
O tear, does sorrow have any hope in you?

أيا دمع هل للحزن عندك مطمع

1. O tear, does sorrow have any hope in you?
For not every sorrowful one resorts to tears

١. أَيا دَمعُ هل للحُزنِ عندكَ مَطْمَعُ
فما كلُّ محزونٍ الى الدَّمعِ يَفْزَعُ

2. And if you have exhausted what turned into tears, then borrow
The blood of the heart, and know that harming you benefits

٢. وانْ كنتَ قد أَفنيتَ ما آلَ فاستَعِرْ
دمَ القلبِ واعلمْ أَنَّ ضَرَّكَ يَنْفَعُ

3. The pillars of my world fell, pierced without stabbing
And my joy is severed by calamities

٣. تداعتْ بلا طَعْنٍ أَنابيبُ عاملي
وأَصبحَ حَدّي بالنوائبِ يُقْطَعُ

4. Souls over the brink, called by destiny
And they have no return even until the Day of Resurrection

٤. نفوسٌ على زَاذَانَ ينشدها الحِجى
وليسَ لها حتى القيامةِ مَرجِعُ

5. And the graves of Zorah, my mother and father
Both my glories are ruined and severed

٥. وقبرانِ بالزوراءِ أُمّى ووالدي
كلا طَرفي مَجْدي يُجَّبُ ويُجْدَعُ

6. And in Rayy, the power of Ismail grew weak
And his spears are unleashed toward death

٦. وبالرى اسماعيلُ أوهنَ كيدُهُ
وأَرماحُه دونَ المنيةِ شُرَّعُ

7. And not in good are the men whose loss I suffered
For the news of calamities is most painful

٧. وليس بخير من رجالٍ رزئتُهم
على أَنَّ حِدثانَ المصائبِ أَوجَعُ

8. I lost a dutiful son of a protected mother
As the diseased infant loses the breast that feeds him

٨. فقدتُ كبيراً بِرَّ أُمٍ حَفِيَّةٍ
كما فقدَ الثديَ المُعَلّلَ مُرضَعُ

9. When the cheeks of the virgins lose their chastity
And they travel, they are content with modesty

٩. اذا اختفرتْ زانَ الحِجَالَ عَفَافُهَا
وانْ سَفَرتْ فبالحياءِ تُقَنَّعُ

10. I fear for you death in the blazing month
And I did not know the matter was revealed and hastened

١٠. أَخافُ عليكِ الموتَ في شهرِ ناجِرٍ
ولم أَدرِ أَنَّ الامرَ أَوحى وأسْرَعُ

11. And that death, when it came suddenly
Wore its garb and pretended for you

١١. وانَّ المنايا اذْ غَدوتِ قَريرة
غَدتْ لكِ في أثَوابها تَتَصَنَّعُ

12. It comes toward me, seeking to cheer me up
But it does not know that with happiness I tremble

١٢. تُبادرُ نحوي تبتغي أَنْ تَسُرني
ولم تدر أَنى بالسرورِ أُروَّعُ

13. So may the dependent women, their ransom is
Protection from evil or a bedmate wherever they sleep

١٣. فليتَ النساءَ المُعْولاتِ فدينَها
من السوءِ أَو ضاجعنَها حيثُ تَضْجعُ

14. At night they cry out to me for their prayers
But do people ward off destiny, so I ward it off?

١٤. عَشِيَّةَ يَسْتَصرِخنْنَي لدُعائِها
وهلْ يدفعُ الناسُ الحِمامَ فأَدفَعُ

15. Fortune noticed the calamity to humiliate
Abdul Aziz and make him plead

١٥. لقد فَطَنَ الدهرُ الغبيُّ لنكْبةٍ
يذلُّ لها عبدُ العَزيزِ وَيَضْرعُ

16. Good for it whenever it turns away from me
