1. What ails the daughter of Sa'd, that she finds no solace?
Her affection wears out, but does not wear away.
١. ما لاِبنة السَّعْدي ما تُسْلَى
تَبلى مودتُها ولا تَبلَى
2. She said "Did you hear the censure?" I said "For love of your mention I listen to censure."
Don't be anxious for your love about virtue.
٢. قالتْ سَمعتَ العَذْلَ قلتُ لها
حُباً لذكركِ أَسمعُ العَذْلا
3. Women have overcome me and taken control.
Youth is a wild colt I have mounted,
٣. لا تَجزعي بهواكِ عن عُرُضٍ
غَلَبَ النَّسَاءُ عليَّ واستَولى
4. And because of him, destruction was called a ruin.
Oh how I miss the tryst though days have rendered it vain,
٤. انَّ الشبابَ صِبىً أَصبتَ بهِ
وبثكلِهِ دُعيَ الرَّدى ثكلا
5. When I was preoccupied with sending messages.
And the poetry I knew has changed,
٥. يا حبَّذَا الميعادُ تخلِفُهُ
أَيام كنتُ للبِّها شُغْلا
6. Separation and union have changed it.
So its whiteness, if it has become motes,
٦. وتغيرُ الشَّعْر الذي عَهِدَتْ
قد غيرَ الهِجْرانَ والوَصْلا
7. Is made into kohl by its blackness.
I yearn for a kingdom I was passionate about,
٧. فبياضُه انْ كانَ صارَ قَذَىً
فيما يكون سَوادُه كُحْلاً
8. When gray hair for his kingdom was but an unkempt lock.
The rising sun cannot ascend,
٨. لهفي على مُلكٍ فُجِعْتُ به
كان المشيبُ لملكه عضزْلا
9. Except that I liken it to her visage.
And stops I have no excuse for, ever,
٩. ما تستقلُّ الشَّمسُ طالعةً
الا ذكرتُ لها بِها مِثْلا
10. If I know, O most sublime.
So sheathe your sword after your audacity,
١٠. ومواقفاً لا عُذرَ لي أَبَداً
ان كنتُ أَعلمُ أَيُّها أَجْلى
11. For the sword inspires awe even when sheathed.
And a young man who assumed the burden of calamity
١١. انْ فُلَّ حدِّي بعدَ جُرأَتِهِ
فالسيفُ مرهوبٌ وانْ فُلاَّ
12. From me, though fit to carry that load.
My hands were too short for what I have for him,
١٢. وفتىً تَحَمَّلَ ثِقلَ نائبةٍ
عنِّي وكان لحملها أَهْلا
13. So he saw for himself the superiority.
Consider if I had known of it,
١٣. قضصُرَتْ يدي عمَّا لديَّ له
فرأى عليَّ لنفسهِ الفضْلا
14. I would have removed the burden from your slender frame.
And the caprices of fate would have granted me respite,
١٤. أنظر فاني لو شَعَرْتُ بها
لوضعتُ عن سَيْسَائِك الثِّقْلا
15. If I had said to it then, "grant me respite."
And its consequences will follow me,
١٥. ولكان ريبُ الدَّهْرِ يُمهلُني
لو قلتُ يومئذٍ له مهْلا
16. So I will increase or diminish as it diminished or increased.
The night does not travel with its stars,
١٦. وعسى عواقبُه ستعقبني
فأَزيد أَو أُولي كما أَولَى
17. Had it not been for her visage adorning it.
And I met the dawn, it asked me about it
١٧. الليلُ لا أَسْرى بأَنجمِهِ
لولاي كان بحليها عُطْلا
18. So I did not turn away when it turned away.
And I built a cairn over calamity,
١٨. ولقد لقيتُ الصبحَ يسأَلني
عنه فما وليتُ اذْ ولَّى
19. With a small rock that knows no shade.
Its honey bees befriend me,
١٩. وبَنَيتُ برداً فوقَ نائبةٍ
بتنوفةٍ لا تعرف الظِّلاْ
20. Like arrows accompanying pinion feathers.
Their schemes penetrated so I faced them
٢٠. سِرحانُها العسَّالُ يألَفني
كالسهمريِّ يُصاحب النَصْلا
21. With schemes when guile failed me.
What is the way to association,
٢١. نَفَذَتْ مكائدُه فظاهرني
بالكيدِ اذ عييتُه خَتْلا
22. That brings the abode near and unites kin?
While the Buyids, after their intimacy,
٢٢. كيف السبيلُ الى مُواصَلةٍ
تُدني الديارَ وتجمعُ الشَّمْلا
23. Vie in villainy and archery.
It is they who have crammed wars with every
٢٣. وبنو بويهٍ بعد ألفَتِها
تتعاورُ الخَطِّيَّ والنَبْلا
24. Young lion that tears apart the billows or is set free.
And with every wrongful, wrathful tyrant
٢٤. وهم أَزمَّتنَا الذينَ بهم
نُقتاسُ انْ جِداً وانْ هَزْلا
25. They have made him justice among themselves.
