
God watered the days of my youth and folly

سقى الله أيام الصبابة والخبل

1. God watered the days of my youth and folly,
And an era in which I was pelted with starry eyes.

١. سَقى اللهُ أيامَ الصّبابةِ والخَبْلِ
ودَهْراً رُمِينا فيهِ بالحَدَقِ النُّجْلِ

2. And the company of young men whose faces
And morals were a dawn exhaling its scent after the rain.

٢. وصحبة فتيانٍ كأنّ وجوهَهمْ
وأخلاقَهم صُبحٌ تنفّسَ عن وَبْلِ

3. So I fled to my despair, without asking about them,
Since despair does not console the lover, so what can console me?

٣. فَزعتُ إلى يأسي فلم أسلُ عنهُمُ
إذا اليأسُ لم يسلُ المحبَّ فما يُسلي

4. And I bid farewells of farewell and a stance,
In which I found what no one had found before me.

٤. وحَيّا تحياتِ الوَداعِ ووَقْفَةً
وجدتُ بها ما لم يَجدْ أحَدٌ قَبْلي

5. I endured therein the harshness of separation with crying,
And healed therein the glory of love with humiliation.

٥. تلافيتُ فيها قَسْوةَ الهجرِ بالبُكا
وداويتُ فيها عِزّةَ الحُبِّ بالذلِّ

6. One evening, ready yourself for the separation with happiness,
As its stars multiply, equal to the number of sands.

٦. عَشيّةَ استعدِي على البيْنِ مُسعِداً
تكاثِرُ في أرشاشِها عَدَدَ الرّمْلِ

7. O separation, come between me and my eyelids,
If you do not come between the rider and his mount.

٧. فيا بينُ حُلْ بيني وبينَ عَواذِلي
إذا لم تَحُلْ بينَ المطيّةِ والرّحْلِ

8. And O tear, do not divulge my secrets about me,
For if I wanted, on the day of separation, I would have denied what you make me recite.

٨. ويا دمْعُ لا تهتِكْ عليّ سَرائِري
فلو شئتُ يومَ البينِ كذّبتُ ما تُمْلي

9. Keep us away, O Lord, with patience and deterrence from sins,
And sustain a people with foolishness and ignorance.

٩. آتَحرِمُنا يا رَبُّ بالحِلمِ والنُّهى
وتَرزُقُ قوماً بالسّفاهَةِ والجَهْلِ

10. So do not test us with life, for we
Were created as men of conviction in an era of frivolity.

١٠. فلا تَبْتَلينا بالحَياةِ فإنّنا
خُلِقنا رِجالَ الجِدِّ في زَمَنِ الهزْلِ

11. We flee to the heat of passion from boredom,
And escape from the spirit of emptiness to business.

١١. نفرُّ إلى حَرِّ الغَرامِ من القِلى
ونَهْرُبُ من روحِ الفَراغِ إلى الشُّغْلِ

12. An evening I rode my she-camels while it was still dusk,
The buttocks of the stars fanning my feet.

١٢. ورَكبٍ على الأكْوارِ عللتُ والدُّجى
تروّحُ أردافَ النّجومِ على رِجْلِ

13. In order to have attachments to life out of need,
Stubbornly or with kindness and flexibility.

١٣. لتَعلَقَ في الدُّنيا علائِقَ حاجةٍ
مكابرةً أوْ بالتّرفّقِ والخَتْلِ

14. Alas! One who lives a life that does not return once gone,
And an afflicted fate that does not last in reconciliation.

١٤. ألا من لعيشٍ لا يَعودُ إذا مضى
ودهرٍ مَلولٍ لا يَدومُ على وصْلِ

15. He is generous to make my looks turn toward his generosity,
The most generous giver who grants people because of me.

١٥. يَجودُ ليَثْني ناظِري نحوَ جُودِه
أكلُّ عطاءٍ يمنَحُ النّاسُ من أجْلي

16. So O fate, I have coveted a hope from you,
And it is your right to give and be excessive in generosity.

١٦. فَيا دَهْرُ قد حاولتُ عندكَ مَطمَعاً
فحَقُّكَ أنْ تُعْطي وتُسْرِفُ في البذْلِ

17. I succeeded, and had there not been an ascent, you would not have seen me
Stretch out my hopes - a hand without fingers - to ambitions.

