1. The watcher of fate waters a grave's pit
With a knight returned to it, overlapped by winding sheets,
١. سَقى رَصَدُ الاشراطِ ساكنَ حفرةٍ
بفارسَ مردودٍ عليها الرَّدائِدُ
2. And he still maintains his grave while he is perishing,
As he used to maintain his palm while he was alone,
٢. ولا زال يُجدي قبرَه وهو معدِمٌ
كما كان يُجدي كفَّه وهو واحدُ
3. Ill, despair has defeated his doctor,
And his friends and visitors have been absent from him.
٣. عليلٌ أَسَرَّ اليأسُ منه طبيبَه
وغيبَ عنه رهطُه والعوائدُ
4. My intimate, after passion there is no endurance,
Nor after the outpouring of tears is there a repeller of tears.
٤. خليليَّ ما بعدَ الغرامِ تجلدٌ
ولا بعد فيضِ الدمعِ للدمعِ ذائِدُ
5. Take it easy, for life is money and health,
If they are missing, no praiser praises life.
٥. أَقِلاَّ فانَّ العيشَ مالٌ وصحةٌ
اذا عُدِمَا لَمْ يحمَدِ العَيشَ حامِدُ
6. Do not feel secure from wearing disease's clothes,
Its friendship, for disease is the guide of death.
٦. ولا تأمنا لُبسَ السَّقامِ أَمنتما
جريرتَه فالسقم للموتِ رَائِدُ
7. They are both seekers, comprehending each together,
A raider upon grasping the souls, supported.
٧. هما الطالبانِ المدركانِ كلاهما
غَزِيٌّ على قَبضِ النفوسِ مسانِدُ
8. Are you not pained that the dwellings have become unrecognizable
And their outskirts and covenants more desolate?
٨. أَلم تألما أَنَّ الديارَ تنكرتْ
وأوحشَ منها ربعُها والمَعَاهِدُ
9. That their good-byes have made peace with separation and scantiness,
While the living have not made peace with the wailing mourner.
٩. وانَّ أَثافيها على الهجرِ والقِلى
سَلمنَ ولم يَسلم من الحيِّ ناشدُ
10. The hands of fate have flown with the estrangement of intimacy,
So they are between the horizons of countries, scattered,
١٠. أَيادي سَبا طارتْ بهم غربةُ النوى
فهم بين آفاقِ البلادِ بَدَائِدُ
11. Thus a grave in Shiraz, its soil sinks down,
And a grave in Jayy, over it the soil will not go away.
١١. فقبرٌ بشيرازَ يهيلُ تُرابُهُ
وقبرٌ بجيٍّ فوقه التُربُ لا بدُ
12. And in the sand west of the Tigris lies Majid,
Upon him the frequent visitor who makes covenants.
١٢. وبالرملِ من غربي دجلة ماجدٌ
أربَّ عليه الواكفُ المتعاهدُ
13. I saw Abu al-Rayyan, his soul did not protect itself
From time's deceits and plots.
١٣. رأَيتُ أَبا الريانِ لم تحمِ نفسَه
من الدهرِ زَبُّوناتُهُ والمكائدُ
14. He circled around Zurraa with a house of pilgrimage,
Nearby, but its benefit is remote.
١٤. تَدَيَّرَ بالزوراءِ داراً مزارُها
قريبٌ ولكن نفعُها متباعدُ
15. A youth whose limbs and bones are worn out,
Yet his traces and praises are not worn out.
١٥. فتى بليتْ أَوصالُه وعظامُه
وما بليتْ آثارُه والمحامدُ
16. A neighbor of the alive from Lu'ay ibn Ghalib,
Their graves are mosques for visitors.
١٦. مجاورَ حيِّ من لؤي بنِ غالبٍ
قبورهم للزائرينَ مساجدُ
17. Maybe its pure soil will be watered and its vegetation will thrive,
And its leaning branch will become accustomed to return.
١٧. رَبَا تُربها الزاكي ورشَّحَ نبتُه
ورنَّح منه غصنُه المتعائدُ
18. When the mute camel passes by the weary ruins,
It is restrained by a loving friend who has been struck by lightning.
١٨. اذا أَقلعتْ خرساءُ واهية الكُلى
حَدَاهَا حَبيٌّ جلجلتْهُ الرواعدُ
19. Oh, I wish I knew what this deluded hyena wants
With his progeny and wealth.
١٩. ألا ليتَ شِعري ما يريدُ بنسله
وثروته هذا الدبا المُسَافِدُ
20. The young man fears losing what he already has,
And had he not found it, he would not have feared losing it.
٢٠. يَهَابُ الفتَى فقدانَ ما هو واجدٌ
ولو لم يجد ما هابَ ما هو فاقدُ
21. I see people in what they seek as if
The taking turns of days with them is a polo mallet.
٢١. أَرى المرءَ فيما يبتغيه كأَنما
مداولةُ الأيامِ فيهِ مَبَاردُ
22. When the days fulfill a desire,
He folds up a part of his life while he is struggling.
٢٢. اذا ما قضى يوماً من الدهرِ حاجةً
طوى طرفاً من عمره وهو جَاهدُ
23. The mistake of an oblivious one, he deliberately commits it,
So he is rewarded with corruption for what he purposely does.
٢٣. تعلةَ لاهٍ ما تعمَّدَ كونه
فَيُجزَى فساداً بالذي هو عامدُ
24. And the two groups clash while the melee rages,
So the valiant survives and the deviator perishes.
٢٤. ويصطدِمُ الجمعانِ والنقع ثائرٌ
فيسلم مقدامٌ ويهلكُ حائدُ
25. Whoever does not die by the sword dies by other than it.
The causes vary while the malady is one.
٢٥. ومن لم يمت بالسيفِ ماتَ بغيرهِ
تنوعتِ الأسبابُ والداءُ واحِدُ
26. The killings of nights, O Ibn Hamd, their circumstances vary
And none of their hated things returns to you.
٢٦. وفتكَ الليالي يا ابن حمدٍ صروفها
ولا عادِ من مكروهها لكَ عائدُ
27. Not a tear has dropped from your eyelid
Over a perished one unless your heart was a witness.
٢٧. ولا قطرت من ماءِ جفنكَ قطرةٌ
على هالكٍ الا ولبّكَ شاهدُ
28. How do you expect to be consoled for a tragedy
In which a deserter or a helper consoles you?
٢٨. وكيفَ تُرى مستخذياً لمصيبةٍ
يعزيكَ فيها خاذلٌ أَو مساعدُ
29. And about its like you consoled a companion yesterday,
So are you regarding what you said yesterday as ascetic?
٢٩. وعن مثلها عزيتَ بالأمسِ صاحباً
فهل أَنتَ فيما قلتَ بالأمسِ زاهدُ
30. Take a stance for it, O family of Hamd,
Even if it is said that the paternal uncle, uncle, and grandfather will do.
٣٠. أَقيموا لها يا آل حمدٍ ظهوركُم
وان قيلَ انَّ العمَّ والخالَ والدُ
31. And be patient with the suspicion of time, for only
Its horrors and difficulties were created for you.
٣١. وصبراً على رَيبِ الزمانِ فانَما
لكم خُلقتْ أَهوالُه والشدائِدُ