
O you who reproach me, and your reproach is separation

يا عاتبا وعتابه افراق

1. O you who reproach me, and your reproach is separation
Lovers do not reproach each other like this

١. يا عاتباً وعتابُه افْرَاقُ
ما هكذَا يَتَحَاسبُ العُشَّاقُ

2. I had hardly recognized the fault of the one I loved
Until I asked around, so I ceased to yearn

٢. ما كِدتُ اعرفُ عيبَ من احببتُهُ
حتى سلوتُ فصرتُ لا أَشْتَاقُ

3. And when passion subsided and desire faded
The hearts saw, though the eyes did not

٣. واذا افاقَ الوجدُ وأَندَمَلَ الهَوى
رأَتِ القلوبُ ولم ترَ الأَحدَاقُ

4. A drink of life with al-Mutayrah, heedless
Captivity and freedom did not make me forget it

٤. سَقياً لعيشٍ بالمَطِيْرَةِ غافِلٍ
لم ينسِنيهِ الأَسرُ والاطْلاقُ

5. And the theaters of glances amid gardens
Where their water murmurs gently

٥. ومسارحِ الالحاظ بينَ حَدائِقٍ
يستنُّ فيها ماؤُها الرَقْرَاقُ

6. And chambers whose shadows are whispers
And breaths of their winds are soft

٦. وهَواجرٍ اظلالُهنَّ صَفيقَةٌ
ونواسمٍ أَنفاسَهُنَّ رِقَاقُ

7. And on the branches, from the doves, are voices
Ringing in their slender necks

٧. وعلى الغُصونِ من الحَمامِ هواتفٌ
يَصْدَحْن في اعناقِها الاطْوَاقُ

8. I wonder at one whose horizons are narrow
While Syria is Syria and Iraq is Iraq

٨. عَجباً عجبتُ لمن تَضيقُ فِجاجُهُ
والشَّامُ شامٌ والعراقُ عِرَاقُ

9. A weak man sticks to his mat
The worst bed is incapacity and slackness

٩. طيَّانَ يلصقُ بالحَصِيْرِ حصيرَه
شرُّ المهادِ العَجزُ والامْلاقُ

10. Attempt great matters, and do not say
Glories and high ranks are allotted

١٠. حَاولْ جَسيماتٍ الامور ولا تَقُلْ
انَّ المحامدَ والعُلا أَرزَاقُ

11. And make your soul desire to be deficient
From a goal the seekers race to

١١. وارغبْ بنفسكَ أَنْ تكونَ مقصراً
عن غايةٍ فيها الطِلابُ سبَاقُ

12. Do not worry, for when your day comes
Its time, worrying will not avail

١٢. لا تَشفِقنَّ فانَّ يومكَ انْ أَتى
مِيْقَاتُهُ لم ينفعِ الاشفَاقُ

13. And if you cannot reach the abode of your enemy
And mix with him, mingling is harmony

١٣. واذا عَجَزْتَ عن العَدُوِّ فَدَارهِ
وامزج له انَّ المِزَاج وِفَاقُ

14. For fire and its opposite, water
Give produce, and its nature is burning

١٤. فالنارُ بالماءِ الذي هو ضِدُّهَا
تُعطِي النضاجَ وطبعُها الاحْرَاقُ

15. By my father and mother, of those who delighted
My sight among them, and eyes have taste

١٥. بأَبى وأُمى من حَلا في ناظرِي
من بَيْنَهِنَّ وللعيونِ مَذَاقُ

16. O you who makes excuses for himself by meeting us
Yearning passes, rigors ease

١٦. يا مَنْ يُعَلّلُ نفسَهُ بلقائِنا
يَفنى الحنينُ ويُذْهَلُ المُشَاقُ

17. If your last meeting and union with us
Was the day of parting, an embrace and clinging

١٧. لا كانَ آخِرَ عهدِكم ووصالِكم
يومَ التَّفرُّقِ وَقْفَةٌ وعِنَاقُ

18. Between me and you are lands whose people
Take staves as weapons, staves their armor

١٨. بينى وبينكم بلادٌ أهلُها
عُوذُ النِّعاجِ سِلاحُها الأَروَاقُ

