
For whom are flowing robes like silk curtains,

لمن ظعن سوائر كالحراج

1. For whom are flowing robes like silk curtains,
Cast by fate upon the expanse of the deserts,

١. لِمَنْ ظعنٌ سوائِرٌ كالحِرَاجِ
رَمى الحَادي بها عُرضَ الفِجَاجِ

2. They contended with darkness and from it dawned
A shirt whose edges were fringed by the dawn light,

٢. تَنَازَعْنَ الدُّجى ولَبِسنَ منه
خَميصَةَ مُعْلَمِ الطَّرفينِ دَاجِ

3. If the raven cries over the abode of Sa'dah
You become anxious while all else remain undisturbed,

٣. أَاِنْ صاحَ الغرابُ بآلِ سُعْدَى
جَزعْتَ وكلُّ آَمْنٍ لانْزِعَاجِ

4. One evening I left you without bidding farewell,
But where is farewell needed for seekers of union?

٤. عشيةَ فارقتكَ ولم تُودعْ
وأَينَ من الوَداعِ طِلابُ حاج

5. So I found no solace in her, a delicate damsel
Whose brother was slain on the day of turmoil,

٥. فما وَجَدْ بها وجدي فَتَاةٌ
أُصِيْبَ شَقيقُها يومَ الهِيَاجِ

6. On the morrow among the youths who lost their loved ones
And met with the heat of piercing, deadly lances,

٦. غدا في فتيةٍ ثكلوا مناهم
ولاقوا فورةَ الطَّعنِ الخِلاجِ

7. The rolling folds contended in perturbation
To ask about her brother each wailing woman,

٧. تعارضتِ الغلولُ على ارتياعٍ
لتسأَلَ عن أَخيها كلَّ نَاجِ

8. I look upon Capella, and it looks upon Suhail,
Feeder of mothers, from the newborn separated,

٨. أَرى النَّسْرين وهي ترى سُهيلاً
مُغِذ الأُمَّهاتِ عن النِتاجِ

9. And between the star and star of al-Yaman
Is as between the spearpoint and mirror image,

٩. وبين النَّسْرِ والنَّجْمِ اليَماني
كما بين الأَسنةِ والزُّجَاجِ

10. So none may approach you but noble ladies
Who disdain sighing and loud lamentations,

١٠. فلا يُدنيكَ الاَّ مُدنياتٌ
أَنِفنَ من التأوّه والضِجَاجِ

11. They ruled the desolate valleys and every wilderness
Of hidden trails and cleft ravines,

١١. ملكنَ على المفاوزِ كلَّ تِيْهٍ
خَفِيّ السَّمْتِ مُنْخَرِقِ الفِجَاجِ

12. Like spear-tips, leveled,
At the cheeks of maidens and chaste ladies,

١٢. كأَطرافِ الرِّماحِ مُسدَّدَاتٍ
الى ثُغَرِ الهَواجرِ والدَّياجِي

13. The blood of maidens after the necklaces of Nejd
Were displaced by the pulling of the twisted ropes,

١٣. دَمُ الأَجوافِ بعدَ حليّ نجدٍ
رواجع جِرَّةِ القُلُصِ النَّواجِي

14. They repelled the slaves of darkness until
From them appeared a bouquet with gleaming flowers,

١٤. دَفَعْنَ ذَلاذِلَ الظلماءِ حتى
بدَا منهن وِرْدٌ ذو انبِلاجِ

15. And the stars of night were scattered by it
Like sheep scattered by their shepherd,

١٥. وقد شَرَدَتْ نُجُومُ الليلِ منهُ
شُرودَ الخاذلاتِ من النَعَاجِ

16. Companies of cavalry from the clan of Na'sh
Took the place of earrings on the ear of the beloved,

١٦. جَوافل والسُّها من آلِ نعشٍ
مكانَ القُرطِ من أُذنِ المناجِي

17. The returning messengers turned away
From passions that ferment into affliction,

١٧. وأَعرضتِ العَوائدُ واستدارتْ
عواطف ما يَعُجنَ الى مَعَاجِ

18. As if the full moon wore above it the Pleiades
A sovereign over which jeweled crowns shine,

١٨. كأَنَّ البدرَ تعلوه الثُّريَّا
مليكٌ فوقهُ خَرَزَاتُ تَاجِ

19. It greets the night though night is its enemy
Just as you greet me though I make you suffer,

١٩. يُحيي الليلَ وهو له عدوٌّ
كما يلقاكَ بالبِشْرِ المُدَاجي

20. He called me to wealth but I turned away,
A youth who could not grasp the reins of his mount,

٢٠. دَعَاني للغِنَى فَصَدَدْتُ عنه
فتىً أَعيا مقالِدَه رِتَاجِي

21. He knows not what I lack and what abounds in me
Nor the extent of my poverty and need,

٢١. وما يُدْرِيه ما عدَمي وَوفرِي
وما مقدارُ فَقْرِي واحتياجِي

22. Abu Shujaa tried both conditions
But grasped neither my joy nor my sorrow,

٢٢. كلا الحالينِ رامَ أَبو شُجَاعٍ
فلم يظْفَر بحزني وابتهاجي

23. By your father's life, the clan of Tamim
Most deserves that I make peace with them,

٢٣. لَعَمرُ أَبيكَ انَّ بني تميمٍ
