
I do not ask of the ruins or their quarter

لا أسأل الربع وأطلاله

1. I do not ask of the ruins or their quarter
Nor one who is stingy with what he possesses

١. لا أَسأَلُ الربعَ وأَطلالَهْ
ولا ضنيناً باللها مالَهْ

2. I raise my worries and protect my wishes
From greed, shaking off its sieves

٢. أَرفعُ همى وأَصون المُنى
عن طمعٍ أَنفُضُ غِربالَهْ

3. So I do not see except at a watering hole
Where I glory in honor and its burdens

٣. فما أُرى الاَّ على موردٍ
أُناجِذُ المجدَ وأَشغالَهْ

4. As if my urns and their capacities
Were poured upon a noble lady's train

٤. كأَنما كُوري وأَنساعُه
صُبَّ على خنساء ذيالَهْ

5. Or an active man whose surroundings
Were grasped by the talons of a daring hawk

٥. أَو ناشط ضَمَّتْ الى حوزهِ
بوارحُ الجوزاءِ أَطَّالَهْ

6. So he remained steadfast on a high ground
Keeping watch of the night and its horrors

٦. فَظلَّ بالصمدِ على مربأٍ
يُراصدُ الليلَ وأهْوالَهْ

7. So that he may shoot at it with his writ
Like the twang of arrows and strays

٧. كيما يُراميه بمرقومةٍ
مثل شريج النبلِ والضالَهْ

8. Whoever desires the world remains greedy
That he may sculpture its image in water

٨. من يصحبِ الدنيا يكن طامعاً
في الماءِ ان يقنصَ تمثالَهْ

9. Like the sands of barren deserts, sustained by them
The eyelid cannot control its state

٩. مثلُ هُيامِ الرملِ مُنهالهُ
لا يملِك الجفنُ لها حَالَهْ

10. It kills with provision and revives thereby
Thus it is deceptive to souls

١٠. تُميتُ بالزاد وتُحيي به
فهي على الأَنفسِ مُحتالَهْ

11. The cycle of fate has changed its phases
And the worker has undertaken his deeds

١١. بدَّلَ صرفُ الدهر أَبدالَه
واستقبل العاملُ أَعمالَهْ

12. So the youth may deduce from it in a condition
When its aspects are averted from his face

١٢. يَنبا الفتى منه على حالةٍ
اِذْ صُرِفَتْ عن وجهها الحالَهْ

13. Thus he drinks its bitterness at times
And at others he drinks its chains

١٣. فتارةً يشرَبُ أَكدَارَه
وتارةً يشرَب سَلسَالَهْ

14. This crescent after it was overwhelmed
By the events of fate that overwhelmed it

١٤. هذا هلالٌ بعدما غالَه
من حدثانِ الدهر ما غالَهْ

15. It came to dawn, unleashing its arrows at the enemy
God has gathered its afflictions for it

١٥. أصبح يَبرى للعدى نبلَه
قد جمع اللهُ له بَالَهْ

16. And the coat of mail that was worn
Became after clothes, its cloak

١٦. وصارتِ الدرع التي ضُوعنَتْ
بَعدَ لباسٍ القِدِّ سِربالَهْ

17. So say to the originator in his pardon
Good fortune to your prisoner, good fortune to him

١٧. فقل لذا المبدعِ في عفوه
طوبى لِمأسُورِكَ طوبى لَهْ

18. You have tamed from it a vicious lion
Who was used to chewing on meat and its cubs

١٨. أَشليتَ منه أَسداً ضارياً
عَوَّدَ مضغَ اللحم أَشبالَهْ

19. A hunter whom the severity of his might
Does not frighten the upheavals of fate and its burdens

١٩. أَصيدَ لا يرهبُ من بأسه
عجارفَ الدهرِ وأوجالَهْ

20. So unleash it if a feast is prepared
The feelings of awe and its heroes

٢٠. فارمِ به ان طَرقتْ موئدٌ
مشاعرَ الروع وأبطالَهْ

21. And every vilifier inclined to sedition
Has rolled up the train of his garment for the pounce

٢١. وكل نعَّارِ الى فتنَةٍ
شَمَّرَ للوثبةِ أَذيالَهْ

22. Perhaps if his abode was shaken
And the ropes became his appointed time

٢٢. لعلَّه ان شَطَنَتْ داره
وصارتِ الاحبالُ آجالَهْ

23. And wine overcame his mind
In intoxication spreading out its hopes

٢٣. واستولتِ الخمرُ على لُبِّهِ
في سكرة تبسط آمالَهْ

24. That he may recall the effort and what he attained
So he thanks the length that was extended to him

٢٤. انْ يذكر الجهدَ وما ناله
فيشكرُ الطولَ الذي طالَهْ

25. The pride of the kingdom was excessive in his munificence
Until people were perplexed by his favors

٢٥. أَسرفَ فخرُ الملكِ في جودِه
حتى تحامى الناسُ اِفضالَهْ

26. For him the sturdy abodes tremble
Fear quakes through them in its tremors

٢٦. له قاراتِ الصُّوى رجفةٌ
زلزل فيها الرعبُ زلزالَهْ

27. The lands in their regions could hardly
Bear them, and the earth is its burdener

٢٧. لم تَكدِ الأرضُ بأَقطارِها
تحمِلها والأرضُ حمَّالَهْ

28. And an stand in Wasit yesterday
That stunned the chiefs and did not stun him

٢٨. وموقفٌ بالامسِ في واسطٍ
هالَ الصناديدَ وما هالَهْ

29. When the king became angry and his
Ferocity stirred with the needle and its sewings

٢٩. اِذْ نَغِلَ الملكُ ودبتْ له
رَبداء بالأبرةِ شَوَّالَهُ

30. People cannot be guided to its imbalance
And evil has obscured its locks

٣٠. لا يَهتدي الناسُ لبزلائِها
والشر قد أَبهم أَقفالَهْ

31. Abu Ghalib matched the joints of the matter and its limbs
If the king's birds are deterred

٣١. طبقَ بالرأي أَبو غالب
مفاصلَ الأَمرِ وأَوصالَهْ

32. His surname becomes his omen
The neighbor is not safe from what has dragged him

٣٢. اذا مليكٌ زُجِرَتْ طيرُه
كانت له كنيتُه فالَهْ

33. And the dunes do not spare their burrows
Nor do you see him subduing his resolve

٣٣. لا يسلمُ الجارَ لما جرَّه
والطودُ لا يُسلم أَوعالَهْ

34. Rejoicing in good when he attains it
As if the remains of conversing planets

٣٤. ولا تَراه هامداً همَّه
يفرح بالخيرِ اذا نالَهْ

35. Flowed down his cheek
From the sunna of the full moon he has beauty

٣٥. كأَنما أَجرى على خَدِّهِ
سُلافَ حوَّارينَ جِريالَهْ

36. And the rising of the sun is his halo
He pairs sides in position

٣٦. من سُنّةِ البدر له سُدفَةٌ
وطلعةُ الشمسِ له هَالَهْ

37. Where his uncle meets his maternal uncle
God has not created the like of him

٣٧. مُقابلُ الاطرافِ في مَنصَبٍ
حيثُ يناصي عَمُّهُ خَالَهْ

38. Alas, He will not create the like of him

٣٨. لم يَخلقِ اللهُ فتىً مثلَه
هيهاتَ أَنْ يخلقَ أَمثالَهْ