١٧. ظَفِرْتُ ولولا صاعدٌ ما رأيتني
أمُدُّ إلى الآمالِ كَفاً بلا نَصْلِ

18. When the desert was long, as I headed there,
A passion for my journey or harm upon my camels.

١٨. لَما طالتِ البيْداءُ حينَ قصَدتُهُ
هَوىً لمسيري أو ضِراراً على إبلي

19. I clothed the delusions of mirages, its illusion shone,
Seething like the waves of the sea, frothing or boiling.

١٩. كسوتُ لُغامَ العيس لَمعَ سَرابِها
فَماجَ كَموجِ البَحْرِ يُزبِدُ أو يَغْلي

20. The gusts of wind avoided us as if they
Feared the breaths stored in the fragile body.

٢٠. تنكَّبُنا هَوجُ الرّياحِ كأنّها
تُحاذِرُ أنْفاسَ المُخزَّمَةِ البُزْلِ

21. Daughters of the bow for shooting arrows, behind it
The strings of the bow sing on the arrows.

٢١. بَناتُ قِسيّ للحُداةِ وراءَها
تَرنُّمُ أوْتار القِسيّ على النّبْلِ

22. You see it the length of the wasteland as if it
Creeps like the creeping of the small ants.

٢٢. تَراها على طولِ الفَلاةِ كأنّها
تَدِبُّ دَبيبَ الكاسِيات من النّمْلِ

23. And the stars of the night shine in the darkness
And you would think they move slowly therein.

٢٣. وإنّ نجومَ الليلِ تَمرُقُ في الدُّجى
وتحسِبُها تَنصاعُ فيهِ على مهْلِ

24. It surpassed the palms of the stingy, so it became engaged
To the most beautiful beloved of traits and deeds.

٢٤. تخطّتْ أكفَّ الباخِلينَ فعرّسَتْ
بأروعَ معشوقِ الشّمائِلِ والفِعلِ

25. It differentiates between virtues and wealth,
And unites what is between courage and reason.

٢٥. يُفرِّقُ ما بينَ المَكارِمِ والغِنى
ويجمَعُ ما بينَ الشّجاعةِ والعَقْلِ

26. It is water for the thirsty and fire for the cold,
And the limit of zebras in war and rain in times of need.

٢٦. هو الماءُ للظمآنِ والنّارُ للقِرى
وحدّ الظُّبى في الحرْبِ والغيثُ في المحْلِ

27. It liked me without my liking it long,
Seeing its generosity after asking it insistently.

٢٧. حَباني ولم أستحبهِ متطولاً
يَرى جودَهُ بعد السّؤالِ من البخْلِ

28. And how did the usefulness of your hands guide you to vinegar
Whose harm I hid from my enemy and close friend?

٢٨. وأنّى اهتدتْ جَدوى يديكَ لخلّة
سترتُ أذاها عن عدُوِّي والخِلِّ

29. It moved like the falling of a star in the darkness of night,
Until it reached my bed, so I grasped it with its ropes.

٢٩. سَرَتْ كانقضاضِ النّجمِ في غلَسِ الدُجى
إلى مضجعي حتى وصلتُ بها حَبلي

30. I will thank what attention you gave me,
And the like of what you gave, the like of me thanks.

٣٠. سأشْكُرُ ما أوْلَيتني من صَنيعةٍ
ومِثلُ الذي أوليتَ يَشكُرُهُ مِثْلي

31. And the blessings repay you, O people you planted,
Who did not produce anything but hatred and malice.

٣١. ويكفُرُكَ النّعْماء قومٌ غرستَهُمْ
فلم يُثْمِروا غيرَ الضّغينَةِ والغِلِّ

32. Dependants on the enemies and militant during drought,
And horses that leave early with travel supplies on the carriages.