19. There the substitutes for pleasures are like dolls
The blink of an eye, and the ewes, bleating

١٩. فيها البديلُ من الأوانس كالدُّمى
عينُ المها ومن النِّعَاجِ نِيَاقُ

20. I entertain them sullenly, their saddlebags
Their slippers, their arguments, babbling

٢٠. أُزجي بها قُلُصاً سُيُورُ رحالِها
ونِعَالِها وسِجَالِها ارباقُ

21. Familiar with them after the journey are villainous guides
Of the crooked family, and the honest, freed slaves

٢١. تعتادها بعدَ القيادِ سَلاهبٌ
من آل أَعوجَ والصريحِ عِتَاقُ

22. They roam with every misguidance in the wilderness
Their landmarks are traces, traces zigzagging

٢٢. يَرقُمنَ بالبيداءِ كلَّ مضلّةٍ
بسنابِكٍ آثارُهُنَّ حِقَاقُ

23. As if they are Indian swords
Drawn from their sheaths at dawn

٢٣. وعلى المَخَارم والصُوى من وَقْعِهَا
مُلُسُ الجَلامِدِ والحَصى افْلاَقُ

24. And I rode the ship after you, returning
My companions the anchors from its sides

٢٤. وكأَنهنَّ صَوارمٌ هِنديةٌ
يَسْتَلُّها من ليلهِ الاشْرَاقُ

25. I grew hopeful, seeking high dignity, and took cover
In the greatest who grows the aspirations

٢٥. وركبتُ بعدَكم السَّفينَ مُدَبِّراً
لي من نواتِئِهِ النَّبيطِ رفَاقُ

26. And I visit in the Abode of the Caliphate, an abode
For its Lord all the countries yearn

٢٦. أَنْمى الى شَرفِ الرجاءِ واحتمى
بأجلِّ من تُنمى بهِ الأعْرَاقُ

27. Aspirations cast us toward Him whom
The horizons aim for, to Him cast

٢٧. وأَزوُر في دارِ الخِلافةِ مَنْزلاً
كلُّ البلادِ لِرّبِّهِ رُسْتَاقُ

28. By the Powerful Bestower, the crises of our affair
Returned to their staffs

٢٨. تَرمى بنا الهِمَمُ العظامُ الى الذي
تَرمى اليهِ بأهلها الآفَاقُ

29. And God erased by it misguidance and blindness
And cured hearts filled with hypocrisy

٢٩. بالقادرِ المُعْطى أَزَمَّةَ أمرِنا
عادتْ الى عيدانِها الاورَاقُ

30. A king whom tents are too narrow for, his only
Shelters being the shades of wide spaces

٣٠. ومَحى الالهُ به الضَّلالةَ والعَمىَ
وشَفى قلوباً حَشْوُهُنَّ نِفَاقُ

31. His remoteness is feared, and his nearness formidable
His glance and attention are dreaded

٣١. ملك تضيقُ به الخيامُ فماله
الا ظِلالُ المُرهَفاتِ رُوَاقُ

32. In his grasp is the sword by which he gives life
And takes it, it is lethal and curing

٣٢. يُخْشَى تَباعُدُهُ ويُرهَبُ قُربُهُ
ويُهابُ منه اللحْظُ والاطْرَاقُ

33. O king whom the lifespans and provisions
Proceed according to his command

٣٣. في كفِّهِ السيفُ الذي يُحَيي به
ويُميتُ فهو السَمُّ والدِّرياقُ

34. After you thunder and lightning
And for you are the swords and spilled blood

٣٤. ياأيها الملكُ الذي عن أَمْرِهِ
تَتَصَرفُ الآجالُ والارْزَاقُ

35. And for you are prophethood, caliphate and guidance
All merits besides these are pretense

٣٥. بعداتكَ الارعادُ والابْرَاقُ
ولكَ الصَّوارمُ والدَّمُ المُهْرَاقُ

36. The citadels of the yellow-faced Byzantines were opened by might
And by the right hand of your grandfather strongholds unlock