While I from its events grow humble

١٦. هَنيئاً له أَنى المتُ لِصَرفهِ
وأَنيَّ من أَحْداثِهِ أَتَخَشَّعُ

17. You did not care, O fate, for my integrity
And left me what I used to forbid

١٧. ولم ترعَ لى يا دَهرُ حقَّ نَزاهَتى
وتركى لكَ الشىءَ الذي كنتُ امنَعُ

18. Perhaps the heir of glory will ride its chest toward you
While between me and you but a handspan

١٨. عسى قائم المأثورِ يركبُ صدرَه
اليكَ وما بَيني وبينكَ أصبَعُ

19. You have declined, fallen in love after you were exalted
Al-Mamari said which of the two is more noble?

١٩. ترديتَ تَهوى بعدما كنتَ والسُّهَا
يقولُ الممارى أَيُّ هذين أرفَعُ

20. I imagined you morning, fascinated with staying
While you are about to leave, determined

٢٠. أخالُك صَباً بالاقامةِ مُعْجَباً
وأنتَ على وشكِ التفرقِ مُزْمِعُ

21. So woe to me, I did not know you were a traitor
And I enjoyed your glance to the fullest

٢١. فوا أَسفى لم ادرِ أَنَّكَ خائنٌ
فكنتُ بأَقصى لمحةٍ أَتمتَعُ

22. At a farewell, the eye does not hope to see
The like of it again, nor does the one bid farewell hope for reunion

٢٢. لدى وقفةٍ لا تأملُ العينُ نَظْرَةً
سِواها ولا يرجو اللقاءَ مُوَدَّعُ

23. To what reasoning and what excuse
And affectionate advice after your affection do I return?

٢٣. الى أَيّ تعليلٍ وأَيّ مَبَرَّةٍ
وَوُدِّ نصيحٍ بعد وُدِّكِ أَرجِعُ

24. And no pleasure remains in the days after you
Nor an amusement the amused plays with

٢٤. ولم تبقَ في الاَيامِ بَعْدَكِ لذةٌ
ولا متعةٌ يلهو بها المتمتِّعُ

25. The tear on the day of parting refused to help the sorrow
So no eye shed tears nor did tears pour

٢٥. أَبى الدمعُ يومَ الدورِ أَنْ يَنصُر الأَسى
فلا ذرفتْ عينٌ ولا فاضَ مَدْمَعُ

26. And if only when it told the harshness of destiny
It told my anguish or had anguished for the separation

٢٦. ويا ليتَه لما حكى جفوةَ الكَرى
حكى جَزعي أَوْ كانَ للبينِ يَجْزَعُ

27. I ransom myself and the honored ladies with
A sadness that rises in their breaths and ascends

٢٧. بنفسي ونفسِ المكُرماتِ حُشَاشَةٌ
تَصَعَّدُ في أَنفاسِهَا وتَرَفَّعُ

28. You witnessed yet did not benefit an iota
When you saw what you do not love and heard

٢٨. شَهِدتَ فما أُغنيتَ عنها قُلامةً
وأَنتَ تَرى ما لا تُحِبُّ وَتَسمَعُ

29. A slain victim at the hands of destiny, wiped out
In him the terror of despair battles hope

٢٩. صَرِيْعٌ على أَيدى العَوائدِ مُدْنَفٌ
يُغالبُ فيه رَوعَةَ اليأسِ مَطْمَعُ

30. Fate struck my people with an arrow that hit them
And the one who aimed his heart did not know what to do

٣٠. أَصابَ الردى قَومى بسهمٍ أَصابَهُ
ولم يَدرِ رَامٍ قلبه كيفَ يَصْنَع

31. And I was their neighbor so I became their companion
Shall I be expelled from the fence of the courtyard and uprooted?

