
What day ascending have I not seen in it

أي يوم من صاعد لم أرح فيه

1. What day ascending have I not seen in it
Generous men, flowing-robed,

١. أيُّ يومٍ من صاعدٍ لم أرحْ في
هِ بخيلٍ كثيرةِ الأسْلابِ

2. Bestowing without asking,
Giving without request,

٢. من نَوالٍ يسري بغيرِ سُؤالٍ
وعَطاءٍ يأتي بغيرِ طِلابِ

3. God apportioned their day to glories
Between striking with blades and striking necks.

٣. قسَّمَ اللهُ يومَه للمَعالي
بين ضَرب اللَّها وضَرب الرِّقابِ

4. I came visiting, and he had mounted eminence,
The stars beneath him in the dust,

٤. جئتُه زائراً وقد ركِبَ الأفْ
لاكَ والنجمُ تحتَهُ في التُّرابِ

5. With meanings I stole from his loftiness,
As though I read them from a book,

٥. بمعانٍ سرَقتُها من عُلاه
فكأني قرأتُها من كتابِ

6. So his glances gestured at my sins,
As though I heard the sermon's judgment.

٦. فأشارتْ ألحاظُه بذنوبي
فكأني سمعتُ فصلَ الخِطابِ

7. Then I kissed the back of his hand,
As though kissing the cheek of a cloud.

٧. ثم قبلتُ ظاهرَ الكفِّ منه
فكأنّي قبّلتُ خَدَّ السَّحابِ

8. O generous one, our spirits are from his gifts,
And our minds from the perspicacious.

٨. يا جَواداً أرواحُنا من عَطايا
هُ وأفهامُنا مع الألْبابِ

9. These cares strike us
Like your palms in resolute peace.

٩. إنّ هذي الهمومَ تقدحُ فينا
قدْحَ كفَّيكَ في السِّلام الصِّلابِ

10. So give us to drink the rain of wine, your pouring
Toward hopes and dwellings.

١٠. فاسقِنا صيِّبَ المُدامِ سقاكَ ال
لهُ صوبَ الآمالِ والآرابِ

11. Like Indian aloes as though wearing
Armour of interlaced mail.

١١. خَنْدَريساً كأنّها تتقي المزْ
جَ بدرعٍ مَسرودةٍ من حَبابِ

12. Ashamed before their beauty, she came to us
In a rose-colored gown and veil.

١٢. خَجلت من حُلاهُمُ فأتَتْنا
في رداءٍ مُورَّدٍ ونِقابِ

13. She bestows wealth on the poor and invades
Their drinking in the hosts of perturbation.

١٣. تَهَبُ المالَ للفقيرِ وتغزو
شَرْبَها في عساكِرِ الإطرابِ

14. She stole the beauty of her nature from your
Generous character and pleasing manners.

١٤. سرقتْ حُسْنَ خلقها من سَجايا
كَ وأخلاقكَ الكرامِ الرِّغابِ

15. She is in the clouds, tribulation, and in the wind
A breeze, and in wine, delight.

١٥. إنّها في السَّحابِ وبلٌ وفي الري
حِ نسيمٌ ونشوةٌ في الشّرابِ

16. God created Saʿd, the day He created man,
For the cup, conviviality, and rapture.

١٦. خلقَ اللهُ صاعداً يومَ خلْق ال
ناسِ للكأسِ والنّدى والضِّرابِ

17. The world has no claim on him, while in his eyes
It is lower than its lying affection.

١٧. ما سؤالُ الدّنيا له وهي في عي
نيه أدنى من وُدِّها الكذّابِ

18. We wronged him in asking, for we
Did not ask him to mend the rending of youth.

١٨. قد ظلمناهُ في السّؤالِ لأنّا
ما سألْناهُ ردَّ شَرخِ الشّبابِ