1. Every far place, its depths are teeming
Drowning in your overwhelming current
١. كلُّ بَعيدٍ قَعْرُهُ غامِرٌ
يَغْرَقُ في تَيَّارِكَ الغَامِرِ
2. You are the one whose deeds the minds of people
Are lost and confused in wondering
٢. أَنتَ الذي أَمستْ عقولُ الوَرى
حَائِرةً في فعلهِ الباهِرِ
3. Speech is abbreviated, so what can
The eloquence of tongues of poets possibly attain
٣. فُتَّ مدَى القولِ فماذا عسى
يَبلُغُ وَصْفُ اللِسن الشَّاعِرِ
4. And your favors have spread until
The absent have become like the present in obtaining them
٤. وَعَمَّ افضَالُكَ حتّى غَدا
في نيْلِهِ الغَائبُ كالحَاضِرِ
5. You were not monopolizing wealth
Monopoly does not suit the monopolizer
٥. ولم يكنْ بالمَالِ مُسْتأثِراً
لا يَصْلُحُ المُلكُ لمستأثِرِ
6. Despite your distance, you bring them close
With intimacy, while they are like recoiling blessings
٦. أَنتَ على بُعْدِكَ تُدْنيهُمُ
أُنْساً وهم كالنَّعمِ النَّافِرِ
7. So what can await one who betrayed you
Or one who blamed you, of excuse
٧. فما لِمَنْ خَانكَ من قَابِلٍ
ولا لِمَنْ لامَكَ من عَاذِرِ
8. Rather, it is a habit with God, well-known
To you, and God is with the patient
٨. بل عادةٌ للهِ مألوفَةٌ
عندكَ واللهُ مع الصَّابِرِ
9. Your feeding victory over those who were unjust
And there is no helper for one who is abandoned
٩. اِطْعامُكَ النصرَ على من بغى
وما لمنْ يُخذَلُ من ناصِرِ
10. And the day of journeys and partings
Your gifts were not met with gratitude
١٠. ويوم أَسْفَارٍ وأَشياعِهِ
لم يَحْظَ انعامُك بالشَّاكِرِ
11. They persisted insolently despite the deterring clamor
Wearing two garments of his shedding
١١. باتوا يُغِدّونَ فَغَادَاهُم
عاصٍ على هَجْهَجَةِ الزَّاجِرِ
12. And the flowing milk of the pregnant camel
When they saw your face, they fell prostrate
١٢. يُلبِسُهُم ثَوبينَ من نَقْعِهِ
ومن نَجِيْعِ العَلَقِ المائِرِ
13. And the sun cannot be hidden from the beholder
You were only a blessing raincloud
١٣. لما رَأوا وَجْهَكَ خرُّوا لهُ
والشَّمسُ لا تَخْفَى على ناظِرِ
14. That descended on the raging meadow
Do not meet the sword's edge attacking
١٤. ما كنتَ الا عارضاً مُمْطِراً
حطَّ رواقَ الرهج الثَّائِرِ
15. For the loser is to the winner
And curb our passionate desire, it is
١٥. لا تلقَ حدَّ السيفِ مُسْتَلَماً
فانَّما الخَاسِرُ للحَاسِرِ
16. The riding beast of the apathetic layabout
And tell death, how excellent
١٦. واجفُ الهُوينا مركباً انَّها
مَطِيَّةُ المُضْطَجعِ الفاتِرِ
17. Is your turning away from the oppressed as a visitor
Who can convey on my behalf before the guidance
١٧. وقل لوجه الموتِ يا حبَّذا
شَخصُكَ عندَ الضيَّم من زائِرِ
18. The message of the honest trustee
God has not decreed for any successor
١٨. مَنْ مُبْلِغٌ عنّي أمامَ الهُدَى
رسَالةَ المؤتَمَنِ الخابِرِ
19. More cutting than your sharp separating sword
١٩. ما طَبَعَ اللهُ لِمْستَخْلِفٍ
أقَطعَ من صَمْصامِكَ البَانِرِ