
By my father and mother,

بأبي وأمي كل ذي

1. By my father and mother,
Every soul who spurns the oppressive deeds as bitter,

١. بأَبي وأُمّي كُلُّ ذِي
نَفسٍ تَعافُ الضَّيمَ مُرَّهْ

2. Would accept that fate returns it decreed.
So it dies while exalting its mention.

٢. يَرضى بأَنْ يَرِدَ الرَّدى
فَيُمِيْتُها ويَشيدُ ذِكْرَهْ

3. And a noble youth exposing his honor,
To spearpoints in defending it from disgrace.

٣. وفتىً يُعَرِّضُ في صِيا
نَةِ عِرضهِ للرُّمْحِ نَحْرَهْ

4. Had you but smelt his fragrance, you'd
Excuse him, and perceive his sorrow.

٤. لو كانَ أَنفُكَ أَنفَهُ
لم تَلْحَهُ وَعَرَفْتَ عُذْرَهْ

5. The stories of men flow as if a dream, their concern but thoughts for the youth.
Oh time, your vicissitudes to me are but sorrow.

٥. تَمضي أَحَادِيْثُ الرِّجَا
لِ كأَنَّها في النَّومِ خَطْرَهْ

6. The sweetness of bliss mixed with harm,
And benefit mingled with damage.

٦. وَحَوادِثُ الأَيامِ في
ها للفَتَى عَجَبٌ وفِكْرَهْ

7. How excellent unalloyed happiness,
Though it come with bitterness in life!

٧. ما تَنْقَضِي يا دَهرُ لي
في صَرْفِك المجنونِ عَبْرَهْ

8. Revealing what it had kept hidden,
Scandals it had kept secret.

٨. صَفْوُ النعيمِ تَشُوبُهُ
والنفعُ يُمزجُ بالمَضَرَّهْ

9. Oh careless one! Do not let relaxation make you heedless.
Whose nature is marred, for every intoxicant.

٩. يا حَبَّذَا محضُ السُّرُو
رِ ولَو أَتى في العيشِ مَرَّهْ

10. Therein duties roar and sins terrify.
Prepare for it with the strength of a high minded lion.

١٠. قد صَرَّحَتْ عن ذاتِها
بزلاءَ كانت مُسْتَسِرَّهْ

11. Not fatigued by the chase, unaware of stumbling.
The wolves of Babel seek to take advantage if they find unwariness.

١١. يا أَيُّها الصَمْصَامُ لا
تَأخُذْكَ دونَ الحزِم فَتْرَهْ

12. Hone your swords for their thick necks.
May God facilitate what you desire.

١٢. أَنتَ الذي طُبِعَتْ مَضَا
رِبُهُ الرقاقُ لكل غَمْرَهْ

13. Had you but walked a mile,
The doves would have cooed at sight of you.

١٣. فيها الفَرائضُ مُرعَدَا
تٌ والذوائِبُ مُقْشَعِرَّهْ

14. Leap with the spring of a supported lion,
His fang seizing the game in fright.

١٤. شَمِّرْ لَهَا تَشْميِرَ طا
وٍ لا يُقيلُ الصَّيدَ عَثْرَهْ

15. None earns money nor attains provision,
Until he parts from the slothful stupor of kinsfolk.

١٥. انَّ الذئابَ ببابلٍ
يَطلُبنَ لو صادفنَ غِرَّهْ

16. The enemies tried your courage and patience in combat.
Thus you may gain riches from one you had hated.

١٦. فاهدِ السيوفَ لِهَامِهَا
أهَدى لكَ اللهُ المَسَرَّهْ

17. I shepherded a hand against you
That came down like rain in abundance.

١٧. لو سِرْتَ مِيلاً واحداً
نَعَرَ الحِمامُ بِهنَّ نَعْرَهْ

18. I never sensed its lightning, it attained my hopes,
And the land became vacant wilderness.

١٨. ثِبْ وثبةَ الأَسدِ المُسَا
نِدِ نابَه في الروعِ ظُفْرَهْ

19. When your father summoned me,
I replied and obeyed his command,

١٩. لا يكسِبُ الكسبَ الكري
مَ ولا ينالُ الزَّادُ قَدْرَهْ

20. After my love for you had been continuous
With intimates.

٢٠. حتى يفارق من لفي
فِ الغِيلِ والطرفاءِ خِدرَهْ

21. I praised you in soft song but it was
The envy of foes.

٢١. قد جَرَّبَ الاعداءُ في ال
هَيْجَاءِ جُرأَتَهُ وَصَبْرَهْ

22. I saw your sea abundant,
Whose depths the whales cannot reach.

٢٢. فَلرَبُمَّا نِلتَ الغني
مةَ في الذي قد كنتَ تَكْرَهْ

23. Mine are the pulpits, armies and captives.
If you are gone, you are not gone,

٢٣. أَرعى يداً لكم عليْ
يَ تَهَلَّلَتْ كالغيثِ ثَرَّهْ

24. As long as the dawn kindles its light,
Until the sun returns to the constellation,

٢٤. ما شِمْتُ بارقَهَا وَشَا
مَتْ مَطلبي والأَرضُ قَفْرَهْ

25. From the sphere to the moon station.

٢٥. وأََبوكَ لما أَنْ دَعَا
لَبَّيْتُهُ وأَطَعْتُ أَمْرَهْ

٢٦. مِنْ بَعْدِ ما كانتْ حِبَا
لي بالقَرائِنِ مُسْتَمِرَّهْ

٢٧. أَنشَدْتُ مَدْحَكَ في النَّدِيْ
ي فكانَ للحُسَّادِ زَفْرَهْ

٢٨. وَرَأَيتُ بَحْرَكَ زاخِراً
لا تُدرِكُ الحيتانُ قَعْرَهْ

٢٩. مَنْ للمنابرِ وَالعَسَا
كِرِ والمناسِرِ والأَسِرَّهْ

٣٠. انْ غبتُمُ لا غِبِتُمُ
ما دامَ يَحْدُو الصبحُ فَجْرَهْ

٣١. حتَّى تَعُوْدَ الشَّمسُ مِنْ
فَلَكِ البُروجِ الى المَجَرَّهْ