1. O governor, your rule has been long
And every matter has an end
١. يا والياً طالتْ ولايُتهُ
ولكلِّ أَمرٍ ينتهي أَجَلُ
2. Do not think the sun is rising
For the sun moves to different horizons
٢. لا تحسَبنَّ الشمسَ طالعةً
فالشَّمْسُ بالأفياءِ تَنْتَقِلُ
3. Son of he whom you have come to destroy
If you are unable in preventing him
٣. ابْنِ الذي قد جئتَ تَهْدِمُهُ
انْ اعوزتْ في منعكَ الحِيَلُ
4. Even a spider, however small, can be seen
In its home with its imperfect web
٤. فالعنكبوتُ ولا أَقلُّ يُرى
في بيتها مع نقصهِ العَمَلُ
5. I am deserted by my people and attacked
By one I had no intention to fight
٥. أَقفرتُ من أَهلي وحَاربني
من ليس لي بقتاله قِبَلُ
6. I befriended men I did not create
And time brought separation and pregnancy
٦. أُزْرِي رجالاً لستُ أَخلقهم
والدهرُ فيه الثُّكلُ والحَبَلُ
7. I continued living after them
Lonely and sad, all is agony
٧. وبَقيتُ أُزجي العيشَ بعدَهُمُ
وأسدُّ وهياً كلهُ جَلَلُ
8. In an abode where a passerby asks me
About them as ruins are asked about
٨. في منزلٍ مَنْ مَرَّ يسألُني
عنهم كما يُسْتَخْبَرُ الطَّلَلُ
9. Winter blew smoke into it
And the tails of fires blaze
٩. صَفِرَ الشتاءُ من الدُّخانِ بهِ
وذَوائبُ النِّيْرَانِ تَشْتَعِلُ