
Welcome, welcome, with ease

مرحبا وأهلا وسهلا

1. Welcome, welcome, with ease
To a prince loved by all hearts

١. مَرْحَباً وأَهْلاً وسَهْلاً
بأَميرٍ على القُلُوبِ مُوَلَّى

2. Joy and bliss come whenever
He turns to me even if he turns away

٢. يُقبلُ اللهوُ والسرورُ اذا أقْ
بلَ نَحوي وانْ تَولَّى تَولَّى

3. His glory grew so my humility in love grew
The one in love saw subservience beneficial so he submitted

٣. زادَ عِزاً فازددتُ في الحُبِّ ذُلاً
وَرَأَى الدَّلَ نافعاً فأَدَلاَّ

4. It is said that love is the folly of the ignorant
And love itself fully occupies the mind of the wise

٤. قِيلَ انَّ الهَوى فَراغُ جَهولٍ
وكَفَى بالهَوى لذي اللُّب شُغْلا

5. How often we have seen a rational man endure hardship
Yet unable to endure the hardship of love

٥. كم رأينا مِن عاقلٍ يحمِلُ الثِّقْ
ل ولا يستطيعُ للحبِّ حِمْلا

6. When he lost control over his love
He was less able to control his temper against his foe

٦. واذا كَلَّ حدُّهُ عن هَواهُ
كان عن صَفْحَةِ العَدوِّ أكَلاّ

7. Nejd is not deserving of abandonment where it complains
Nor the sanctuary deserving of being filled

٧. ما استحقَ الفِراقَ نَجْدٌ فيشتا
قُ ولا استأْهَلَ الحِمى أَنْ يُمَلاّ

8. The day I left it, I found no rest from it
That would bring together love and settlement

٨. يومَ فارقُتهُ فما اعتَضْتُ منه
سَكناً يجمع الهوى ومَحَلاّ

9. Who can blame me if a critic persists
In advising me while he is more blameworthy?

٩. مَنْ عَذِيري مِنْ عاتبٍ باتَ يَلحَا
ني على النُّصحِ وهو بالعتبِ أَولى

10. I am angry that I preserved the glory of my master
And prohibited what he prohibited

١٠. ساخطٌ انْ حفِظتُ مجدَ مَوالي
هِ وَحَرَّمتُ منهم ما أَحَلاّ

11. Oh son of one whom if he called me to sacrifice myself
I would have sacrificed myself without hesitation

١١. يا ابنَ مَنْ كنتُ لو دَعاني بِعِرضي
منه عند السؤالِ أعظمَ نَجْلا

12. We did not ask you for anything so you would be prolix
Nor were you worthy of magnanimity

١٢. ما سألناكَ طائلاً فتطول
تَ ولا كنتَ للمكارمِ أَهلا

13. Come tell me, what is the excuse for estrangements
When she is not naturally disposed for estrangement?

١٣. هاتِ قل لي ما العذرُ في وانياتٍ
نُفِّرتْ وهي ليس تَنْفُرُ هَزْلا

14. She fell where the doves fell, sadly
After the carrion filled her and she was filled

١٤. وقعت وقعةَ الحَمائمِ حَسْرى
بعدَ مَا ملَّها الوَجيفُ وَمَلاّ

15. She has the sanctity of settlement if
The lands where you reside were places to settle

١٥. وَلَهَا حُرمةُ الانَاخَةِ انْ كا
نَ قِرى النازلينَ عندكَ فَلاّ

16. A need has presented itself which the people overlooked
So we called upon the noble and great one for it

١٦. عَرَضَتْ حاجةٌ نبا الناسُ عنها
فدعونا لها الشريفَ الأَجلاّ

17. Who can openly harm an enemy if he wishes
Or harm craftily if he so chooses?

١٧. مَنْ يَضرُّ العدوَّ جهراً اذا شا
ءَ وانْ شاءَ قادراً ضَرَّ خَتْلا

18. Oh best of people in opinion and management
And most perfect in creation and mind

١٨. يا أَصحَ الأنامِ رأياً وتدبي
راً ويا أَكملَ الخلائقِ عَقْلا

19. How can you let yourself incline toward a people
Who see abundance in you as inadequate?

١٩. كيف تدنو وتظمئِنُّ الى قو
مٍ يَرَونَ الثراءَ عندكَ ذَحْلا

20. From an enemy who seeks to take away your nobility
And an envious one who dies of rage and hatred