أَحقُ بأَنْ يُسَامِحَهُمْ لجاجِي

24. And before you none of Thaqaf ibn Sa'd's kin
Disobeyed me, so Thaqaf ibn Sa'd increased my crookedness,

٢٤. وقبلكَ ما عصيتُ ثِقافُ سعدٍ
فزادَ ثقافُ سعدٍ في اعوجاجِي

25. I will gift to Ibn Hamd's son some wise sayings
Of words guarded without corruption,

٢٥. سأُهدي لابنِ حَمْدٍ مُحكماتٍ
من الكلمِ المصونِ بلا مِزَاجِ

26. Lo! By God and the virtuous, a people
Who esteem the rose garden of their neighbor,

٢٦. أَلا للهِ والعَلياءِ قومٌ
أَهابَ بوردِ جارِهم المُحَاجِي

27. I sought refuge so which refuge of one seeking protection
Did I cling to, and which shelter gave me peace?

٢٧. لجأتُ فأَيُّ عصمةِ مستجيرٍ
عَلِقْتُ بِحُجْرَتيه وأيُّ لاجِ

28. And your noble one accustomed me to charge against spears
A generous man who never disappoints one who hopes,

٢٨. وَعَوَّدَني الهُجُومَ على نَدَاهُ
كريمٌ لا يُخَيِّبُ ظنَّ رَاجِ

29. His face brings joy, the smile upon it
Is like light upon Babylonian glass,

٢٩. له وجهٌ يَشِفُّ البِشْرُ فيهِ
شفيفَ البابليةِ في الزُّجَاجِ

30. Say to the splendor of Al-Kisra's family
"Aid Hasan whom you addressed in intimacy,"

٣٠. فقل لبهاءِ دولةِ آل كِسْرى
أَعنْ حَسَنٍ عنيتَ بمن تُناجي

31. You will remember him if events donned
Their mantles, negating depression and grief,

٣١. ستذكره انِ اندَرعتْ خُطُوبٌ
تجلُّ عن التثبُّطِ والرَّواجِ

32. And which person is like my father 'Ali
If natural talents surpass expectations?

٣٢. وأَيُّ الناسِ مثلُ أَبي عليٍّ
اذا فَجَأَتْ بروعتها الفواجي

33. He who contains in life the least joy
And is most perceptive of misery or mirth,

٣٣. أَقَلُّهُمُ بما يَحوي سروراً
وأَبصرُهم بكيٍّ أَو نِضَاجِ

34. A flowered meadow is my visit to him and roses a river
To one with an Iraqi accent and bent branches,

٣٤. رِشَاءٌ نُطْتَهُ والوِرْدُ نَهْرٌ
الى ذاتِ العَراقي والعِنَاجِ

35. He shows you nothing but kindness though he is yours
Forever devoted in his inclination,

٣٥. يُريكَ سِوَاكَ وهو اليكَ دَانٍ
دُنُوَّ الأَيمِ قَصْداً في انعِرَاجِ

36. Through him your anxiety was relieved after distress
And tribulations reached their conclusion,

٣٦. به انفرجتْ هُمومُكَ بعدَ ضِيْقٍ
وغاياتِ الهُمومِ الى انِفرَاجِ

37. And the day at Basra his hands stripped away
The flinging to and fro of the two swords,

٣٧. ويومَ البَصْرةِ استَلَبَتْ يَدَاهُ
رميضَ الشفرتينِ عن الوداجِ

38. And men crouched to leap, lions
Against the enemy's assault like angry lions,

٣٨. وقد رَبَضتْ لوثبتها رجالٌ
تَحامَوا عَدوةَ الأَسدِ المُهَاجِ

39. And so reward him with an abode
To soothe your eye in the Hijaz,

٣٩. وذلك اِنْ شكرتَ له مُقامٌ
أَقر قرارَ عينِكَ في الحِجَاجِ

40. At Ahvaz leading spirited horses
Who gushed forth from the troughs and paddocks,

٤٠. وبالأهوازِ قادِ مسوماتٍ
طَفَحْنَ من المَحاني والشِّراجِ

41. When their hybrids passed through a land
They adorned it with gowns of varied colors,

٤١. اذا مَرَّتْ سنابكُها بقاعٍ
خلعن عليه أرديةَ العَجَاجِ

42. Prancing at the halting places, every spear
As if its point were the flame of a lamp,

٤٢. تخايلَ في المراكزِ كلُّ رمحٍ
كأَنَّ سِنَانَهُ لَهَبُ السِّراجِ

43. That is the youth from whom goblets are passed
And his care is known to intimate friends,

٤٣. فذاكَ فتىً تنالُ الكأسُ منه
وتعرِفُ همَّه المقلُ السَّواجي

44. For you see no difference in life
Between sweetness and bitterness,

٤٤. فانكَ لا تَرى في العيشِ فَرقاً
يُرى بين العُذُوبةِ والأُجَاجِ

45. Most of these passions are madness
And illness cured only by remedies,

٤٥. وأكثرُ هذه الشهواتِ خبلٌ
وأَمراضٌ تُدَاوى بالعِلاجِ

46. All people other than you, Ibn Hamd,
And other than I fear the fickle days,

٤٦. وكلُّ الناسِ غيرُكَ يا بن حمدٍ
وغَيري خائفٌ للدَّهرِ راجِ

47. It's not because we're equal in them
Though some praise while in rage,

٤٧. وليس لأَننا فيهِ سَواءٌ
وبعضُ القومِ يَمْدَحُ وهو هَاجِ