
Basil consults me about attacking with his army

يشاورني في عطفه الغزو باسل

1. Basil consults me about attacking with his army
And claims that the horses have become equal

١. يُشَاوِرُني في عَطْفِهِ الغَزوَ باسِلٌ
ويزعُم أَنَّ الخَيلَ أَمْسَتْ سَواهما

2. So I said to them, run the steeds on their faces
Even if the attack does not benefit except their richness

٢. فقلتُ لهم جُروا الجيادَ على الوجى
ولو لم يُفِدْ الاَّ الطِّعَانَ غَناهمُا