1. For the ruins' remnants appearing,
The land empty of its people, inoperative,
١. لمن بقايا طَللٍ ماثلِ
خالي الثَّرى من أَهله عاطِلِ
2. Seized by every humiliated one,
Feeding it with rising and descending,
٢. تداركته كلُّ خَّوارةٍ
تَغذوه بالطَّلِّ وبالوابِلِ
3. The garden of sorrow wished for its prosperity,
To have for it a wrap not separated,
٣. تَمَنَّ روضُ الحَزنِ من وشيهِ
له وُشاحاً ليس بالحائلِ
4. The wilderness mediated its betrayal,
Not knowing the year from the reception,
٤. تواسطَ الوحشَ بغُدرانه
لا تعرف العامَ من القابِلِ
5. No harm from who was stingy with his promise,
Whether he was generous or justified with falsehood,
٥. ما ضرَّ من ضنَّ بميعادهِ
لو جادَ أَو علَّلَ بالباطِلِ
6. I seek refuge for the pure stream of Majdoul,
Pulling the inclination of its bending branch,
٦. أُعيذُ مجدولَ نقا رِدفهِ
بَجذِب عِطْفَى غصنهِ المائِلِ
7. What sin do I have towards your people,
Except your love, oh essence of deadly passion,
٧. مالي الى قومكِ ذنب سِوى
حبكِ يا ذات الهوى القاتِلِ
8. And they have no other than their interpretation,
That I keep my flag raised,
٨. وما عليهم غير تأويلهم
في أَنْ أُحيي عَلَمي عاقِلِ
9. Or I wish for a tender one among the loved ones,
Flowing without barrier or repeller,
٩. أَو أَتمنى وائراً في الكَرى
يَسري بلا واشٍ ولا عَاذِلِ
10. So I ask the attainer of its spirit,
Who is stingy in responding to the questioner,
١٠. فأَسأَلُ النائلَ من طِيفِهِ
يَبخَل بالردِّ على السَّائِلِ
11. Is there for the blackness of hair a returning,
Or a trick for its separating color,
١١. هلْ لِسَواد الشَّعرِ من أَوبةٍ
أَو حيلةٍ في لونه الحَائِلِ
12. I said to the sweet talker his words allure me,
How needy is the word for a doer,
١٢. قلت لحلو راقني قولُه
ما أَحوجَ القولَ الى فَاعِلِ
13. I am incapable of straightening the critic,
And who can cure the disease of the ignorant,
١٣. أَعيا على الغَامزِ تقويمَه
ومن يُداوي مَرضَ الجَاهِل
14. I neither carried a female nor walked
The like of the pride of the perfect state,
١٤. ما حملتُ أُنثى ولا طرقتْ
بمثل فخرِ الدولةِ الكَامِلِ
15. I execute and do not falter in a problem,
That the mind of the sensible one neglects,
١٥. أمضى ولا أَنفذ في مُشكلٍ
تغفَل عنه فِطنةُ العَاقِلِ
16. There came with the wind conversing with it,
A letter like the letter of the ample feather,
١٦. جاءتْ مع الريحِ تَهادى بهِ
حَرفٌ كحرف المرنفِ النَّاحِلِ
17. Bringing orders to obey and prohibitions,
And his matter like the descending decree,
١٧. جاءت بوال نهيه كالردى
وأَمره كالقدرِ النَّازِلِ
18. Neither the fence of anger nor his disdain,
Prevent the fairness that includes all,
١٨. لا سَورةُ الغيظِ ولا ضِغنُه
يمنعُ من انصافه الشَّامِلِ
19. He made his pardoning the judge of his power,
And adorned the steps with execution,
١٩. حكَّم في سطوته عفوَه
وزين الاقدام بالنَّائِلِ
20. The mountains of Nahawand and its surroundings,
Were only morsels for the glutton,
٢٠. انَّ نَهَاوَنْدَ وأَجبالَها
لم تك الاَّ شحمةَ الآكِلِ
21. They were long upon the non-Arabs without celebration
For the Arabs, people of nature and beauty,
٢١. طالتْ على العجمِ ولم تحتفل
بالعرب أَهلِ الشاءِ والجَامِلِ
22. Tall mountains buried in snow,
And roads that exhaust the questioner,
