1. May God preserve a companion who used to cheer me up
And relieve my worries
١. حَفِظَ اللهُ صاحباً كان ينبو
عَ سُرورى وكانَ فارجَ هَمّي
2. He was absent from me and returned with a reunion
After estrangement and with health after illness
٢. غاب عنى وعاد عودةَ وصلٍ
بعد هجرِ وصحةٍ بعد سَقمِ
3. O Abu Al-Fadl, you were my protector
When I was thrown and my supporter when I throw
٣. يا أَبا الفضلِ أَنتَ كنتَ مجنّى
حينَ أُرمى وساعدى حين أَرمي
4. You are my sun in the day as a backer
And at night you are my full moon and my star
٤. أَنتَ شمسى على النهارِ ظهيراً
وعلى الليلِ أَنتَ بدري ونَجمي
5. And the salvation I saw you openly
Taught the innocent how to fold my words
٥. والخلاصُ الذي رأَيتكَ جَهْراً
علَّمَ البرءَ كيفَ يدمُلُ كَلمِي
6. People recognized my desire for none but you
So whenever I praise you I do not name
٦. عَرَفَ الناسُ رغبتى عن سِواكم
فاذا ما مَدحتكم لا أُسمِّي
7. Lofty of worries, his effort to reach
The edges of them with determination is unattainable
٧. سامي الهمومِ سعيُه لا يُدركُ
بالحزمِ من أَقطارها مستمسكُ
8. He folds his side over them and rubs
As the mobile ship rubs
٨. يَطوى عليها جنبَه ويعرُكُ
كما استقل بالفنيق المبركُ
9. A plateau in the mountains that does not move
To it he has the path to high places
٩. أَوهضبةٌ في الطودِ ما تَحركُ
له الى طرقِ المعالى مَسلَكُ
10. Neither the hidden nor the coiled rope cling to it
١٠. لا يعلقُ الخفيةُ والسنبكُ