
Your abodes have been watered, O daughter of the nations

سقيت ديارك يا ابنة الأقوام

1. Your abodes have been watered, O daughter of the nations,
And the direction of every cloud poured towards it.

١. سُقِيَتْ ديارُكِ يا ابنةَ الأَقوامِ
وَصَبَا اليها صَوبُ كلِّ غَمَامِ

2. Its yards and drawings were adorned
With light dawning from the peaks.

٢. وَتَزيَنتْ عَرصاتُها ورسومُها
بالنَّور مُطَّلعاً من الاكَامِ

3. O dwellings which the breeze toyed with their soil
Hardships of time did not change you.

٣. يا منزلاً عبثَ النسيمُ بتربهِ
لا غيرتْكَ حَوادثُ الأَيَّامِ

4. And your crescent-like beauty laments its passion,
Regretting a people who avoided your generosity.

٤. وَخَلابِكَ القُمريُّ يَندُبُ شَجوهَ
أَسَفاً على قومٍ نأوكَ كِرَامِ

5. You still enjoy youth and the morning breeze,
And the yearning of every murmuring nightingale.

٥. لا زلتَ تنعم بالنُّعامى والصَّبا
وحنينِ كلِّ مُزَمْزَمٍ بَسَّامِ

6. Until the passing months and years increase you
In joy and vitality.

٦. حتى يزيدَكَ بَهْجَةً ونَضَارَةً
مَرُّ الشُّهُورِ عليكَ والأَعوَامِ

7. Those whom you entrusted with your two valleys,
Their palms transgress against the helpless.

٧. انَّ الذينَ بعَقْوَتَيكَ عَهِدْتَهُمْ
تُعدِى أَكفُّهم على الاعدَامِ

8. Whatever traits you detect and souls you dislike
That dislike the company of bodies.

٨. ما شئتَ من شيمٍ تُشَامُ وأَنفسٍ
تَأبى فتكرَه صُحْبَةَ الأَجْسَامِ

9. And charming glances that glance with doe eyes
And twinkle with the tales of meadows.

٩. وكواعبٍ نظرتْ بأَحداقِ المَها
وَتَلفَّتَتْ بسَوالفِ الأَرآمِ

10. If I were free I would enjoy losing them,
I would only be a madly-in-love dove.

١٠. لو كنتُ حراً أَغنُمُ فَقدَهم
ما كنتُ الاَّ هامةً في الهَامِ

11. My longing to you was so severe after
My determination was unleashed without a bridle.

١١. فَلشَدَّ ما شرَدتْ صَيودُكَ بعدما
تنقادُ مُصْحَبَةً بغيرِ زِمَامِ

12. Relieve your eyelids with sleep, for it
Was not real life but a dream.

١٢. عللْ جُفونَكَ بالمَنَامِ فانَّه
ما كانَ ذاكَ العيشُ غَيْرَ مَنَامِ

13. And I imagine it a dream due to the frequency
Of seeing its days in the darkness of dreams.

١٣. وأخالُهُ حُلُماً لكثرةِ ما أَرى
أَيامه فى طارقِ الأَحْلامِ

14. And a persistent one who rides his illusion,
Whom no blame of blamers deters.

١٤. وَمُصَمِّمٍ في اللهوِ يَركَبُ رأسَه
لا تَجتديهِ ملامةُ اللُوَّامِ

15. I woke him up at dawn and said, “Do you not see
The light of dawn creeping into the darkness?”

١٥. نَبهتُه سَحَراً فقلتُ أَما تَرى
نُور الصَّباحِ يَدُّب في الاظْلامِ

16. So his soul quivered like a twig being played with
Or like the shuddering of a resolute sword.

١٦. فاهتزَّ كالغصنِ الملاعبِ نفسَهُ
أَو كاهتزازِ الصَّارم الصَّمْصَامِ

17. And an interval in which he hopes for the return of his answer
On the day of questioning, that he will stand in my position.

