولا بَدائِعه
في الجودِ كنا لا نعرِفُ العَجَبا

24. We pick the love of beautiful women if
One says - and by my life if he wrote

٢٤. نلقُطُ حبَّ الجُمانِ من فيهِ انْ
قالَ ومِنْ راحتيهِ انْ كَتَبَا

25. A glance like the fall of arrows, using
Fright, and a saying encompassing speeches

٢٥. لحظٌ كوقعِ السهامِ يستعملُ الرْ
رُعْبَ ولفظٌ يستوعبُ الخُطَبَا

26. Joy does not borrow its splendor
Nor is it seen bowed in grief

٢٦. لا يَستَعيرُ السُّرورُ بَهْجَتَهُ
ولا تَراهُ للرزءِ مكتَئِبَا

27. Mixed with companions, blended
When its seriousness competes, it plays

٢٧. مختلطٌ بالصِّحَابِ ممتزجٌ
اذا تحاميتَ جِدَّهُ لَعِبَا

28. Pleasantness does not prevent awe of it
Like a sword hiding its blade’s edge

٢٨. لا يمنعُ البِشرُ من مهابتِهِ
كالسيفِ يُخفي فِرِنْدُهُ العَطَبا

29. Exposing to us a joke in his smile
Since for us in his smile is profit

٢٩. عَرّضْ لنا مازِحاً بمبسَمِهِ
انَّ لنا في ابتسامهِ أَربَا

30. Like rain whose advent is not believed by the imagination
Or lightning steals its water by trickery

٣٠. كالغَيْثِ لا يصدُقُ المخيلَةَ أَو
يَختلِبُ البرقُ ماءَهُ خَلَبَا

31. Inform, if you come to a horseman and the sons of
Yellow, from me and inform the Arabs

٣١. أَبلغ اذا جئتَ فارساً وبني ال
أَصفرِ عنّي وأَبلِغِ العَرَبَا

32. Whoever's abode was near his and saw him
And whoever was far in the towns and an expatriate

٣٢. من قَرُبَتْ دَارُهُ ورؤيتُهُ
وَمَنْ نأَى في البلادِ واغتربَا

33. That I have chosen for the fathers a young man
Who chose the most honorable ranks

٣٣. أَنّي تَخيَّرتُ للاباءِ فَتىً
تَخَيَّرَ المكرُمَاتِ والرُّتَبَا

34. Like a lion who does not diminish threats to one who
Opposed him, even if resolved to harm and attacked

٣٤. كالليثِ لا يقصف الوعيدَ لمن
عادى وانْ هم بالرَّدى وثبا

35. I asked my Master, hoping for His gift, so
He began swaying from the dew, delighted

٣٥. للهِ مَولى طَلَبتُ نائِلَهُ
فَراحَ يهتزُّ للندَى طَرَبَا

36. Not leaving a share of his day for tomorrow
And not feeling safe from calamity

٣٦. لا تاركٌ حَظَّ يومِهِ لِغَدٍ
ولا على العيشِ يأمنُ النوبَا

37. He knows that a man will have
What he attained of his money and what He granted

٣٧. يَعلم أَنَّ الفَتى يكون لَهُ
ما نالَ من مالهِ وما وهبَا

38. Do not envy a gatherer of wealth
Nor a miserable man who earned dishonor

٣٨. لا تَغبِطَنْ جَامِعاً لِثَروتِهِ
ولا لَئِيْماً بعِرضِهِ كَسَبَا

39. He avoids the cup of misery and drinks it
If he were weak, he would not have drunk

٣٩. يَعَافُ كأسَ الردى ويشربها
لو أنه عائفٌ لما شَرِبَا

40. He kept his word, by my life, and protected
His guarantee, a goer when his sword struck

٤٠. وفَى لعَمري وحاطَ ذمتَه
ماضٍ اذا سَلَّ سيفَه ضَرَبَا

41. With the slightest of his actions, he attained the thickness of
Glory, so his efforts were not for one who strove

٤١. نالَ بأدنى فِعَالِهِ قُحَم ال
مجدِ فما سعيهُ لمنْ دَأَبَا

42. Whenever I see him leading a white-blazed stallion like
A towering mountain of sturdy frame and covered face

٤٢. متى أَراهُ يقودُ أَرعنَ كال
طود برَيْطِ العَجَاجِ منتقبَا

43. As if his teeth were silver
One day and silver another day

٤٣. تَخَالُ من فضَّةٍ أَسنَّتَهُ
يوماً ويوماً تَخَالُها ذَهَبَا

44. The sparks of the flash put upon the highlands
From his clear water a drink

٤٤. مُلتهباتُ الوميضِ قد خَلَعَتْ
على العَوالي من مائِها عَذَبَا

45. I endure the blame of a friend
Truest in his love, even if he lied

٤٥. انّي لعتب الخَليلِ مُحْتَملُ
أَصدُقُ في حُبِّهِ وانْ كَذَبَا

46. I do not scorn an unblemished look in
Affection, nor consider it pride

٤٦. لا أَحقِر النَّظرةَ السَّليمةَ في ال
وُدِّ ولا استقلُّها عجبَا

47. I was not created to accuse
Or ask little about a slip

٤٧. ولا أَرى طالباً لزلَّتهِ
خُلِقْتُ أقلي السؤالَ والطَّلبَا

48. I envy a people who surpassed you
And all who raced ahead won

٤٨. أَحسُدُ قوماً عليكَ قد غلَبوا
وكلُّ مَنْ بَادَرَ المدى غلبَا

49. They drew near while we did not draw near you, so they believed
A caring and loving father to them

٤٩. دنوا ولم ندنُ منكَ فاعتَقَدُوا
أمُاً رَؤُوماً عليهم وأَبَا

50. While you were like a vine whose leaves wrap
Around what drew nearer to it

٥٠. وكنتَ كالكَرْمِ من تكَرُّمِهِ
تَلْتَفُّ أوراقُهُ بما قَرُبَا