1. The caravan claimed, and the tales grew,
With liars, while glory is a better comrade.
١. زَعَمَ الركبُ والاحاديثُ تَنْمي
بالمَخَازي والمجدُ خيرُ أَلِيفِ
2. Indeed a group from 'Amir ate their neighbor
And sold their conscience for a job.
٢. اِنَّ جَبّاً من عامر أَكلوا الجَارَ
وباعوا دمارهم بالوَظِيفِ
3. They neither fought blame with excuse,
Nor felt ashamed of rebuke.
٣. لا هُمُ حاربوا الملامةَ بالعذ
رِ ولا استوحشُوا من التَّعنيفِ
4. By my life, were it not for minds,
The bodies of men would be no more than fabrics.
٤. ولعَمري لولا العُقُولُ لما كا
نتْ جُسومُ الرجالِ غيرَ طُرُوفِ
5. Where are your dreams, O Qays, which
Filled the expanse of its plains and friends?
٥. أَين عنكم أحلامُ قيسٍ وقد ضا
قَ بها ذرعُ شعبِها والحَلِيفِ
6. Be dignified whatever is said of the wise one's epoch,
And march on spears and swords!
٦. أَنِفوا ما يقالُ في عاقلِ العُص
مِ فَسالوا على القَنا والسُّيوفِ
7. Decrepitude and cowardice rode a noble youth
Who was content with his remaining days for shrouds.
٧. ركِبَ العجزَ والتواني فتىً عرْ
رَض باقي آجالها للحُتُوفِ
8. He neglected the limits of loyalty,
And neglected the rights of favors and honor.
٨. لا حدودَ الوفاءِ حاطَ ولم ير
عَ حقوقَ الانعامِ والتشَّريفِ
9. Of what use are the noses of the prestigious
Scenting them from the mustache of the frowning one?
٩. ما انتفاعُ الانوفِ بالشَّمَمِ المش
رفِ منها على الشفاهِ المنيفِ
10. A group who defiantly sniffed,
Yet their noses were always stuck up in the air!
١٠. مَعْشَرٌ شَمَّرَ المناخِرَ منهم
أَنِفٌ لم يَزَلُ لهم في الانوفِ