١٧. ومُسَافةِ يرجو برجعِ جَوابِهُ
يومَ الحَفيظةِ أَنْ يقومَ مقامِي

18. If I were like you I would have said what you said,
But you have aimed at other than my goal.

١٨. لو كنتُ مثلكَ قلتُ ما قد قلتَهُ
لكنما راميتَ غيرَ مُرَامِ

19. Do not persist in disparaging my honor, it
Is a share I accepted from the divisions.

١٩. لا تلحَ في شُحِّي بِعِرضي اِنَّهُ
حَظٌّ رضيتُ به من الأَقسَامِ

20. And I was ascetic so I was the first ascetic,
And I was desirous so I threw the best of goals.

٢٠. ولقد زهِدتُ فكنتُ أولَ زاهدٍ
ولقد رغبتُ فَرُمْتُ خيرَ مَرَامِ

21. And I praised a king wearing the crown
With uncles and paternal uncles reciprocating.

٢١. ومدَحْتُ من وَلدِ الملوكِ متوَّجاً
متقابلَ الأَخوالِ والأعمَامِ

22. His feet advance towards his enemies
Until they stagger into the resting place of passions.

٢٢. تَسري قواضبُه الى أَعدائِهِ
حتى تُعَرِّسَ في مَقيلِ الهَامِ

23. And if the tongue-tied calls for the silence of his swords
The eloquent returns the response decisively.

٢٣. واذا دعا النِطْلِيسُ خُرْسَ نِصاله
رَدَّتْ جوابَ الأَلثَغِ التَّمتَامِ

24. I mean the pillar of religion indeed he
On whom the pillars of Islam stood.

٢٤. أَعني قوامَ الدينِ حقاً أَنَّهُ
قامتْ عليهِ دعائمُ الاسْلامِ

25. He whom if you blame or denounce
You liken him to pouring rain and drizzle.

٢٥. ذاكَ الذي لو لمتَه أَو عبتَهُ
شبهتَهُ بالغَيثِ والضِّرغامِ

26. Or if you attempt the least of his description
You exhaust the ultimate of pages and pens.

٢٦. أَو رُمْتَ بالتَّعدَادِ أَدنى وَصفِهِ
أفنيتَ أَقصى الصُّحفِ والأقْلامِ

27. Think good of him if you fear him,
O owner of sins and crimes.

٢٧. أَحسنْ به ظنَّاً اذا ما خفتَهُ
يا صاحبَ العَثَراتِ والاجْرَامِ

28. For who forgives and is forbearing like his forbearance
In what is permissible for him to collect from the tribes?

٢٨. فَمَنْ الذي يَعفو ويحلُمُ حِلمَهُ
فيما يُحَلُّ له جنى الأقوَامِ

29. And who is patient and enduring like his endurance
And who gathers his sides upon sorrows?

٢٩. ومن الذي يُغضي ويصبِرُ صَبْرَهُ
ويَضُمُّ جَنبيه على الالآمِ

30. You imagine him from his rationality, troubled,
In fear while he is the torrent in legs.

٣٠. وتَخَالُهُ من حزمهِ مُتلوِّماً
في الروعِ وهو السَّيلُ في الاقْدَامِ

31. And if you seek his currents and tides
You would place your foot in the dark abyss.

٣١. واذا طلبتَ بِضَحْلِهِ تَيَّارَهُ
أَوقعتَ رجلَكَ في العميقِ الطَّامي

32. He comes near and moves away yet not by his nearing
Does his humility cease from greatness.

٣٢. يدنو ويبعُدُ فهو لا بِدُنُوِّهِ
يَنهَى تواضعَهُ عن الاعظَامِ

33. Like the sun whose light is lit from and its face
Covers investigating every noble eye.

٣٣. كالشَّمسِ تقبسُها الضياءَ ووجهُهَا
يَغشى تَأَملَ كل طَرفٍ سَامِ

34. The eyes of the people were incapable of perceiving it
And it was infeasible except to illusions.

٣٤. عَجَزَتْ عيونُ النَّاسِ عن ادراكِها
وَتَعَذَّرَتْ اِلاَّ على الأَوهَامِ