٢٠. مِن عدوٍّ يَبغي نوالكَ نَبْلاً
وحسودٍ يموتُ بالغيظِ قَتْلا

21. Be aloof from their eyes and deaf to their hearing
With your hands tied and your arms restrained

٢١. كن لتلك العيون سَمْلاً وللأَسْ
ؤُقِ كَبْلاً وللسواعدِ غُلاّ

22. And take the multitude of swords as a support
With them the mighty prevents the weak

٢٢. واتَّخذْ كثرةَ السيوفِ معيناً
فبها يمنع الأَعز الأَذلاّ

23. While they are in the shade of clouds
Until the shade doubled for the shade

٢٣. بينما هنَّ في ظلالٍ من الأغ
ماد حتى زَوينَ للظلِّ ظِلاّ

24. And suspect that each companion will return
An enemy except for spear and sword

٢٤. واتَّهم كلَّ صاحبٍ ربَّما عا
دَ عدواً الاَّ سِناناً وَنَصْلا

25. So your loyal brother is he whom you do not plunge
Ignorantly or overburden with a load

٢٥. فأَخوكَ الوفيُّ من لم تُقَحِّمْ
هُ مَهُولاً ولم تُحَمِّلْهُ ثِقْلا

26. May God grant victory to whoever the fate
Was difficult for yet met death easily

٢٦. نصرَ اللهُ كلَّ مَنْ صَعُبَ الضَّيْ
مُ عليهِ فصادفَ الموتَ سَهْلا

27. The alighting of doves when degradation is repelled
Is sweet but living in glory is sweeter

٢٧. وورودُ الحِمَام حينَ يُعَافُ ال
ذُّلُ حلوٌ والعيشُ في العزِّ أَحْلى

28. I wonder at one who dug you a well greedily
Hoping you would slip into it and fail

٢٨. عجبي من مُغَمِّسٍ لكَ بِئْراً
طَمَعاً أَنْ تَزِلَّ فيها فَزَلاّ

29. Satisfied with himself against countless men
Who were not routed in days of madness and defeat

٢٩. وَغَنِيٍّ بنفسهِ عن عَديدٍ
لم يُفَلَّوا يومَ الهِياجِ وَفُلاّ

30. God bears witness that when you were absent
He showed you their plot diminished

٣٠. شَهِدَ اللهُ حينَ غِبْتَ فأَبْدَى
لك عَقْداً من كيدِهم مُضْمَحِلاّ

31. And secrets he related about the new crescent moon
That left the sun newly born

٣١. وسِراراً أَحكى سِرارَ هِلالٍ
فارقَ الشمسَ غُلْوَةً فاستَهّلا

32. You were foremost with proofs and opinions during disputes
And words, actions and deeds

٣٢. كنتَ عند الخصامِ أصدعَ بالحُجْ
جةٍ رأياً فيهم وقولاً وفِعْلا

33. You did not distinguish between life and death
Until you opened the horizons

٣٣. لم تفرق بين الحياة وبين ال
موتِ حتى فتَّ السوابقَ مَهْلا

34. You were generous when goblets were filled
That you would not be the filled

٣٤. وتكرمتَ حين ضُمَّتْ قِداحٌ
أَنتَ فيها عن أَن تكونَ المعَلَّى

35. Going high with yourself, making not
The sun your sandal for your feet

٣٥. ذاهباً في العُلا بنفسكَ لا تج
عل شمس الضُّحى لرجلِك نَعْلا

36. And you went about the platforms of the prophets
To the family of Hashim, place after place

٣٦. وتنقلتَ في ظهورِ النبيي
نَ الى هاشمٍ مَحَلا محَلاّ

37. Your father the successor was the first
To raise the minaret of guidance, prayed and fasted

٣٧. فأبوكَ الوصيُّ أَولُ من شا
دَ منارَ الهُدى وصامَ وَصَلَّى

38. Quraish spread his rope but only increased
It unto the cry of the resurrection

٣٨. نَشرتْ حبلَه قريشٌ فزادتْ
ه الى صيحةِ القيامةِ فَتْلا

39. And Hussein, who saw death with honor as life
And living in humiliation as death

٣٩. والحسينُ الذي رأَى القتل في الع
زِّ حياةً والعيشَ في الذُّلِ قَتْلا

40. And Ali, father of the imams
And grandsons, virtues increased by him

٤٠. وعليٌّ أَبو الأئمةِ والأَس
باطِ زِيدَتْ بهِ الفضائلُ فضْلا

41. Then Zaid, and what a Zaid! When it is said
To strike the foreheads, desist!

