
Praise to the valiant youth when called upon

لله در فتى يلذ

1. Praise to the valiant youth when called upon
To face the arrows finds his coat of mail his guard.

١. للهِ دَرُّ فتىً يلذْ
اذا استضاموه حِمَامَهْ

2. When perils threat their sharp and cutting sword,
His buckler is his targe, his helm secures from bale.

٢. يلقى السنانَ له عِذَا
راً والحُسامَ له عِمَامَهْ

3. Efforts however much my verse avails
Will not suffice, for that demands a higher art.

٣. انَّ المساعي ما تزا
لُ بها القوافى مُستهامَهْ

4. The hero died but lives within my heart.
He'll live till Resurrection's trumpet loudly hails.

٤. ماتَ الجُلاحُ ولم يمت
ما قالَ فيه أَبو أُمامَهْ

5. And poets of the race of Lakhmi's kings
Have crowned his name and fair praise on him bestowed.

٥. والحارثُ الجفنى قا
م بذكره حتى القِيامَهْ

6. And I disdain ignoble ease and rest,
Like Qais and Sammah who their manhood showed.

٦. وملوكُ لخمٍ طُوِّقوا
من مدحهِ طوق الحَمَامَهْ

7. My hand and sword shall fend me from the foe,
Nor will I shrink, my steps from danger's path to go.

٧. وأَرى المذلةَ عافَها
من قبلنا قيسٌ وَسَامَهْ

8. Uman o'erturned, the gathered armies broke,
The brother of Sulaym on that day their yoke,

٨. طَلباً بِعرضِهما النجا
ةَ على شَرودٍ كالنَّعامَهْ

9. And made his soul a ransom for the tribe,
A sacrifice to save his brethren's lives.

٩. فرمت عمانُ بحولي
ن تخطيا عتبَ الملامَهْ

10. The traces of his prowess still survive,
Memorials of him tribes remote describe.

١٠. وأَخو سليمٍ يومَ عض
على نواجذّه لِحَامَهْ

11. The Tolga refugees his onset fled,
The tribes of Malik trembled and with dread,

١١. أبقى بضاحى البشرِ من
آثارِ وقعتهِ عَلامَهْ

12. Kindah Tribe fled from his assault dismayed.
Thus shall the man be blest who draws his blade,

١٢. نفرَ الحُبالى من عقا
ئلِ مالكٍ وبنى أُسامَهْ

13. And night-like shall oppress his enemies.
My prince, to whom the good for aid repair,

١٣. وَيْلُمِّها من غارةٍ
لو أنها تَشفى أوامَهْ

14. O thou whose actions no reproaches dare,
Sprung from a line heroes alone could rear.

١٤. وكذا يكون أَخو المظا
لم حين تغشاه الظُّلامَهْ

15. Whose sires though slain midst battle's fury fell
Ne'er shunned the deadly charge or ceased to dare,

١٥. يا أَبها الملك الذي
يده على العافي غَمامَهْ

16. No loss of fortune made their spirits quail,
Misfortune only roused them to prevail.

١٦. والفاعل الفعل الذي
لم يستطع أَحدٌ مَرَامَهْ

17. Noble resolve should arm us for the fight,
To die with honour rather than from duty shrink.

١٧. مِنْ معشرٍ خُلِقوا لتش
ييدِ العلا كَتَداً وهامَهْ

18. We dreamed of glory, framed high exploits high,
While our existence was inertness, nought beside.

١٨. لم يلسبوا الحَلَقَ المضا
عَفَ في الوغى طَلَب السلامَهْ

19. A horde unused to war's alarms drew nigh,
And we like frightened women ran and cried.

١٩. الاَّ لتعطيل الصوا
رمِ أَنْ تكونَ لها صَرامَةْ

20. No chief arose our manhood to excite,
And raise his tribe from their degraded plight.

٢٠. انا خُدعنا بالحيا
ةِ وعِزُّنا حَبُّ الكَرامَهْ

21. Let those who life inglorious living found
Sleep the last sleep wrapped in oblivious ground.

٢١. وَتَنَاوَلَتنا فاركٌ
خَرقاءُ فاجرةُ العَرامَهْ

22. The freeman whose high spirit scorns control
Needs but his tent to shelter from the cold.

٢٢. لم يَعنِ فيها الواليا
نِ ولا نكيرهما قُلامَهْ

٢٣. فافلل شَباها انَّها
في وجنةِ العلياءِ شَامَهْ

٢٤. والحُرُّ ليس له بدا
رٍ يُستضامُ بها اقامَهْ