35. Your excellent horses leaped a leap
That threw their bottoms upon the high flags.

٣٥. خَطَرَتْ على كَرْمانَ خَيلُكَ خَطْرَةً
قَذَفَتْ أَسافلَها على الأَعْلامِ

36. They wore iron armor while only
Breastplates and impenetrable shields were worn for them.

٣٦. لبسوا الحديدَ لها ولم يَلْبَسْ لهم
الا الدياجرَ والعَجَاجَ الدَّامِي

37. And the plebeian took from their sharp blades
A day that awakens the sleeping eyes.

٣٧. وَتَنَاوَلَ الكُوخيّ من وَسَنَاتِها
يومٌ ينبِّه أَعينَ النُّوَّامِ

38. He kept excelling in most matters
Until he excelled in pragmatism without equal.

٣٨. ما زالَ في جُلّ الأُمورِ مسامياً
حتى سما في الجدعِ غيرُ مُسَامِ

39. And for it there is a day to which its return
Spreads greetings while they are not safe greetings.

٣٩. ولها الى الأَجيالِ يوماً عَودُهُ
يَذَرُ السَّلامَ وهُنَّ غيرُ سِلامِ

40. Until its plains and depressions wrap
A flame from the torches and unquenched fires.

٤٠. حتى تَلُفَّ سُهولَها وحُزونَها
لهبٌ من الاسْراجِ والالجَامِ

41. O leader wise in his opinion
Amongst the people in affliction and blessing.

٤١. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ المُصَرِّفُ رأْيَهُ
في الناسِ بالبأساءِ والانعَامِ

42. None settled before you in its rein
My strength nor controlled the bridle my peer.

٤٢. ما نالَ قبلَكَ رابضٌ بأَناتِهِ
عُنُفي ولا مَلَكَ العِنانُ لِجَامِي

43. So guard the reins of ambitions that you have protected
From these insects and cattle.

٤٣. فاحفظْ ذِمامَ مطامعٍ لكَ صْنُتْهَا
عن هذهِ الحَشَراتِ والأَنعَامِ

44. None was like you among kings nor was
Anyone like your father in peace and decisiveness.

٤٤. ما كانَ مثلُكَ في الملوكِ ولم يكنْ
كأَبيكَ عندَ الحلِّ والابرَامِ

45. I yearn for him when forelocks exchange
And when heads bow down to feet.

٤٥. لهفي عليه اذا الحُلومُ تناقلتْ
واذا الرؤوسُ سَجَدنَ للأَقْدَامِ

46. You have not ceased to overwhelm me with great bounties
And distinguish me with good news and honors.

٤٦. ما زلتَ بالنِعَمِ الجِسامِ تَعُمُّني
وتَخُصُّني بالبِشرِ والاكرَامِ

47. Until the course of your love ran in my blood
And your affection walked in the joints of my bones.

٤٧. حتى جرى جِريالُ حُبّكَ في دَمي
وَمَشى ودَادُكَ في مَشاشِ عِظامِي

48. The Nayrouz gifted you a thousand like it
Arranged like a pearl necklace in composition.

٤٨. أَهدى لكَ النيروز الفاً مِثْلَهُ
نَسَقاً كسِمْطِ الدُرِّ في اِنظَامِ

49. And you remained suckling the breast of fate
And attaining its pleasure without weaning.

٤٩. وبقيتَ تِربَ الدَّهرِ تَرضَعُ ثَديَهُ
وتنالُ لذَّتَهُ بغيرِ فِطَامِ

50. Everything new, no matter the prolonging of its stay
Wears out, while you triumphed over events.

٥٠. كلُّ الجديدِ وانْ تطاولَ لبثُهُ
يَبلي وأَنتَ على الحوادثِ نَامِ

51. In the shade of a kingdom that has no worries
And a state fulfilled without increase but continuity.

٥١. في ظلِّ مُلكٍ لا تَحُوْكُ ودولةٍ
كَمُلتْ فما تَزدادُ غَيرَ دَوَامِ