٣٦. ولكَ النبوةُ والخِلافةُ والهُدَىٍ
كل الفضَائلِ غيرهنَّ دِقَاقُ

37. Give glad tidings to the Commander of the Faithful, for he
Is a moon that rose, and the full moon in it has set

٣٧. فُتحتْ ثغورُ بنى الأُصيفرِ عَنْوَةً
وبيمْنِ جَدِّك تُفتحُ الأغْلاقُ

38. After the countries were obstinate then submitted
The allegiance of the people of earth, though they differed

٣٨. أَبشرْ أَميرَ المؤمنينَ فانَّه
قمرٌ بدا والبدرُ فيه مُحَاقُ

39. Among them the tongues had no hope
Until your fluttering banner rose high

٣٩. من بعدِ ما عَنَتِ البلادُ وأَذْعَنَتْ
طاعاتُ أَهلِ الأَرضِ وهي شِقَاقُ

40. And those who hated you saw
That no sanctity or pact protected against you

٤٠. ما كانَ فيهم للاسنَّةِ مَطْمَعٌ
حتّى استَطارَ لواؤُكَ الخَفَّاقُ

41. They turned away with what the warrior turns with when defeated
But this was a trick, and that a bond

٤١. ورأى مساهمُك الكريهةَ أَنَّهُ
لم ينجُ منكَ تَوقُّرٌ ونِزَاقُ

42. As if those gazelles with their palms
Among them, that strife and contention

٤٢. ولَّوا بهم ما بالقَنا من أَفكَلٍ
لكنَّ ذا خببٌ وذاكَ وثاقُ

43. Their bowstrings attached to their necks
As if their strings are fetters, choking

٤٣. وكأنَّما تلكَ الظُّبى باكفِّهمْ
فيهم وذاكَ النزاعُ والاغْرَاقُ

44. If they would listen to virtue, it would tell them
Fleeing battle is disgrace

٤٤. عَلِقَتْ باسهُمِها القِسيُّ كأَنما
أَوتارُها لرقابِهم أَرْهَاقُ

45. The ways of your Lord with an enemy when tyrannical
And blood in your palm continuously pouring

٤٥. لو يُنصتُونَ الى العلا قالتْ لهم
انَّ الفِرارَ من الحِمامِ ابَاقُ

46. And you aided a people, between their souls
No concord, the blood of hearts pulsating

٤٦. عاداتُ ربكَ في العدوِّ اذا طغَى
ودمٌ بكفكَ لا يَزالُ يُرَاقُ

47. Days of the sons of Daylam amongst them
A cup passed around brimming with trouble

٤٧. ونصرتَ قوماً ليس بينَ نفوسِهم
وفُواقها بدمِ القُلوبِ فَواقُ

48. By you, after its pillars of glory quaked
It stood firm, and the caliphate was supported

٤٨. ايامُ ابناءِ الديالمِ بينَهم
كأسٌ تُدارُ من المَنُونِ دِهَاقُ

49. If their opinion strayed, you are their meteor
Their pillar, if leaves withered

٤٩. بكَ بعد ما رجفت قواعدُ عزِّها
ثَبَتَتْ وقامتْ بالخلافةِ سَاقُ

50. And to you is their refuge, when adversity remains
Constricting them, and the pass narrowed

٥٠. انْ ضَلَّ رأيُهم فانتَ شِهابُهم
وثِمالُهم انْ عَزَّتِ الأورَاقُ

51. A glorious one guaranteed protection and sufficiency
In him are valor and excellent manners

٥١. واليكَ مفزعُهم اذا باقَتْهُمُ
بالشرِّ بائقةٌ وضاقَ خِنَاقُ

52. And He granted us sanctuary when sanctuary is booty
Going ahead with pride, preceding

٥٢. ضَمِنَ الحمايةَ والكفايةَ ماجدٌ
فيهِ الشجاعةُ والندى اخلاقُ

53. One who has violated oaths with them
Kept safe, as well as pact and covenant

٥٣. وأجَارنا حينَ الجوارُ غنيمةٌ
ماضٍ على غلوائِه سَبَّاقُ

54. The ropes of his gifts were tied to his loyalty
And by the like let hopes be suspended

٥٤. مَنْ عنده الذِممُ المضاعةُ عندَهم
محفوظةٌ والعَهدُ والميثَاقُ

55. One inferior to me criticizes me
But pearl is not shamed by perforation

٥٥. وُصِلَتْ حبالُ عَطائِهِ بوفائِهِ
وبمثلها فليعلَق العلاقُ

56. I have only that it be said, 'zeal
Preceded the flies of the sword, unbearable'

٥٦. يعتاضُ من قدرى بما هو دونهِ
والدر ليس يشينُه الانفاقُ

57. I am not reassured, nor do I yearn for passion
And for every living being in life there is an aim

٥٧. ما فيَّ الاَّ أَنْ يقالَ حميةٌ
سَبَقَتْ ذُبابَ السيفِ ليس تُطاقُ

58. And I live on the affliction which if it were
Tears, the deep valleys would not be watered

٥٨. لا أَطمئِنُ ولا أَتوقُ الى هَوىً
ولكل حَيٍّ في الحياةِ مَتَاقُ

59. And lack of dirhams increases my chastity
For dirhams, necks are struck

٥٩. واعيش بالبَلَلِ الذي لو أَنَّهُ
دَمْعٌ لما رَويَتْ بهِ الآمَاقُ