1. I sent away my joys and bade farewell to delight,
The day she left amidst the uncertain throng.
١. بعتُ أَفراحى وَودَّعتُ الجَذَلْ
يومَ راحَتْ في الخَليطِ المُحْتَملْ
2. A singing gazelle, pure of heart,
Yet fate's noose fell upon her neck.
٢. ظَبيةٌ غَنَّاءُ فيهَا وَلَهٌ
وقعَ الحَبلُ عليها فَنَصَلْ
3. She appeared from the side of the tent to us,
In the first light of dawn that unveiled the meadows.
٣. طَلَعَتْ من جانبِ الخِدْرِ لنا
في بُدُورٍ كَشَفَتْهُنَّ الكِلَلْ
4. What eye shall see her after us?
Would that I possess the protected attributes!
٤. أَيُّ عينٍ بَعْدَنَا تْبصرُهَا
ليتني أملِكُ الحَاظَ المُقَلْ
5. I have interpreted the dreams of adversity,
And for a time excused myself with pretexts.
٥. قد تأولتُ مناماتِ الكَرَى
وتعللتُ زماناً بالعِلَلْ
6. I concealed love until it reproached me,
And when disease is hidden, it kills.
٦. وكتمتُ الحُبَّ حتى شَنفَّنِى
واذا ما كُتِمَ الداءُ قَتَلْ
7. Fate laughed and bared its gaping mouth,
With the splendor of everlasting dominion.
٧. ضَحِكَ الدهرُ وأَبدى ثَغْرَهُ
ببهاءِ الدولةِ المَلْكِ الأَجَلْ
8. With a youth, from whom doom cannot be escaped,
And upon whom opinion descended.
٨. بِفَتىً لا تَتَخَطَّاهُ المُنَى
وقفَ الظنُّ عليه فَنَزَلْ
9. Your great cunning has sufficiently helped you,
The talk of youth, an insightful lad.
٩. قد كفاكم جُلَّ تدبيركُمُ
حَدَثُ السنِّ لبيبُ مُقْتَبَلْ
10. Age yielded to the broker of doom,
And languor slipped from him like trousers.
١٠. وهبَ العَجْزَ لسمَّارِ المُنى
وَنَضَا عنه سَرابيلَ الكَسَلْ
11. No act of a day is hoped for tomorrow,
And when resolved to act, he acted.
١١. ليس يُرجى فعلَ يومٍ لِغَدٍ
واذا ما همَّ بالأَمرِ فَعَلْ
12. O son, whose attainment encompassed all people,
And by whom the example among mankind was set.
١٢. يا ابنَ من نائِلُهُ عمَّ الوَرى
وبهِ يُضْرَبُ في الناسِ المَثَلْ
13. Rulership bears a tremendous burden,
Few among the people can carry it sparingly.
١٣. انَّ للامرةِ ثِقْلاً فادِحاً
قلَّ من يَحْمِلُه في الناسِ قَلْ
14. Spare your eyes the evils of fate,
And leave sleep to the ladies of the tents.
١٤. مَنِّ عينيكَ عُلالاتِ الكَرَى
ودعِ النومَ لرباتِ الحَجَلْ
15. Make wisdom the ally of the youth,
For with glory, the hero is given.
١٥. واجعل الحزمَ ظَهيراً للفَتَى
فمنَ العِزَّةِ ما يُؤتى البَطَلْ
16. Do not separate the warrior between them,
For they both give aid in attaining hope.
١٦. لا تُفرقْ جَاهِداً بينهمَا
فَهُمَا العونُ على نيلِ الأَملْ
17. The embellished words and fabricated ruses of enemies,
Cannot dissuade you.
١٧. ليسَ ينهى عنكَ أَطماعَ العِدَى
زُخرفُ القولِ وتلفِيقُ الحِيَلْ
18. Without bringing near a swimming courser,
That carries intention like the eternal lord.
١٨. دونَ تَقرِيبِ طمِرٍّ سابحٍ
يكْفِتُ المشيةَ كالسِّيدِ الأَزلْ
19. And a blade like the lamp of darkness,
That adorned the sides of a straight spear.
١٩. وسنانٍ مثل مصباحِ الدجى
زانَ أَعطافَ قضيبٍ مُعْتَدلْ
20. The tip of the spear is effective with it,
Like what modesty does to the cheek.
٢٠. ثُغرةُ القِرنِ به فاعلةٌ
مِثْل ما يفعلُ بالخَدِّ الخَجَلْ
21. He who carries it, fears no injustice,
Sense was bound to the edges of the sword.
٢١. لا يَخَافُ الضيمَ من يَحْمِلُهُ
عُقِلَ العِزُّ بأَطرافِ الأَسَلْ
22. O most deserving of victory, he who
Presented justice and lowered himself.
٢٢. يا أَحقَّ الناسِ بالنصرِ وَمَنْ
عَرضَ الانصافَ منه وَبَزَلْ
23. You left the sun behind as compensation for us,
In your place, yet is there any substitute for you?
٢٣. قد تركتَ الشَّمسَ فينا عِوَضاً
بَدَلاً منكَ وهل منكَ بَدَلْ
24. May God return you to it unharmed,
And suffice us from the fears of your absence.
٢٤. رَدَّكَ اللهُ اليها سَالِماً
وكفانا فيكَ محذورَ الوَجَلْ