
She softened to us when travel was intended with travel

رقت لنا حين هم السفر بالسفر

1. She softened to us when travel was intended with travel
And in the darkness she hastened carefully on her guard

١. رقت لنا حينَ همَّ السفرُ بالسفرِ
وأَقبلتْ في الدُّجى تَسعى على حَذَرِ

2. The obstinate heart was pleased with love so it flowed to us
And was more miserly than July with rain

٢. راضَ الهَوى قلبَها القَاسي فجادَ لنا
وكان أَبخلَ من تموز بالمَطَرِ

3. She saw the morning after desires the fire of embers
It flared up so it left nothing of my heart nor spared

٣. رأَت غَدَاة النوى نارَ الكليمِ وقد
شبَّتْ فلم تُبقِ من قلبي ولم تَذَرِ

4. Radiant, if you saw her when she traveled
While the full moon inclined apology for distraction

٤. رشيقةُ لو تراها عندما سَفرَتْ
والبدرُ ساهٍ اليها سهوَ معتَذر

5. I saw two moons from a face and from a moon
In the shade of two wings of night and hair

٥. رأَيتُ بدرينِ من وجهٍ ومن قمرٍ
في ظِلَّ جِنحينِ من ليلٍ ومن شَعَرِ

6. I sipped the wine of her cheek from her kiss
When the morning breeze awakened me to her

٦. رشفتُ دَرَّ المحّيا من مقبّلها
اِذْ نَبهْتني اليها نسمةُ السَّحَرِ

7. The stars of night rang towards me but I did not look
Who would drink joy before me from the mouth of the moon

٧. رنتْ نجومُ الدُّجى نحوي فما نظرت
مَنْ يرشفُ الراحَ قبلي من فمِ القَمَرِ

8. Complaint subsided and she revealed her secrets to me
On the night of union, nay on the prime of immersion

٨. راقَ العتابُ وأَبدتْ لي سَراَئرهَا
في ليلةِ الوصلِ بل في غُرّةِ الغمرِ