And with Muhnad, his nature has enriched him
٢٥. لَقحوا الحروبَ بكل مُلْجَمَةٍ
تَتَقَحَّمُ الغَمراتِ أَو تُخلَى
26. From renewing after him a scabbard.
Arrogance, which makes the forbearing forget
٢٦. وبكل أظمى جائرٍ حَنِقٍ
جعلوه فيما بينهم عَدْلاً
27. What forbearance holds, so he rides ignorance.
Succors of Ahmad's nation have overcome
٢٧. ومهندٍ أغناه طابعه
عن ان يجدد بعده صَقْلا
28. The views of men, so be an arbiter for it.
Draw near to your brother, and do not obey those
٢٨. عَصَبِيَّةٌ ينسى الحليمُ لها
ما في الاناةِ فيركبُ الجَهْلا
29. Who forbade you to befriend family.
Have you considered, if his wish were to approach me,
٢٩. أَغياثَ أُمةِ أَحمدٍ غلبتْ
رأَيَ الرجِالِ فكن لها فَصْلا
30. Who would have more right to mourn him?
So race to meet water brought to you both,
٣٠. قاربْ أَخاكَ ولا تطع نفراً
منعوكَ أَنْ تتأَلفَ الأَهْلا
31. Uplifting the great, and wetting the small.
Why not, when he came to you confessing
٣١. أَرأَيتَ انْ طَرقَتْ منيَّتُهُ
من ذا يكونُ بثكلهِ أَولَى
32. Sins, make him feel at home?
So refrain from mercy yet have mercy,
٣٢. فاستبقِ ماءَ مَطاً جرى بكما
رفعَ الكبيرَ ورشحَ الطِّفْلا
33. When you saw your dear humbled.
There is no experience after the old age of a man,
٣٣. هلاَّ وقد وافاكَ معترفاً
بالسيئات أَقلْتَهُ أَهْلا
34. Trials surely mature the mind.
Leave this one for its closeness a connection,
٣٤. فتكفَّ عن رحمٍ وترحمُها
لما رأَيتَ عزيزها ذَلاً
35. And purpose for another that severed the rope.
Put the nomads wherever you put them,
٣٥. ما بعدَ شيبِ المرءِ تجربة
انَّ التجاربَ تعمرُ العَقْلا
36. They hunt gazelles and small deer.
It is as if I see them wink
٣٦. دعْ هذهِ لدنوها صِلَةً
واعمدْ لاخرى جَزَتِ الحبْلا
37. The wink of the squint-eyed, mocking the one-eyed.
Their elders are erased by their young,
٣٧. وضع الأعاربَ حيثما وضعوا
تتصيدُ اليُربوعَ والحِسْلا
38. For the ignorance they brought upon them.
Like one stumbling, whose misstep
٣٨. فكأنني بهم وقد غَمَزوا
غمزَ الثقافِ موارِناً عُصْلا
39. Ensnared a foot, so it necessitated a sandal.
Be like Sapur, the day he healed
٣٩. يَلْحَى كبارَهم صغارُهم
فيما جَنوه عليهم جَهْلا
40. The rage in chests and attained kingship.
And exiled troops after they had eaten
٤٠. كالعَاثرِ استشرتْ بزلتهِ
قَدَمٌ فأَلزَمَ دنبَها النَّعْلا
41. The land of Saad and its people whole.
By God, the worth of Sinan, who made
٤١. كُنْ مثلَ سابورٍ غَداةَ شَفَى
غيظَ الصُّدُورِ وأَدركَ التبْلا
42. Rods and spearheads into gravel.
It passed the generous, rising,
٤٢. ونفى اِياداً بعدما أَكلوا
أَرضَ السوادِ وأَهلَه أَكْلا
43. As if it had severed its rope through him.
Follow them, and despite their cunning,
٤٣. لله درُّ سنابِكٍ جَعَلَتْ
رضم المخارم والصُّوى رَمْلا
44. Twenty thousand adolescent recruits.
And it set out to Najd, leaving no
٤٤. مرتْ على الجُودي طَالِعَةً
وكأَنما قطعتْ به حَبْلا
45. Branch for its inhabitants, or root.
Days when they were like dogs in it,
٤٥. لحقوهم وعلى مهارتِهم
عشرون أَلفَ مراهقٍ عُزْلا
46. While the Banu Uqayl herded camels.
All delighted by his misery,
٤٦. وَسَمَتْ الى نجدٍ فما تركتْ
فرعاً لساكنِهِ ولا أَصْلا
47. The best of lands to him is the most barren.
They love their brother with half his urine,
٤٧. أَيام كانت كالكلابِ بهِ
وبنو عُقيلٍ تعقِل الاِبْلا
48. If he honors the riding beast or makes it kneel.
And the thirsty one counts it generosity,
٤٨. من كلِّ مسرورٍ بشقوته
خيرُ المواطنِ عنده الأَخلى
49. While the lowly is not made more lowly by lowness.
Reform your tribes, they have surely spoiled,
٤٩. يَحبو أَخاه بشطر بولتهِ
انْ عزَّ ماءُ الركبِ أَوقَلاَّ
50. By that you reform the knot and solution.
٥٠. ويَعُدُّها الظمآنُ مكرمةً
والرذلُ لا يستزذلُ الرَّذْلا
٥١. أَصلح أُهيلَكَ اِنَّهُمْ فَسَدُوا
تُصلحْ بذاكَ العَقدَ والحَلا