1. You have attained the difficult matters with ease,
And obedience to the Ordainer has helped you.
١. نِلت صَعبَ الامورِ بالميسُورِ
وأَعانَتْكَ طاعةُ المقدُورِ
2. You have worn days that pull harm,
With no extent in felicity and pleasure.
٢. ولبستَ الايامَ تسحَبُ أَذيا
لَ مداها في غِبطةٍ وسرُورِ
3. You have taken exclusive action, so what care,
To the view of a friend for a destitute.
٣. قد تفردتَ بالفعَالِ فما أَن
تَ الى رأى صَاحِبٍ بِفَقِيرِ
4. It suffices you the crowding that you are from a people,
Who their spirits have endowed them with chests.
٤. وكفاكَ الزحامَ أَنكَ من قَو
مٍ حباهُم الهُمُمْ بالصدُورِ
5. O son of one who seized the shares and wealth,
And that was not from inadequacy.
٥. يا ابن من انهبَ القَطائع والما
لَ وما كانَ ذاكَ عن تَقصِيرِ
6. He is gentle with his troops, the return of the deserter from them,
And the comfort of the confused.
٦. يتأَنى بجندِهِ رجعةَ الشَّا
ردِ منهم وراحة المبهُورِ
7. And if matters become constrained, then in compromise,
Is salvation, and preservation in extravagance.
٧. واذا اضطرتِ الامورُ ففي الكي
س نجاةٌ والحِفظِ في التبذِيرِ
8. O splendid, if you are absent you do not become absent,
So who else for leadership and motivation?
٨. يا بَهاءَ العُلا اذا غِبتَ لا غِب
تَ فمنْ للقيادِ والتَّشْميرِ
9. And for an opening from the openings to concur,
Above the expectation of men and foresight.
٩. ولفتحِ من الفتوحِ يوافى
فوقَ ظنِّ الرّجالِ والتَّقْدِيرِ
10. We have not missed from you violence and leniency, since,
We were ruled by Abu Mansur.
١٠. ما فقدنا منكَ الفظاعةَ والرأ
فةَ مذ سَاسَنا أَبو منصُورِ
11. Determined, as if he were you, O one who,
Is too lofty for any likeness and peer.
١١. شَمَّريٌ كأَنَّه أَنتَ يا مَنْ
جَلَّ عن كلِّ مُشْبهٍ ونَظِيرِ
12. Worries have exempted him from confines,
They taught him sitting atop a throne.
١٢. نَزَّهَتْهُ عن الحُجُورِ هُمُومٌ
علمتْهُ الجلوسَ فوقَ السريرِ
13. And riding thoroughbreds and the sublime pulpit,
In every stance renowned.
١٣. وركوبَ الجيادِ والمنبر اليا
فعِ في كلِّ موقفٍ مَشْهُورِ
14. You have refined its sharpness, and to aptness,
Whetting of the famed blade.
١٤. أَنتَ هذبتَ حدَّهُ والى الصَّي
قل شَحْذ المهندِ المأَثُورِ
15. And you have observed in it without resistance,
That it exists as a father to victories.
١٥. وَتَفَرَّسْتَ فيهِ غير مُحَابٍ
أَنَّهُ كائنٌ أَباً للكُسُورِ
16. O what an imagination it was one day,
Its nobility Ardashir in Sabur.
١٦. يا لَهَا من مَخِيْلَةٍ كانَ يَوماً
شَامَها الأَرَدْشِيْرُ في سَابورِ
17. Thus the spirits engender their sons,
However it chooses for supremacy and good.
١٧. هكذا يخلقُ الهُمامُ بنيه
كيفَ ما اختارَ للعلا والخِيرِ
18. Love of favors while still a baby,
Not interceded as it was with months.
١٨. عشِق المكرماتِ وهو اخمسٍ
لم يُشَفَّعْ كما لُها بشُهورِ
19. It blazes and lights,
With competence, resolve, and management.
١٩. يَتَلظى تَوقداً وذكاءً
واضطلاعاً بالحزمِ والتدبيرِ
20. You are a sun to our horizon, and he is a moon,
From you the flowing of its light and brilliance.
٢٠. أَنتَ شمسٌ لافقنا وهو بَدْرٌ
منكَ يَنبوعُ ضوئِه والنُّورِ
21. A swelling hatred is not remedied without a knight,
The fury has reached an outburst of the chests.
٢١. ليس يُشفى بدون فارس غِلٌّ
بلغ الغيظُ نفثَةَ المَصْدُورِ
22. By my life, that is not the first cloud,
You have attained from your defeated enemy.
٢٢. ولَعَمرى ما ذاكَ أَول غَيْمٍ
نلتَه من عَدُوِّكَ المَقْهُورِ
23. None has shepherded people other than the family of Buyyah,
Through them, the deviation of affairs is corrected.
٢٣. لا رَعى الناسَ غيرُ آل بويهٍ
فبهمْ يستقيمُ زيغُ الأُمورِ
24. The child among them is known by his uprightness,
And the guidance of the elder is seen in the junior.
٢٤. يُعْرَفُ الطفلُ منهم بِنُهاهُ
ويُرَى بالصَّغيرِ هَدُي الكَبيرِ