
If the war clouds depart from us and you,

اذا انجابت اللأواء عنا وعنكم

1. If the war clouds depart from us and you,
Some people will regret while we endure patiently.

١. اذا انجابتْ الَّلأْواءُ عنَّا وعنكُمُ
سيندَمُ قومٌ يجزعون ونَصْبِرُ

2. The foremost rider went ahead while the horses behind him stumbled,
To the farthest point of glorious renown.

٢. مشى سَابقاً والخيلُ تَعْثُرُ خَلفَهُ
الى غايةِ المَجْدِ الأَغرُّ المشهَّرُ

3. Every smooth and rough garment refuses to be wiped,
And every weak and strong back turns away and makes excuses.

٣. على المِسحِ يأبى كلُّ لبدٍ ومسحلٍ
وكلُّ عَذَار ظهرُهُ والمُعَذَّرُ

4. O children of lost hope, why didn't you ask
The next morning after you panicked, where are Aad and Thamud?

٤. بني الأملِ المغبونِ هلاَّ سأَلتم
غَداةَ جزعتمُ أَينَ عادٌ وحميَرُ

5. And a people in the earth's belly whose graves are forgotten
While their deeds are remembered until the Day of Resurrection.

٥. وقومٌ ببطنِ الأرضِ تُنْسَى قبورُهم
وأَفعالُهم حتّى القيامةِ تُذكَرُ

6. You clamored but when war took on severity
As the people clamored when Ibn Dhi Yazan fled.

٦. ضَجَجْتُم ولما تضغَمِ الحربُ ضَغْمَةً
كما ضجّ من ظِلِ ابن دأية أَدْبَرُ

7. I adjure you by Allah, have I taken
More shame or given the people more?

٧. نشدتكم باللهِ هل ما أَخذتُم
من العارِ أو أعطتيم القومَ أكثرُ

8. So who is the most rightful to ransom me, though death does not delay?
Or the most cautious, you did not fear what you were afraid of?

٨. فمن مبلغٌ عنّي أحقٌ مؤخر
بتفديتي والموتُ لا يتأخرُ

9. Oh how many fortunate ones what they were wary of!
I pardoned you in the protector of striking with the sword,

٩. أَمن حذرِ لم تَرجُ ما أَنتَ خائفٌ
ألا رُبَّ مغبوطٍ بما كانَ يَحذَرُ

10. Had you sought his help, even if your claim is false.
And sometimes a young man swallows anger while he is ashamed

١٠. عذرتُكَ في حَامي الضِّرابِ مُضَرَّسٍ
بركتَ به لو أَنَّ زَوْرَكَ أزْوَرُ

11. And hides the buried sorrow from him so it appears.
You descended to the enemy's rule in a position,

١١. وقد يكظم الغَيظَ الفتى وهو كاسِفُ
ويُخفي دفينَ الحُزنِ منه فيظهَرُ

12. To gather so you recover or lie so you are shunned.
If the wearer of honor gave the likes of it,

١٢. نزلتَ على حكمِ العَدوِّ بمنزلٍ
تلمُّ فتجفى أو تزورُ فَتُهْجَرُ

13. I would pardon you if I blame and excuse.

١٣. فلو كانَ يعطي لابسُ العِزّ مثلها
عذرتُكَ لو أَني ألومُ وأُعْذَرُ