٢٢. شَواهقٌ في الثلج مدفونةٌ
وسبلٌ تعيى على السَّائِلِ
23. You hear the Jinn wailing in its valleys,
Whatever you want of truth and imagination,
٢٣. تَسمعُ للجِنِّ بغيطانها
ما شئتَ من جِدٍّ ومن هَازِلِ
24. And thieves like hungry wolves,
Snatching the wrap from the weaver,
٢٤. ومن لصوصٍ كذئابِ الغَضَا
تَختَطِفُ الشَّسْعَ من النَّاعِلِ
25. It was not cured of its disease by Al Afshin,
And nor Al Lukhami the friend of losers,
٢٥. لم يشفها الافشينُ من دائِها
ولا اللُخيميُّ أَخو وَائِلِ
26. Until he cured it while it was defiant,
I smite the example of the courageous lion,
٢٦. حتى تلافاها وقد أَعضلتْ
أَضبَطُ مثلُ الأَسدِ البَاسِلِ
27. Bathing in roses he has stains,
The two arms away from the shoulder,
٢٧. مُغامسُ الوردِ بهِ غُلَّةٌ
نأيُ الذراعين من الكاهِلِ
28. He eats the land with growling,
As if it is the sea without a coast,
٢٨. يلتهم البَرَّ بِرجْراجَةٍ
كأَنها البحرُ بلا سَاحِلِ
29. Birds fluttering away from his striking,
Almost reaching the hand of the shooter,
٢٩. مُرَّنَّقُ الطير على ضَربها
يكاد يدنو من يدِ النَّابِلِ
30. As if with it the eagle is a flag,
Between the spearhead and the worker,
٣٠. كأنما النسرُ بها رايةٌ
بينَ سِنانِ الرمحِ والعَامِلِ
31. Ask Shabir Khash his smashed pots,
What it did with the languid sword,
٣١. سائلْ بِشَابِرْ خَاشَ أَوداجَها
ما صنعتْ بالأسلِ الذَّابلِ
32. Its face follows directly in the calamity,
Like the polished sword in the hand of the sharpener,
٣٢. تَتْبعُ طلقاً في الوغَى وجهُهُ
كالسيفِ يُجلَى بيدِ الصَّاقِلِ
33. And you sufficed the army so they did not miss,
An increase from your abundant height,
٣٣. وفيتَ للجندِ فلم يَعْدَموا
زيادةً من طولكَ الطَّائِلِ
34. That is a day its promise is present,
In which the worker's deed benefits,
٣٤. ذلك يومٌ وعدُه حاضرٌ
ينفع فيه عملُ العَامِلِ
35. No triumphant attained what you attained,
In the present of fate and in the future,
٣٥. ما نالَ ما نلتَ به ظافرٌ
في عاجلِ الدهرِ وفي الآجِلِ
36. With the full moons that made helpless,
The debasement of the rival and blamer,
٣٦. من بدَرِ التبر التي أعجزت
مذلةَ الوازنِ والكائلِ
37. There were before you its horsemen,
Battalions of victories now lost,
٣٧. قد كان من قبلِكَ عبَّالَهَا
كتائباً من نصرِهِ الخَاذِلِ
38. With al-Lur we exchange wishes,
What the soul promises of falsehood,
٣٨. باللُورِ حولاً نتقاضى المُنى
ما تَعِدُ النفسُ من الباطِلِ
39. Woe to whom the export of it burdens,
If he carried the weight upon the carrier,
٣٩. واهاً لمنْ أَحقبَ تصديرُهُ
لو حمل الثِقلَ على حَامِلِ
40. Then we turned to crazed horses,
Clothed with armor to Babylon,
٤٠. ثم عطفنا لخيلَ مجنونةً
تَدَّرِعُ النقعَ الى بابِلِ
41. And the abode has covered its horizons,
So its people are busy,
٤١. والمَحْلُ قد جَلَّلَ آفاقَها
فأهلُها في شُغُلٍ شَاغِلِ
42. You lightened in their atmosphere with lightning,
That landed between parts of your pouring clouds,
٤٢. بَرَّقْتَ في جوهم برقَةً
حلَّتْ عَزَالى مزنِك الهَاطِلِ
43. Victory met you and did not alert from you,
The enemies the example of the neglectful,
٤٣. قابلكَ النصرُ ولا نبَّهَتْ
منكَ الأعادي سِنَةَ الغَافِلِ
44. Neither your shining sun obscured from us,
Nor your shadow by the departing,
٤٤. لا شمسُكَ الجَونَةُ مَحْجُوبَةٌ
عنا ولا ظِلُّكَ بالزائِلِ