٣٢. عِيالٌ على الأعْداءِ والجدبِ جامحٌ
وخيلٌ تُغادي بالقَنازِ من النَقْلِ

33. You carried upon them the crimes of virtues,
Upon a thin rod that cannot carry a load.

٣٣. حَمَلْتَ جناياتِ المكارمِ فيهمُ
على ظهرِ عودٍ لا يُتَعْتَعُ بالحَمْلِ

34. And when fate brought about an affliction,
You were not there to witness the incidents nor eat.

٣٤. ولم تكُ لمّا أحدَثَ الدّهْرُ نكبَةً
بمفترسٍ للحادِثاتِ ولا أكْلِ

35. You exposed to it a pure gap and a helpful hand,
Protective and an eye that does not sleep due to grief.

٣٥. كشَفْتَ لها ثَغْراً نَقيّاً وساعِداً
حَمياً وعَيناً لا تَنامُ على ذَحْلِ

36. As if the sorrow of life to you is easy,
And far is what is between sorrow and ease!

٣٦. كأنّ حُزُونَ العيشِ عندكَ سَهلةٌ
وشتّانَ ما بينَ الحَزونَةِ والسَّهْلِ

37. And the enemies did not find your covenant betraying,
Nor your pact except that it is fulfilled honestly.

٣٧. وما وجدَ الأعْداءُ عهدَكَ خائِناً
وعقدَكَ إلاّ وهو يُعْقَدُ بالحَلِّ

38. You left them the field of betting and its stakes,
And won the purposes of the preceding and the feats.

٣٨. تركتَ لهمْ صَحنَ الرِّهانِ ونَقْعَهُ
وفُزْتَ بغاياتِ السّوابقِ والخَصْلِ

39. As the fleeing zebra left its shadow
To its hunter, if only it had sufficed with the shadow!

٣٩. كما تركَ الظّبيُّ المُنَفَّرُ ظِلَّهُ
لقانِصِه لو كانَ يَقنعُ بالظِّلِّ

40. And had you willed, guile would not have pierced their fire,
You would have closed the holes of the fire with ample firewood.

٤٠. ولو شِئْتَ لما أثقبَ الكيدُ نارَهم
سَدَدْتَ فروجَ النّارِ بالحَطَبِ الجَزْلِ

41. The tubes of the spears became filled, so horsemen
Flee from the humiliation of life to death.

٤١. لبلّتْ أنابيبَ الرِّماحِ فَوارسٌ
يَفِرونَ من ذُلِّ الحياة إلى القَتْلِ

42. Horses swift to the turmoil, silent from misdeeds,
And their swords in the scabbards speaking of the verdict.

٤٢. خِفافٌ إلى الهَيْجاءِ خرسٌ عن الخَنا
وأسيافُهم في الهامِ تنطِقُ بالفصْلِ

43. But you bent ignorance with patience, so it bent,
And who is like you having led recklessness with the bridles?

٤٣. ولكن ثَنيتَ الجهلَ بالحِلمِ فانثَنى
ومثلكَ من قادَ الجموحَ على رِسلِ

44. You pursue the structures of resentments with harm
For your enemies have been corrupted when you take with kindness.

٤٤. تتبّعْ بنيّات الضّغائِنِ بالأذى
فقد أفسَدَ الأعداءَ أخذُكَ بالفَضْلِ

45. In some matters, patience is disgrace,
If it does not deter your enemy from ignorance.

٤٥. من الحِلْمِ في بعضِ الأمورِ مَهانةٌ
إذا كانَ لا يَنهى عدوكَ عن جَهْلِ

46. And you were a sword whose color time changed,
So you conversed with it from the generosity of your palm with sharpening.

٤٦. وكنتَ حُساماً غيّرَ الدّهْرُ لونَهُ
فحادَثْتَهُ من جُودِ كَفِّكَ بالصّقْلِ

47. And a delegation, like the driving of clouds, visited me,
Without preparation from your rest or duration.

٤٧. ووَفْدٌ كدَفّاعِ السَّحابةِ زارَني
بلا عِدَةٍ من راحتَيْكَ ولا مَطْلُ

48. You gained through it virtues and highness,
While others gain blame and exclusion.

٤٨. حظيتَ به عندَ المَكارِمِ والعُلا
وغيرَُ يَحْظى بالمَلامَةِ والعَذْلِ