٣١. وكنتُ بهم جاراً فَصِرتُ مجاوراً
أَأُطرَدُ عن سُورِ الحِياضِ وأَقْزَعُ

32. Shall I reside in a lowly abode with scoundrels
Where dogs are protected and friends are abandoned?

٣٢. أحُلُّ مع البَرشَاءِ داراً ذَليلَةً
بها الكلبُ يُحْمَى والصَّديقُ يُضَيَّعُ

33. The departing wind dismantles their abodes
And my belongings have no place in the dwellings

٣٣. تُدَابِرُ مُستنَّ الرياحِ بيوتُهم
وليس لرحلى في المَواطِنِ مُوضِعُ

34. So I am not content with baseness among them
Nor does my anger benefit the hot-tempered

٣٤. فلا أَنا راضٍ بالدنيَّةِ فيهم
ولا غضبى عندَ الحَفِيظَةِ يَنفَعُ

35. And I buried glory on the day of Oreir
And was certain that after it I would grow frail

٣٥. وكنتُ دَفَنتُ العزَّ يومَ عُرَيْعِرٍ
وأَيقنتُ أَنى بَعْدَهُ أَتَضَعْضَعُ

36. And I parted with youths, whose cheeks
Were like the bodies of palm trees in a shaking trunk

٣٦. وفارقتُ فتياناً كأَنَّ خُدودَهم
متونُ صِفاحٍ في قَناً يَتَزَعْزَعُ

37. I bid farewell to one after the other
And dew decided not to return the escort

٣٧. أُشيِّعُ منهم هَالكاً بعدَ هالِكٍ
وكانَ النَّدى أَنْ لا يَعُودَ المُشَيَّعُ

38. So the call for help of the screaming invoker was not answered
He called them to their fate so they hurried

٣٨. فلا لبُيِّتَتْ بالغَوثِ دعوةُ صَارخِ
دعاهُم الى آجالهم فَتَسرعوا

39. I see the back of the plain bare of them
And they did not gather except to crumble

٣٩. أَرى منهم ظَهْرَ البَسيطَةِ عارياً
وما اجتمعوا الاَّ لأَنْ يَتَصَدَّعُوا

40. The chivalry and dew of the abodes of destruction
Stood still and said: how excellent is the well-prepared!

٤٠. برابيةِ الدورِ الشَّجاعةُ والنَّدى
أَقاما وقالا حبَّذا المتربَّعُ

41. So who is there to fear the insects of evil and avoid them
And for good, the lowly outcast hopes for it?

٤١. فمن لذبابِ الشر يُخْشَى ويُتَّقى
وللخيرِ يرجوه الضريكُ المُدفَّعُ

42. The passing cloud watered graves as if they were
The backs of camels that were blessed while pregnant

٤٢. سَقَى الرائحُ الغادي قَبوراً كأَنَّها
ظهورُ جِمَالٍ بُرِّكَتْ وهي ضُلَّعُ

43. And still a scabbard from the thunder remains sheathed
Yearning while the lightning from it flashes

٤٣. ولا زالَ هَدَّارٌ من الرعد مُغْمَدٌ
يَحِنُ ومسلولٌ من البرقِ يَلْمَعُ

44. Homes of despair, every day visited
By the tears of mourners and returning wailing

٤٤. معاهدُ يأسٍ كل يومٍ تَزورُهَا
دُمُوعُ البواكى والنَّحيبُ المُرَجَّعُ

45. And that is not the loyalty of one who parts
With which absence of home pulls and brings together

٤٥. وذاكَ الوفاءُ لا وفاءُ مفارِقٍ
يَشُطُّ به نأىُ الدِّيَارِ وَيْجمَعُ

46. I am content with the life, so neither its hardship
Do I fear, nor its ease do I anticipate

٤٦. غنيتُ من الدُّنيا فلا أَنا عُسرهَا
أَخافُ ولا ميسورها أَتَوَقَّعُ

47. Nothing satisfies except our hopes and wishes
And how can what is anticipated not satisfy?

٤٧. تُمَلُّ سِوى آمالِنا ورجائِنا
وكيف يُمَلُّ المَطَلَبُ المتوقَّعُ

48. When a night comes, it is said where is its morning?
And they are all deceived by the night and morning

٤٨. اذا جَنَّ ليلٌ قيلَ أَينَ صَباحُهُ
وكلُّهُمُ بالليل والصُّبْحِ يُخْدَعُ

49. And how much bliss have I worn its gown
And evil for which all horizons rise

٤٩. وكم من نعيمٍ قد لبستُ رِداءَهُ
وشرٍ له كلُّ المطالعِ مطلعُ

50. And pleasure that passed as if its union
Was the union of imagination while asleep and dreaming

٥٠. ومن لَذَّةٍ وَلَّتْ كأَنَّ وصالَها
وصالُ خَيالٍ في الكرّى حينَ أَهْجَعُ

51. With time, its misery and joy pass
As if they never were, and time is your entire life

٥١. مع الوقتِ بمضى بؤسُهُ ونعيمُه
كأَنْ لم يكن والوقتُ عمركَ أَجمعُ

52. And what good is a lifetime whose half is the harvest of destiny
And half in which one ails or laments?

٥٢. وما خيرُ عيشٍ نصفُهُ سِنَةُ الكَرى
ونصفٌ به يَعْتَلُّ أو يَتَفَجَّعُ

53. I swear if given the choice
I would not be content except with the contract

٥٣. وأقسِمُ لو أَعطيتَهُ مُتَخَيِّراً
لما كنتُ الاَّ بالوثيقةِ أَقَنعُ