
I promised Sa'd with lightning response,

ضمنت لسعد بالأبارق ردها

1. I promised Sa'd with lightning response,
And the people of Sa'd acknowledged my guarantee,

١. ضَمِنتُ لِسَعْدٍ بالأَبارقِ رَدَّهَا
وكانتْ بنو سَعدٍ تُجيزُ ضَمانِي

2. You demanded the strings on the day of Quraqir,
But seekers of strings are not hesitant,

٢. طلبتمْ بها أَوتارَ يومِ قُرَاقِرٍ
وما طَالبُ الأَوتَارِ بالمتوانِي

3. And when you came confidently with your hands,
The horseman of the morning raid poured upon you,

٣. ولمَّا حَلَلْتُمْ بالأَيادِ أَمِنْتُمُ
فَصُبَّ عليكم فَارسُ الغَدَوَانِ

4. In front of steeds whose hoofs conceal their vigor,
As if they galloped with the gallop of Iban,

٤. أَمامَ جيادٍ يكتُم النقعُ شَخْصَهَا
ولو ركضتْ بالهَضْبِ هَضْب ابَانِ

5. Either vulnerable to hateful adversity,
Led along, or vulnerable to wager,

٥. نزائعُ اما عرضةٌ لِكَريهَةٍ
تُقادُ واما عُرضَةٌ لرِهَانِ

6. Swords, sharp of edge, aim at their foreheads,
And spears strike them wherever they go,

٦. تَخُصُّ السيوفُ المرهفاتُ جِبَاهَهَا
ويأخذُ منها الطَّعْنُ كلَّ مكَانِ

7. So I saved them from those driving them off,
As the sheep of Iran was driven in the plain.

٧. فأنقذْتُها منهمْ وهمْ يَطردونَها
كما طُرِدَتْ بالقَاعِ شَاةُ اِرانِ