٤١. ثم زيدٌ وأى زيد اذاً قي
لَ لضربِ الهاماتِ ويحكَ مَهْلا

42. Then the emotional one who wore grief
As his garb and visions as his kohl

٤٢. ثم ذو العَبرةِ الذي لَبِسَ الحُز
نَ شعاراً وصيَّرَ الدمعَ كُحْلا

43. He did not find a supporter against the Marwan clan
So he instigated the enemies and empowered them

٤٣. لم يجد ناصراً على آل مروا
نَ فحضَّ العِدى عليهم وأَشلى

44. Then Yahya who was a light for the people
By whom the lamps are illuminated

٤٤. ثم يحيى وكان للناس نوراً
وضياءً به الحَنَادِسُ تُجْلَى

45. Then above dew and hopes
A time of generosity and giving

٤٥. ثم فوق الندى وفوق الأمانى
عُمَرُ المكرماتِ جُوداً وبذلا

46. And his son Ahmad who turned away
From the world and saw it as paltry

٤٦. وابنه أَحمدٌ فصَدَّ عن الدنْ
يا وأَغضى مُستصغراً مستقلا

47. And his brother Yahya whom the land filled
With cavalry and infantry for al-Musta`in

٤٧. وأَخوه يحيى الذي ملأَ الار
ضَ على المستعينِ خيلا ورَجلا

48. And Hussein ibn Ahmad who was for leadership
A chapter and for governance justice

٤٨. والحسينُ بنُ أَحمدٍ كان للخُط
بَةِ فصلاً وفي الحكومةِ عَدْلا

49. Then followed Yahya whom eyes never saw
For the like of people an equivalent

٤٩. وتلاهُ يحيى فما رأَتِ العَي
نُ له في أَماثلِ الناسِ مِثْلا

50. And your father the lesser saw the unseen as revelation
Without them being misguided for a hint

٥٠. وأَبوكَ الادنى رأى الغيبَ وحياً
وعلى السِرِّ لَمْ يُدَلُّوا وَدُلاّ

51. Then you, the destination of glory
And its districts wherever it descended

٥١. ثم أَنت الذي اليه انتهى المج
دُ وحلت شُعوبُه حيثُ حَلاّ

52. And so it does not cease, or the Riser emerges
The best of people for your progeny a progeny

٥٢. وكذا لا يزالُ أَو يَظَهرُ القَا
ئم خيرُ الوَرى لِنَسلِكَ نَسْلا

53. Allies of God in this earth
And they were before the caliphate messengers

٥٣. حُلفاءُ الالهِ في هذِه الار
ضِ وكانوا قبل الخِلافةِ رُسْلا

54. And if they separate or gather
The consensus of people for praise are inclusive

٥٤. وهم انْ تفرقوا أَو أَقاموا
أَجْمَعُ النَّاسِ للمحامدِ شَمْلا

55. The stream of pearls, its water derives from it
So it cannot gain by your polishing, polish

٥٥. نَسَقُ الدُّرِ ماؤُهُ منْه فيهِ
فهو لا يكتسي بصقلِكَ صَقْلا

56. We have praised Muhammad, finding him
Needless, too majestic to be lauded

٥٦. قد مَدَحنا محمداً فوجدنا
هُ غنياُ يَجِلُّ عن أَنْ يُجلّى

57. None from the loins of Adam is more wondrous
A branch from Him, and an origin more generous

٥٧. ليس من صُلبِ آدمٍ أَحدٌ أَنْ
جَبَ فرعاً منه وأَكرمَ أَصْلا

58. If he dies the livelihood of the poor dies
And widows do not suckle a baby

٥٨. واذا ماتَ ماتَ رزقُ المَساكي
ن ولم تُرضع الأَراملُ طِفْلا

59. The naked truth appears in gesture and speech
And for the tongues of people a mind

٥٩. وبدا العيُّ في الاشارة والقو
لِ وأَضحى لألسنِ الناسِ عَقْلا

60. People have not seen the like of your time
In the eras of people, madness and confusion

٦٠. ما رأى الناسُ مثلَ دهركَ هذا
في دُهور الورى جُنُوناً وخَبلا

61. A thousand warriors, forts
As numberless as droplets, not afforded fodder

٦١. أَلْفُ فَحلٍ مُعَقَّلاتٌ وشَوْلٌ
عَدَدُ القَطرِ ليس تُرْزَقُ فَحْلا

62. My brains are reassured and my insides comforted
Since I held fast to your ropes as a rope

٦٢. أَمِنَتْ مهجتى وقرَّ قَرارى
مُذْ تَعَلَّقْتُ من حِبالكَ حَبْلا