
We seek from none but you though there are some

نحن لا نستنيل غيرك في الناس

1. We seek from none but you though there are some
Among men who can give while their gifts are welcome

١. نحنُ لا نَسْتَنيلُ غَيْرَكَ في النْ
ناسِ وانْ كانَ فيهم من يُنِيلُ

2. O noble one your gifts to us are most prized
Theirs may flow to them while yours cannot be equaled

٢. رِفدُهمُ يا أَخا الفواضلِ مَرْدُو
دٌ عليهم ورِفْدُكَ المَقْبُولُ

3. We wait not hoping one day to live free
While our hope from others is unfulfilled

٣. لا بقينا الى زَمانٍ به نَأ
مُلُ حُراً وغيرُك المأمُولُ

4. We take but little from your hands while none
From the miser's pile though it may be plentiful

٤. نقبلُ النَّزر من يَديك ولا نَقْ
بلُ نَيلَ البخيلِ وهو جَزِيلُ

5. The generous one's gift small may yet be great
While the mean one's much may provide but little

٥. فقليلٌ من الكريمِ كَثيرٌ
وكثيرٌ من اللئيمِ قَلِيلُ

6. These skills are but a yoke and rare to find
Are the noble ones while the servile are many

٦. انَّما هذه الصَّنائِع رِقٌّ
فَعزيزٌ مِن أَهلِهَا وَذَلِيلُ

7. My friend for woe there is no remedy
Beauty is eclipsed and vileness made attractive

٧. يا خليليَّ ليس للهَمِّ شَافٍ
نَجَمَ القُبحُ واستَسرَّ الجَمِيلُ

8. Misfortune was our nature from the start
In times when minds themselves do harm

٨. وأَرانا من الشَّقَاءِ خُلِقْنَا
في زَمانٍ تَضُرُّ فيهِ العُقُولُ

9. So let me drink deep of ignorance until
I seem most inclined to utter foolishness

٩. فاسقياني مُفيدةً الجَهل حتّى
تَرياني من السفاهِ أَمِيلُ

10. Find me excuses for all seriousness and jest
Every toil and repose needs its explanation

١٠. عَلّلاِني فكلُّ جَدٍّ وَهَزلٍ
وَعَنَاءٍ وراحةٍ تَعْلِيلُ

11. All have their fill of the life they are given
More than suffice is excess for any person

١١. ولكلٍّ من عيشهِ ما كفاهُ
كلُّ ما يَفضُلُ الكفافَ فُضُولُ