
O Hind, you of anklets and bangles

يا هند يا ذات البرى والخلخال

1. O Hind, you of anklets and bangles
By God, does it please you that I am wealthy?

١. يا هندُ يا ذَاتَ البُرى والخَلخَالْ
باللهِ هل سركِ أَنّى ذو مَالْ

2. Yet it is from the gifts of the miserly
And I have every towering camel

٢. وانَّهُ من أُعطياتِ البُخَّالْ
وانَّ لي كلَّ عَلاّةٍ شِمْلالْ

3. That cuts through the thorns and struts proudly
Wearing the mirage and anklets

٣. تَقْطَعُ غِيطانَ الفَلا وتَخْتَالْ
مُرتدياتٍ بالسَّرابِ والآلْ

4. And no herder of Mihna's pasture was a truant
Nor was any wide-nosed she-camel left behind

٤. وما رعى بَقلَ الحِمى من هُمَّالْ
وكلَ رَحبِ المِنخَرين ذيَّالْ

5. Chasing the tail of a startled ostrich
It should suffice you - my ornaments and travels

٥. لاحِقَ كَشْحي سُرَّةٍ بأطَالْ
يكفيكَ حَلي بالمَلا وتَرحَالْ

6. And my cunning, though man is not crafty
The swell of misfortunes and the flowing of torments

٦. وحِيلتي والمرءُ غيرُ مُحْتَالْ
موجَ الخُطُوبِ واصطِفاقَ الزُّلالْ

7. No living thing finds everlasting comfort
And the house - it was changed by the lost one

٧. لا حلَّ حيّ أَبداً بمحلالْ
والدَّارُ قد غيرها بِذي الضَالْ

8. The passage of months and the changing of states
Argued with every stubborn constant

٨. كرُّ الشهورِ واختلافُ الأَحْوَالْ
جَادَلَ كلَّ مكفهِرٍ هَطَّالْ

9. My glittering one of the shining light flowed
You reminded us of the days of youth and vigor

٩. وَشَعْشَعَانيُّ الوميضِ جَلْجَالْ
ذَكَرتَنا عهدَ الشَّبابِ والحَالْ

10. And the forgetfulness of gentle beloved ones
They are gone and I did not inform them of deeds

١٠. وعُنجهياتِ لَداتٍ اغفَالْ
بانُوا ولم أُخبرُهم بالأفعَالْ

11. And their aid with the sword not just words
And the regrets that cut short the lifespans

١١. ونَصرُهمُ بالسَّيفِ غيرِ الأَقْوَالْ
وآسفٍ يقطَعُ عمرَ الآجَالْ

12. And the stalwart youth rendered frail
I warned them before the omens and foretelling

١٢. وفتيةٍ من السِّلاحِ أعْطَالْ
نَبهتُهم قبلَ العُطاسِ والفَالْ

13. So each tricky deceiver stood up
As if he were the splitting chest of swords

١٣. فقامَ كلُّ وَشْوشِيٍ مُحْتَالْ
كأَنَّهُ صدرُ الحُسامِ القَصَّالْ

14. No blinking came to his mind
He wipes my shoulder - a drawn sword

١٤. لم يخطرِ الغُمض لهُ على بَالْ
يَمْسَحُ عطْفي سَوذَنِيقٍ هَطَّالْ

15. On the heads at times and on the palms at others
Empty of hand - its edge busied

١٥. على الرؤوسِ مرةً والأكفَالْ
فارغُ كفٍّ طَرفُهُ في أشغَالْ

16. If the birds failed to arrive with burdens
He seeks them above and from afar

١٦. انْ عَدِمَ الطيرُ سَطَا بالأوعَالْ
يطلُبها من أَسفلٍ ومن عَالْ

17. The fool acts and he is the lowest of the low
And all who has legs dressed in pants

١٧. فعل الغبيِّ وهو زَوْلُ الأَزوالْ
وكل كاسي السَّاقِ حالي السِّرْبَالْ

18. My death has aged and the arms of lifespans short
When the Turk of horrible tribulations sees him

١٨. شَبا المنون وسِلاحُ الآجالْ
طغرنُها التركي هولُ الأَهوَالْ

19. With his deadly net
He brings tidings to his grandfather of attacks

١٩. اذا رآه ذو الشباكِ المُغْتَالْ
بَشَّرَ بؤسَ جَدِّهِ بالاقبَالْ

20. And warns him of fetters and perils
The bashing of the noses and the smashing of the limbs

٢٠. وراعها من غَلَلٍ وأَغيَالْ
فُطسُ الأُنوفُ رَهَجَاتُ الأَوصَالْ

21. He sights a flock that approached for the belongings
So he picked out a hundred of them in succession

٢١. عاينَ سرباً قد دنتْ لأَسْمَالْ
فصَّلَ مِنها مائةً في مِنْوَالْ

22. He did not settle except for the last straggler
And he returned praised at noon and with spoils

٢٢. لم يَحْظَ الاَّ بالأَخيرِ الجَوَّالْ
وعادَ محمودَ الضحى والأَوصَالْ

23. He fixes the shame of the chests and the humbled
With it we have been enriched and spared

٢٣. يُصلحُ راء الصدرِ منه والدَّالْ
به غَنَينَا عن طِرادِ الآجَالْ

24. The cutting short of lifespans
And the daughters of the twisted brow and the tattoo maker

٢٤. وعن بناتِ أَعوجٍ والعُقَّالْ
يُثِرْنَ في آثارِهنَّ القَسْطَالْ

25. Who stir up their trails and brandings
And from the help of the roaming tattooed

٢٥. وعن مَعوناتِ السلوقي البتَّالْ
يتبعُها ما السَّمهري العَسَّالْ

26. Followed by the pustule and the one with Marks
The descent of floods and the sides of mountains

٢٦. هَبْطَ السُّيُولِ وثَنايا الأَجبَالْ